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Posts posted by peffy

  1. 3 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    Microsoft putting all their exclusive games on Windows 10 is a bold move and I respect them for that even though I don't see why they just don't use fucking Steam like everyone else does... lol


    The simple answer is, Microsoft makes more money if you buy the games from a store they own. If the game was sold on Steam, Valve would take that portion of revenue.


    3 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    Man this sounds really rough, I'm definitely feeling scared for square right now after listening to this podcast and easyallies's experience with the game over this weekend and Judges week.

    I have seen people from other gaming outlets say positive things, as well as mixed/negative things, about their time playing FF15. I'm not too worried, I expected this mixed reaction, and I will probably have a mixed reaction myself.




    ... the first two chapters never feel like a derivative work, with the core story and presentation leaning on the type of strong characterization and blockbuster graphics that have come to define Final Fantasy. You could almost picture director Hajime Tabata and his team spending the last few years playing other games and saying, “Hey, wouldn’t this be a great idea to put in Final Fantasy?” And, somehow, the unique sauce blends multiple flavors into a cohesive and ambitious vision of a modern RPG.




    All told, the preview session convinced me I'll want to dig into the final version which, as a non-fan, is a big deal. They finally did it. But there are two things I'm anxious about: whether or not consoles will be able to handle running Final Fantasy XV reasonably well, and what the open-world design will feel like after, say, 25 hours (will it become a slog?). We probably won't know until September.


    Ars Technica:


    This sense of scale—of monsters and familiars alike becoming part of the game's sprawling environments—left me feeling the same way I felt the first time I saw Final Fantasy VI's "Mode 7" effects spin a giant new world in front of me on the Super Nintendo. There may be quirks, bugs, and an uneven battle system, but there will also certainly be an enormous, lore- and monster-loaded world in Final Fantasy XV whenever it launches. As an admitted Final Fantasy hater in recent years, I am shocked at how much I anticipate grappling with the best and worst of FFXV.


  2. Reflecting on the Microsoft press conference now, it seems really weird. It was basically like this.


    1) HEY GUYS! Here's a beautiful tiny white box we're calling Xbox One S!! 40% smaller than Xbox One, and cheaper!!!!!

    2) Here's a bunch of games that will be available on both Xbox One AND Windows 10! No more Xbox exclusives, everything is cross-buy with W10!!

    3) By the way, next year we're releasing "Scorpio", the super powerful version of Xbox One that will make games on the One & the One S look kinda like shit!


    Just strange, from a marketing perspective. Here's a new version of our console, and here's the next version of the console that will blow away the version that we literally just announced, and oh by the way if you have a good PC you don't actually need to buy the consoles.





  3. 57 minutes ago, Original Saku said:

    VR is a love hate thing, you either are super pumped for it or you don't give two shits about it. I'm in the camp that understands it's importance for the future as a technology and a platform but still hold a skepticism at the current form of the tech.


    Agreed 100%. It's a very cool concept, but I'm pretty sure most games for it are like "play for an hour and never go back to it"


    57 minutes ago, Original Saku said:

    I knew that God of War was gonna be there, but that didn't prepare me for what was to come in that demo, so hype.... btw it's not a reboot, they said in an interview afterward that it's still in the same timeline and everything that happened in the previous game are still canon and that it's just been quite a few years have passed.


    Ah ok, so it's not a "reboot" in terms of story. But it's definitely very different gameplay-wise. At least, that's what I heard people saying. I've only played the first game. Also, they just titled it "God of War" which is the main reason I called it a reboot. I think they should at least stick a subtitle onto that name so there's less confusion..

  4. 1 hour ago, Flame-X said:

    Watching Sony's conference was like a breath of fresh air after that atrocious Ubishit's press. It seems that Ubishit marketing team and execs are totally outta touch with their key demographics, gamers. So much filler talk from that annoying host. They really need to trim the fat and get straight to the point.


    You leave Aisha Tyler alone! She got in some great jokes, like making fun of Ubisoft's Frenchiness, amidst all her bad jokes. This was probably her best performance as Ubi host. But I do agree that their conference as a whole was bloated and had way too much talking. I think they wanted to make a point of celebrating their 30th anniversary, especially as they face the threat of hostile takeover from Vivendi. Anyhow, I'm super psyched for South Park, that segment was far too long but the game itself seems great. Perfect timing for them to be poking fun at superhero movies. "Sneak the black guy into phase 3"  i was dying.


    7 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    there wasn't a single trailer that really felt like "uhhhh what the hell is this crap?" or "why are they showing the game off like this?"


    I got that feeling from the FF15 segment. The dubstep music was a mistake (especially when the orchestra was sitting RIGHT THERE), and the VR thing was very WTF. From what they showed at Microsoft & Sony's conferences, I actually got LESS excited to play the game. (but at the same time, I pre-ordered it because of Amazon's E3 promo so fuck me)


    7 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    Even Surprised me with a few and almost gave me a heart attack with one in particular.


    Care to share which games?


    I actually would've liked it if Sony had just a little more talking, it helps to segway the trailers. Besides, the conference was so short, they had room for it. For instance, it was very unclear to me where the VR segment ended. There were VR games and suddenly there was COD, but since I wasn't paying full attention, I thought COD was a VR game for a while. (or maybe they made it obvious when I wasn't looking?)

  5. More episode 8 thoughts. Maybe I wasn't as satisfied with this episode as I initially thought. Too many plot issues.




    - With all the skipped fight scenes, many people got the impression the showrunners were saving money for the upcoming epic battle.

    - Arya's entire story in this episode would've been much more plausible, and she would've looked less like an idiot at the end of last episode, if she'd noticed Waif at the last second and dodged, getting a less serious stab or cut (say, in the left arm or shoulder or something). She still could've run to the actress, gotten treated (more plausible that she'd know first aid, instead of treating multiple stomach stab wounds), and had her chase scene be far more believable. The whole thing makes me feel like the writers just wanted a dramatic cliffhanger. But as a consequence, they made Arya look dumb, like her "assassin" training was insufficient, and she's only alive due to a series of lucky breaks that allowed her to survive & lead the Waif into her hideout.

    - The Blackfish being so stubborn pissed me off. Why the hell would he commit "suicide by Lannister" by refusing to go with Brienne? "I could help my niece reclaim her castle, or just die here for no reason like a fucking idiot......... Fuck Sansa, fuck Winterfell, I'M A TULLY, I WAS BORN HERE AND I WILL DIE HERE."

    - Also, unless I'm misremembering it, what the hell was up with Edmure walking into Riverrun, looking directly at Blackfish, ignoring him, walking up to the ramparts, and THEN telling his men to "Find Blackfish". DUDE YOU WERE JUST LOOKING AT HIM WTF??????


    Aside from those problems, I really enjoyed the Hound & Brotherhood, Pod & Bronn, Brienne & Jamie, Jamie & Edmure, Cersei & Tommen, Tyrion & Missandei/Grey Worm scenes.


  6. Sony's conference was weird, they showed a lot of games but did very little talking, and it was fairly short. Really strange dubstep FF15 trailer, with some sort of VR portion where you play as Prompto shooting guns in first person??? Horizon looks really good, just don't know if I'd like it. Maybe I'll play Detroit. Zero interest in the zombie game Days Gone. .. oh yeah, Resident Evil 7 was announced, but I also don't care about that. Lol @ the Crash Bandicoot announcement.

    Maybe the weirdest thing was the God of War reboot, which almost looked like Souls/Bloodborne combat.. (but with QTEs?)

    No wait, the weirdest thing was the trailer for Kojima's new game.

    ...Vita got ZERO mentions :(

  7. 9 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Didn't The Last Guardian's copyright recently expire again or something? lmao


    I googled this for you, and the last time it expired was Feb 2015, which was 4 months before they re-announced it.


    9 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:


    ...... you can't be real lol

    God I was just listening to BOYFRIEND.


    Honestly I'm more excited for WWDC today. I needz a new Mac.


    Hopefully SE does well during their showing.


    Lol, BOY FRIEND was actually one of the songs I listened to, haha

    SE does not have a conference, but so far they have only shown a single boss battle in FF15 at the XBox show and it didn't look great... (a battle against Titan that was mostly Noctis poking ineffectively at Titan's hand.. it was weird)

  8. I'm shuffling my favourite Koda Kumi songs right now, getting HYPE for E3 press conferences today.

    Even though yesterday's EA & Bethesda announcements didn't appeal to me at all. Not surprising, since EA really focused on multiplayer (and, bizarrely, weed), and every Bethesda game was first-person.


    I'm most hopeful for a South Park showing at Ubisoft, and whatever Sony has up their sleeve. Hopefully not too much VR talk. (I don't see how they could possible top last year's fanboy-wish-fulfillment trio of FF7 Remake/Last Guardian/Shenmue)

  9. Caught the episode a little ... earlier than usual.. today.


    For once, I actually loved pretty much everything that happened in this episode. Lots of interesting character moments.




    Arya's storyline continues to annoy me. How convenient that

    A. Arya survives severe gut stabs (and possible infection from dunking herself into undoubtedly filthy water)
    B. Arya is able to make her way back to the actress
    C. The actress is, miraculously, skilled at patching up gut stab wounds and has poppy milk
    D. Arya recovers enough just in time to run away from the Waif in a ridiculous chase scene (Waif reminded me of the Terminator or some shit)
    E. Arya is able to defeat the Waif in a literal blind fight that we don't get to see
    F. Arya cuts off the Waif's face and brings it to the Hall of Faces and walks away from Jaqen calmly.. despite having re-opened her wounds during the chase.

    Sure it's awesome that Arya is so cool and has apparently become really good at running and fighting while blind, but my suspension of disbelief is being stretched reaaaaaal thin.


  10. Tommen's guaranteed to die before Cersei, if you believe that prophecy. I hope it's true.

    Lots of people say they were totally stunned and/or cried at the "Hold the Door" moment... I didn't feel a thing. Hodor was just Hodor, a tool to move Bran around. They should've tied Summer to the sled, he would've run faster than Meera.


    Side note, I've been half-watching The Tudors recently, and it's kind of funny how similar Natalie Dormer's characters are. Both are noble ladies who married the king due to their families wanting to increase their social standing, both are notorious for being schemers, both have secretly gay brothers.

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