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Posts posted by peffy

  1. 1 hour ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:

    The regular edition will have POPCORN MONSTER on it, according to Goemon's website.


    Actually it says both editions will include Popcorn Monster




    【初回限定盤】 GMCD-026A
    「ボクラノウタ」MUSIC CLIP +撮影密着ショット (¥2,500tax out)


    【通常盤】 GMCD-026B
    「ポップコーンモンスター」を含む全7曲収録曲(¥2,200tax out)



  2. 9 hours ago, beni said:

    I've just realized I really need to somehow play Dangarapan now, but it just has to be everything and on every console I don't have. x'D


    Danganronpa 1 & 2 are on Steam, which I assume you have access to?

    (by the way, I appreciate how neither you nor Original Saku can spell it correctly, lol)


    I completely forgot about Ace Attorney when I made my list. I played several of those and thought they were great. Too bad they aren't on Vita. Hotel Dusk is another one on DS that was pretty good. 


    I'd like to jump into Zero Time Dilemma soon, but I've COMPLETELY forgotten the plot of 999 and Virtue's Last Reward. X_X

    Will have to watch/read a plot summary before I play it..

  3. I pity people who think video games in general are for kids.

    Like those oblivious parents who bought GTA5 for their 10-year-olds.

    Or like those annoying older people who tell me I should "stop playing video games, grow up, look for a husband and have babies"

    (including various relatives, co-workers, and my former boss)

    fuck off, don't tell me what to do with my uterus

  4. 7 hours ago, seurong said:

    sorta of related, but at the same time not...and i wanted to post this somewhere lol

    this recent event with cs:go lotto made a lot of ppl question other youtubers' vids (about the sponsorship disclosure part) and seems like the media is onto everyone rn...they tried to go for pewdiepie and failed lol (even tried grouping him with the cs:go lotto youtubers)



    The media keeps mentioning Pewdiepie because the original FTC press release specifically names him. And this press release coincidentally came out right after the CSGO scandal began. If you look at my post right above yours, you will see that this WB scandal has been ongoing for 2 years.


    But yes, grouping him with the CSGO stuff doesn't really make sense, these are two fairly different situations. Pewdiepie himself is only guilty of not disclosing the deal with WB within the video itself. He DID mention it in the video description, but the FTC ruled that that was insufficient disclosure. In any case, I believe the FTC only has beef with WB, not with the Youtubers who accepted the deal.


    (sorry if any of that was mentioned in the video you linked. I can't watch it because I can't f'n stand that guy's videos, I've never been able to watch more than 30 seconds before I have to stop it)

  5. Fully agreeing with @Original Saku re: mobile gaming and the exploitative nature of microtransactions. (though I don't think it's that bad in this game, correct me if I'm wrong)


    Haven't tried Pokemon Go for myself, and never will, based on what I know about it.

    These two things rank very highly on my list of "things I hate the most"

    - Meeting and talking to new people (hell, I barely like talking to people I know. I'm a writer, not a speaker)

    - Sun/humidity/heat (walking around outside during this disgusting "feels like 40 degrees (104 F)" weather I have right now is just not going to happen)


    So, obviously I'm not the target audience, lol. Also, I've seen a lot of alarmist reports in the media about the dangers of being inattentive (or trespassing) while playing the game... including a very sad article by a black man saying that the game endangers his life because police will be suspicious of a black guy walking in circles in the same area. These reports are actually far more interesting to me than the actual game, hahaha.

  6. A long time ago.. maybe more than a year ago, I heard rumours about Youtube personalities taking money/gifts from companies to say positive things in their videos. .. I did some digging, and found out that these Shadow of Mordor 'bribes' were actually the rumours I remembered.


    It is especially interesting that Kotaku claims they received review copies without the contract YouTubers were required to agree to.



    It should be noted that most of this was handled by outside marketing firms on the YouTube side, while traditional games press like Kotaku went through Warner Bros. PR. We were offered no such terms and received both console and PC review copies of the game shortly before release. Moreover Kotaku does not accept any sort of deals like this, and our site ads are handled by a sales team that has nothing to do with editorial. In many cases, unfortunately, YouTubers don't have that privilege, instead being forced to juggle their own white-hot opinions in one hand and oftentimes fragile relationships with game companies in the other—a tenuous balance where dropping the ball on either side could shatter everything. Only the biggest YouTubers/networks tend to have separate teams that handle money stuff.


    It's pretty clear that, to marketers, bribing "social media influencers" has become far more important than bribing established gaming journalists/reviewers/websites.


    Anyway, I'm pretty shocked that Pewdiepie of all people has been caught doing this. You'd think he was rich enough just from his subscribers/plays alone. Though, based on the Kotaku article, it seems likely that it was the only way he could get a pre-release copy of the game, and he didn't think he was doing anything wrong because he is not a "reviewer" per se. I don't expect him to get any punishment for this. At most, a fine or a requirement to pull the related videos (or add blatant disclaimers to them)... not that it matters anymore, the game is 2 years old.


  7. I beat Yakuza 0.

    .....I'm sorry, I mean, I beat the hostess club mini-game in Yakuza 0. I probably spent 10 hours on it, lol. Finally got back to the actual story, and man that shit is getting intense. Pretty standard for a Yakuza game, though - myriad betrayals and plot twists, ridiculous violence, and a lot of talk about "manly" stuff and exploring concepts of loyalty and brotherhood. I always like to say that I feel 50% more manly while playing a Yakuza game (and I'm a girl. not the straightest of girls, but still a girl)


    So, what happened with Shovel Knight? I last reported that I had lost all desire to play it once I got to the boss rush, which I assume is the last thing to do before fighting the actual final boss. That game was holding my Vita hostage for weeks, because I can't save in the middle of a level, and I did not want to have to play that level again to get back to the boss rush. Well, I gave it one more shot, died again at the second boss (stupid one-hit-kill spikes), and just fucking gave up. I'm sure it's doable, I'm sure I could "git gud" and power through it, but I just don't have the will, and I want to play other things on Vita. I still enjoyed what I played of Shovel Knight, it is a great game, but I hate boss rushes.


    Now my Vita is being used for the otome romance visual novel Reine des Fleurs. I got it when it came out (August 2015), didn't play it until now. The main reason I wanted it was the art. It has the prettiest anime-style characters and environments I have ever seen. (Just google image search "Reine des Fleurs"). I'm still very early in the game, but the story seems serviceable so far. The dialogue, however, is filled with uncommon words that have me going to my dictionaries frequently. My main gripe is that the main character Violette is a really typical princess - young, sheltered, delicate. I'm way more interested in Ageha, who is the guide/teacher for my favourite guy, Leon. She likes drinking and she's got a lot of attitude - she's already beat the shit out of him more than once, and her costume is amazing. She stands out particularly because her costume is very Japanese, when most other characters are dressed in a more European style.


    (click to enlarge)

    Of course, she is totally my type. The sekushii oneechan (sexy older sister) character with the added bonus of being comically violent against men. <3 <3 <3

  8. @doombox Smash was probably one of the first rock albums I ever heard. My older brother had borrowed it from his friend. I don't remember any of the other songs, but "Come out and play" and "Self-esteem" are major classics in my book :) 


    The first music I ever bought.... man, it was a long time ago, but I want to say it was The Lion King Soundtrack.. on cassette.. lol


    As for Japanese music... I could not remember, so I searched through my old e-mails. I believe this was my first order.




    REDЯUM and BUGY CRAXONE are still two of my most favourite indie-ish bands. Sadly they don't seem to get much love around here.

    (Amazon would later tell me "Second Circle" was no longer available and cancelled it on me. I STILL WANT IT)

  9. 2 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    In my opinion it's just not worth getting involved and attached to these VK bands much less spend money on them when they could disband at the drop of a hat.


    Hmm. I just want to say that... it should not matter how long a band sticks around before disbanding. They make music, and deserve to be supported (financially and emotionally) by fans of their music.


    Suppose a hypothetical band releases one amazing masterpiece album that you loved so much that you bought it. You even saw them live. Then, they disband out of nowhere. Does that suddenly mean the album can't be enjoyed anymore? Does that mean you wasted your money? Do you wish that you never went to that concert?


    Music has no expiration date. People still enjoy music by artists who are long dead, let alone disbanded. Just because they are no longer alive/active, does not mean that you can't still enjoy what they produced. And, fear that a band could soon disband shouldn't discourage you from listening to their music.


    4 hours ago, finnthesubhuman said:

     if all of the bands I used to know have gone do I even like j-rock anymore? 


    If you still like the music by the bands you listed, you still like J-rock. You might not like any NEW J-rock, but the old J-rock will always be there for you if you want it.




    Sorry if any of that sounded really corny. And you know, all that is my opinion of how music should be enjoyed. If you want to insist on only listening to "new music" or "bands that are unlikely to disband", feel free, you do you.

  10. UsCYdtT.jpg


    - I don't think I'm actually friends with any of these people

    - It's really weird that it's zeroing in on those 3 artists, who are #1, #3, and #10 on my all-time artist chart.

    - That person called "Deleted User" is literally a deleted user...



    This was the first song that came to mind when the latest "MH Trade-off" was announced (Favourite songs to bump in the car). I never actually got around to participating, but I felt like putting this somewhere so maybe someone will listen to it. It's so smooth and mellow, with a simple chorus that's easy to sing along to, and I imagine it would be perfect for cruising down an empty country road.

  12. I'm mostly curious as to why people would gamble/spend that much money for some shitty paint on their virtual guns/knives...


    According to a PCGamer article from 2 months ago, the most expensive item is the M9 Bayonet: Crimson Web, ~$5900 (2360 keys)



    It's a knife. With some red paint splattered on it. ................ $5900.


    I spent like 3000 yen on some alternate outfits for Tales of Xillia and I regret it every day of my life. =_=

    But at least I got anime ladies in sexy outfits for that money. 


    Anyway, I can't really say much on the topic. I rarely use Steam, and I don't watch these types of Youtubers/Twitch streamers. Clearly they're doing something that's completely scummy, if not actually illegal, and they should be stopped. yep.


    by the way, found this screenshot of the dude logged in as "CSGOLOTTOBOT" while streaming... ?!?!?!


  13. Language > Artist > [Release Date] Album Name > [Track #] Song Name 


    for example

    Japanese > 12012 > [2009.03.11] mar maroon > 01 THE WORLD.mp3


    "Language" pertains more to the place of origin than the actual language in the lyrics. Like, a Japanese artist that only sings in English would still be in the Japanese folder. Any Western artist gets thrown into the English folder.

  14. I feel so stupid ><

    I previously mentioned how I was having a tough time with the combat in Yakuza 0, because when I played as Majima the enemies were ridiculously aggressive and would never stop attacking me/knocking me down. I JUST realized that I had equipped an item (something like "Charisma Book") because it had good stats, but I didn't read the description. It actually increases the encounter rate and makes enemies reeeeally want to smash your face in. So, I took that off and it's back to smooth sailing.


    But now I've been completely distracted by the Hostess Club mini-game. Majima becomes the manager of the club and you have to scout girls, train/dress up the "special' ones, and play a simulation where customers come in and you match them with a girl and do a bit of service, like interpreting hand signals to bring ice/towels/cups, and thanking the customer when their time is up. I'm so addicted to it.


    ...by the way, one of the "girls" you recruit is an old grandma with purple hair. Her special ability is "endless talking". T_T


  15. I remember the first time I played a Silent Hill. Around 16 years ago, I bought a modded PS1 and a stack of bootleg games. Me & a friend were digging through the games and had no idea what most of them were. We randomly picked up Silent Hill and booted it up. So I was walking around some deserted foggy place for a few minutes, and thinking "god this is boring", and then out of nowhere some crazy dogs (or maybe giant birds?) jumped out of the fog and killed me. We freaked out and immediately shut the game off.

    And that was the last time I played a Silent Hill.

  16. Response to doombox:




    1 hour ago, doombox said:

    Does anyone else think Sam is in the perfect place to learn how to and be the one who makes "Lightbringer" out of Heartsbane?

    Don't know if it'll be that specific thing, but Sam HAS to be in that library for a reason. He'll discover something that will be used to defeat the Night King. Otherwise I don't know why they're wasting time on his story at all. ... hmm, if it is the sword, will he be forced to kill Gilly? Sacrifice the baby? That'd be entertaining..


    2 hours ago, doombox said:

    I still think Jon would be the best one if she chooses or a union that helps against he army of the dead.


    Logical, perhaps, and I've seen other people speculate the same. But an aunt marrying her nephew seems weird. Even weirder than a brother/sister marriage. (Though, in this case, there isn't much age difference). But I don't know who else Dany could marry, there's a serious shortage of male royalty. How about an alliance with Lord of Light followers? Thoros of Myr! Yeaaaaah!


    2 hours ago, doombox said:

    Her sept fire could set off a chain reaction...


    Hmm, it's a possibility, but it would be kind of anti-climactic. Season 7 opens with Jaime arguing with Cersei and then oops kaboom? Naah. Would be way more dramatic if she pisses herself at the sight of Dany's dragons and armies and decides to just blow everything up as soon as Dany reaches the Iron Throne. 





    Response to CAT5:



    4 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    I IMMEDIATELY noticed the music and that it was quite peculiar for Game of Thrones.


    Yep, I normally don't pay much attention to the music because I'm so focused on the dialogue. But when it started with just the piano and built up slowly, I really took note and it added immensely to the scene.


    4 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    I KNEW the situation in King's Landing had been a powder keg, but I didn't know it was one LITERALLY!


    I thought you were cleverly alluding to the wildfire back when you first called it a powder keg, that's why I responded with the wink wink nudge nudge. In another forum, people noted that Bran saw a wildfire explosion in one of his visions, and Tyrion mentioned recently (was it episode 9?) that there was wildfire under the city. It was pretty heavily telegraphed.


    4 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    Arya...Congrats, she got Walder Frey - but baking a Frey-filled pie????


    I want to believe that she didn't actually cook the Freys into the pie, but she just said so to shock Walder. I feel like she just put that finger into a regular meat pie. I could be wrong, of course, and Arya really has become a total psychopath. I don't blame her for smiling while Walder died, but mincing up & baking human meat is like some Ramsay-level shit.

    Also, this scene was foreshadowed back in season 3. (not my find, it was pointed out in another forum) 




    4 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    Speaking of Cersei, it seems like whenever she gains some ground, she loses something. Not only did she lose Tommen, but I feel like she's probably lost whatever sanity she had left. Even the producers said that her kids where what grounded her and made her somewhat human, but now that they're gone, what could she possibly want? With her on the throne, I feel like King's Landing is in for even darker times.


    Yep, this is basically why I love her character so much. Totally conceited, driven by a lust for power but doesn't seem to have any purpose for it (aside from sadistic pleasure in defeating her enemies), loves her children but knows she's fated to see them die.. plus she's played by the perfect actress. I do think that her story has come to a climax with her coronation, and it would be fitting if she met her tragic end at the hands of Jaime.



  17. episode 10 thoughts




    - YES CERSEI YES!!! That whole beginning sequence was beautiful. The way it was filmed, the way the music slowly built up, and the shit that happened. Pycelle getting brutally murdered, Lancel's desperate struggle, Margaery realizing they were all fucked but not being able to run away, the High Sparrow FINALLY getting what he deserved (thank the Seven), that smirk on Cersei's face, Tommen unceremoniously stepping out the window (I lol'ed)..

    - Jon Snow Targaryen, King in the North, blablabla. I don't care about Jon. I support the true Queen in the North. LYANNA MORMONT. Jon doesn't know wtf he's doing, he needs Lyanna as his badass hype-girl to make people respect/join him. If those idiots had any brains, they would make her the queen, with Jon as the captain of her army. Lyanna M has moved up to #3 favourite character status.

    - I completely forgot about Arya while watching this episode, so I was actually surprised when she showed up to give Walder Frey his dessert.

    - LOVED IT when Olenna told the Sand Snakes to STFU. 

    - Reached for my phone during Dany's scenes, sorry.

    - I suppose Melisandre is on the path to meeting Arya again, as she predicted so long ago.

    - So Cersei's on the Iron Throne now. It is not for nothing that she is my #2 favourite character. Though I expect her reign to be short-lived. 


    Nitpicky stuff:

    - I see Varys being on the ship has been mentioned already. I noticed it right away and it kind of took me out of the moment. Anyway, yeah, the passage of time is wonky in this series, whatever.

    - Not entirely sure why the kid didn't just cut Lancel's throat right away. Why give him even a tiny chance of stopping the wildfire from lighting up? It made for great tension, though. 

    - I feel like they should have made it more obvious who Jon's parents are. I was reading reactions in another forum and a bunch of people are like "wait, who are Jon's parents?" Granted, it was a bit hard to hear what Lyanna was saying. (never mind that some people think that Dany is Jon's cousin or half-sister)

    - Why is Cersei's hair still so short? Doesn't she want it to grow back long? Is this an attempt to make her more masculine? Is this an attempt to save money by not having to make new wigs of varying lengths? Cersei's glorious wig was my #1 favourite character. :( 





  18. 53 minutes ago, YuyoDrift said:

    ordered a PS VITA


    Welcome to VITA ISLAND. Home of the neglected and abused refugees of PlayStation fandom.

    (sorry, inside joke)

    And yeah, it needs proprietary memory cards, which are too expensive and probably one of the big reasons the Vita "failed". I continue to make do with an 8GB card cuz I'm too cheap.

    I'm really curious about what made you buy a Vita. Other than the sale price and a free copy of Persona. 

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