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Posts posted by peffy

  1. I find all the group Kpop dreadful. If I ever quit VK and go to Kpop, you have my permission to find me and kick me in the face.


    I don't like the sound of the Korean language but I do listen to a tiny number of Korean solo R&B artists because the beats and/or the singing are good.


    Mostly, I'm really salty that shit-tier Kpop got trendy in North America, so my dumbass Facebook friends post BIGBANG PVs and bond over them, while they ignore me when I talk about Japanese/Chinese music. 

    This was one of the reasons I quit Facebook. >:(

  2. 1 hour ago, Original Saku said:

    百鬼夜行 actually refers to the "Night Parade of One Hundred Demons" which is a popular concept in Japanese Folklore...




    that is most likely why they are wearing demon like costumes, makeup, etc.


    Yeah, I just looked it up in a dictionary, forgot to check Wiki.

    Probably has a common meaning, as an expression, while also referring to the folklore concept.


    It does make more sense that Kiryu is specifically using the folklore concept.

  3. They're supposed to be demons or something.


    The title of the album 百鬼夜行 is an expression that means "pandemonium", a word whose etymology is pan (all) + daemonium (evil spirts/demons)

    And if you interpret 百鬼夜行 literally, it means "hundred demons traveling at night"

    .. maybe


    I have a horn fetish, so I think this is Junji's best look ever. mmm. horns.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Flame-X said:

    Yes I'm mostly a PC gamer. Berseria looks promising but I'm gonna be cautiously optimistic.


    One thing I noticed  with the Tales franchise is that they have a terrible track record for memorable OSTs. There hasn't been a single Tales soundtrack that was worth the listen. Do any you guys feel the same? I'm curious to know. :|


    I don't remember anything from the Tales soundtracks. 

    I have heard that, for Zestiria, the composer was specifically asked to make a low-key soundtrack... maybe this is what happened to the other games.


  5. Never heard 88kasyo before this thread.. tried the previews but I found both songs to be irritating. The guitar playing is super obnoxious in a bad way.


    MEJIBRAY's discography is full of some mediocre repetitive shit, but they occasionally pull something amazing out of their collective ass. And if I were to judge solely on the samples given, I would still vote MEJIBRAY because Sadisgate & Sabbat are two of their best songs.


    (by the way, just because Meto is my avatar doesn't mean I'm a MEJI fangirl. He just conveniently posed next to a blank surface.)

  6. ^ Same for me. I had heard/downloaded a few anime themes casually, but the FLCL soundtrack was so amazing. It got me to investigate the pillows, which led me to some random people's websites that talked about their favourite Japanese bands, which spiraled into the all-consuming Japanese music obsession I have had since then.


    Other anime music that influenced me ..

    Noir OP - ALI PROJECT - Coppelia no hitsugi

    Noir ED - Arai Akino - Kirei na kanjou

    Cowboy Bebop soundtrack by The Seatbelts

    Samurai Champloo soundtrack by Nujabes, Fat Jon, FORCE OF NATURE, tsutchie

    Hellsing soundtrack by Ishii Yasushi, especially the OP Logos naki world

    Rurouni Kenshin - T.M.Revolution - HEART OF SWORD

    Rurouni Kenshin - SIAM SHADE - 1/3 no junjou na kanjou

    Inuyasha - Hamasaki Ayumi, Do As Infinity, BoA, Amuro Namie

    Nana - some songs by Anna Tsuchiya & OLIVIA


    ... I haven't watched any anime in the last 8 years or so. 


    But yeah, of course, having your song featured in an anime (or game, or movie) is great promotion. It gets your name out there and, if people like it, inspires them to check out your other music. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Flame-X said:

     locked 30fps and atrocious camera angles in the battle system. Both are very noticeable. When you see things move from a distance, the game sometimes skips frames on moving NPCs. 


    The frame rate never bothered me. (Then again, I played Witcher 3 on PS4 and just got amused when it dipped to ~15-20 fps) ..I guess you are playing on PC since you mention that it's locked?  But yes, the battle camera is really bad. I would be completely blinded because the camera got stuck on a door or wall (all I could see was a vibrating mess of glowy effects and some piece of the monster). And to make it worse, I would subconsciously move the right stick to fix it, but in battles that just gives commands to the other party members. Then I'd be like "Why aren't the other people attacking!!?" without realizing I had ordered them to defend.


    The good news is, it sounds like Berseria will return to having separate battle areas, so the camera problem won't be an issue.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Original Saku said:


    Wow. If that's true then damn... that is just scummy as shit.


    Yeah.. here, I found the original source.. it's from the Eurogamer article.



    McCormack was further incensed over a row over the box art for Fable 3.

    "They were going, you can't have a black person on the cover, and you can't have a woman. And you want a black woman. And I was like, yes, I do, because it's about be whatever hero you want. No. It's a white guy. That's just the way it is. We know what sells and that's fucking it. Stop the arguing. I was like, fuck you! That was a huge fight.

    "They said, what's the most unsuccessful Disney film? I was like, I don't know. They went, Princess and the Frog. Work it out. I was like fuck you, man. I hated it.

    "I was screaming at them in conference calls. I lost it at that point, because they just weren't getting the game. Especially because we were the first ever game that had gay marriage, we were about breaking down walls. It was meant to be funny and mature. They just took none of it and just did the usual white guy with a sword on the front. Damn it! You missed the point!"


  9. Just beat Tales of Zestiria. That was an exhausting experience. I was tired of playing it (some great characters, but everything else was varying degrees of shitty), so I ran through the final dungeon as fast as possible. The last boss managed to give me two game overs (yes, even on the easiest difficulty) until I looked up a strategy. Grrrr.


    I thought the story would make sense because I played in English (I think this is my first English Tales since the SNES Phantasia fansub) .. but no, there was just a lot of vague chatter about.. something like having to do things for the right reason, otherwise Sorey would be corrupted?? And I was totally confused by the ending, until I googled up some people's discussion of it. .. maybe I'm just getting too ADD to pay close attention to the dialogue & cutscenes.. (also, didn't help that it took me 7 weeks to finish it.. kept forgetting 'minor' details)

    Anyway, glad that's over with.


    But, oh no! I still have to play the Alisha DLC. =_=

  10. lollol @ the live videos. The whole band sounds kind of off, like they aren't in the same key as the background music.

    Please don't kick Chidzuru out, I REALLY like his voice when they fix it in the studio. hahaha.


    -15 minutes later-


    ...I just skimmed through some other videos of their lives.. to be honest I don't think he's completely horrible. He just sounded really tired/dead in that Anemone performance. .. or maybe I just have really low standards, because I expect 99% of VK lives to be shitty.


  11. ^ Yeah it would be nice to get some news discussion going, but I did try the same thing a few weeks ago and didn't get much response. Maybe if you do it, more people will pay attention :P 


    50 minutes ago, Original Saku said:

    I personally would like to see a price tag, but either way I don't know why someone would buy one of these over a PC especially if it's gonna cost upwards of 600 bucks or if you already have a regular PS4.


    I would be really shocked if the Neo cost more than $400 (USD). I just don't think anyone would spend that much on a console when the older version (which is supposed to be compatible with all the same games) is much cheaper. I would expect them to price Neo at $400 and have a price drop on PS4. Considering the limitation of being tied to PS4, along with improved technology getting cheaper, they could manufacture the Neo's hardware for the same original cost as the PS4. 


    57 minutes ago, Original Saku said:

    This shit is really just unbelievable, just another reason why Microsoft are a bunch of idiots


    Didn't see it in your quote, but I think the same guy told a story about how the studio wanted to put a black female on the cover, and Microsoft told them "Only white guys get on the cover. That's how it is." I just wanted to point out how frustrating that is, as an Asian female gamer.. The people in charge of big companies tend to think that the vast majority of gamers (in the US, I guess) are white males, so they have to target white males, so the protagonists of their games have to be white males. Of course I'm not saying that we need to stop having white male protagonists, but it would be nice if companies were more willing to take a "risk" and feature more diverse characters. (A similar problem occurs in Western music, TV, and movies as well)


    1 hour ago, Original Saku said:

    Good news for 360 and one owners... too bad Sony is lagging in this area, probably the only thing Microsoft is doing better right now tbh


    I know it has a 0.0000001% chance of happening, but I would be so happy if PS3 games became backwards compatible on PS4. I have sooooooo many PS3 games in my backlog, and I still have my PS3 hooked up, but why would I turn it on when I've got a PS4 to play?? (though I guess, even if PS4 had BC, I'd be like "why would I play those OLD games when I have so many NEW games?") Alas, the PS3 was just too different.

  12. Sorry, reviving this "old" thread cuz I saw it in the rotating banner and I love talking about myself.

    (too bad the images aren't working)


    I guess I'm a mixture of Casual x Expat x Hoarder x Shadow


    Casual cuz I don't really make an effort to find new artists to listen to.. I will stick to what I know, because I think I already download/buy too much music. The more artists I try out, the more money I end up spending... However, I don't think VK is "gay" at all, and anime doesn't affect what I listen to (because I've barely seen any anime in the past 10 years). Actually, not sure if I really fit this category, but I picked it cuz I don't give any shits about gossip, band interviews, reviews, lives, making-ofs... hell, I rarely even watch PVs.


    Expat cuz I almost never listen to anything Western anymore. But I'm not an extremist who says all Western music sucks.


    Hoarder cuz I have many gigabytes of downloads that I've never listened to (some more than 5 years old).. and I also fear poorly-tagged stuff. I HAVE to make sure everything is perfectly tagged before I listen/scrobble it, but I don't really have time to do that, so stuff just sits there.


    Shadow cuz I don't talk about my J-music obsession with most people IRL. The ones that know about it give me weird looks or ignore me, so I feel embarrassed by it.. I don't think that makes me "cool" at all, though. I do think I have an unpredictable music sense - my favourite songs span a pretty wide variety of genres, and I might hate an artist that sounds similar to one I like, for mysterious reasons.

  13. Having seen the universal praise for Uncharted 4, I've become convinced that I need to play it. I suck at shooters (and as a consequence, I don't like them very much), but I was able to get through stuff like Tomb Raider with minimal problems so I should be OK. But I want to play 1-3 first so I guess I'll pick up the collection.  .... by the time I get through those, Uncharted 4 will be down to $10 lol.

  14. The cat & owl look OK to me, but they just look like regular animals.. The water starter (seal?) is a crime against humanity. (I really really hate clowns).


    They must be running out of ideas by now. I haven't played Pokemon since Gold/Silver and I already thought there were too many.

    Original 151 for life!

  15. Heh, that D'espairsRay song is the only one I'm familiar with. I don't like many of their earlier releases, but that song is an exception, it is really good!


    I will go again, because I wanted to do it with my full library.


    1. 加藤ミリヤ - LALALA feat. 若旦那 (湘南乃風)

    2. 快進のICHIGEKI - サンキューバイバイ (acoustic version)


    4. R指定 - 包帯男

    5. 川田まみ - Going back to square one

    6. Awake - 革命⇒Eruizm

    7. 王菲 - 但願人長久

    8. 中田裕二 - スローモーション

    9. 陳小春 - 該我的愛

    10. ACIDMAN - swayed


    The two Chinese songs (7 and 9) are very nice ballads.. The ACIDMAN song is pretty good too, I think.. but I'm gonna go with AKFG.. I don't like many of their songs because they all kind of run together, but this song stands out because it was in an Ouendan game. Those were good times!


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