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Posts posted by peffy

  1. My upcoming MUST-PLAY game schedule for the rest of the year


    Aug 18 - Tales of Berseria (depending on impressions, might wait for price drop or English release)

    Aug 30 - Project Diva X (wait for price drop?)

    Sep 30 - FF 15 (pre-ordered, will play ASAP)

    Oct 11 - Dragon Quest Builders (will wait for price drop)

    Oct 25 - World of FF (pre-ordered, might cancel and wait for price drop)

    Dec 6 - South Park (pre-ordered, will play ASAP)

    Dec 8 - Yakuza 6 (tempting, but I need extended breaks between Yakuza games and I still have to play Kiwami...)


    in between all of that, there's my massive backlog staring at me and making me feel guilty

    why did you buy us if you won't play us



  2. 22 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    I was active on slsk around from 2006-2007 mostly, but usually in JMR. I think there may have been a Japanese indie or general Japanese music room too.


    I've been racking my brain since you posted this, but I can't remember the name of the chat room I frequented. It was definitely Japanese themed, but I think it was smaller than the main rooms. This was prob around 2004-2006. I went by either peffy or peff. I spent A LOT of time in there, and was probably one of the more well-known/popular people in that room... so if I never spoke directly with you, you may have spoken to my old friends ^^


    23 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    Do you have any favorite songs or releases by them?


    "One More Bourbon" is easily my fave Port of Notes song. Admittedly I never got way into any of their other songs.

    I really really loved Miyuki's album Reflection, and her cover/collab album わたしのうた

    As for EGO-WRAPPIN', my faves would be .. あしながのサルヴァドール, 憐れみのプレリュード, 色彩のブルース, 老いぼれ犬のセレナーデ

    Man I should really spend more time listening to these artists, I've been neglecting them =_=

  3. 12 minutes ago, beni said:

    DL seems to be damn popular too, so I've really been taken aback from hearing its content. :/ Wasn't expecting that at all. Honestly just got Twilight impressions from pics/vids, lmao.


    Hmm, I suppose it gets more Twilight-ish towards the end of each character arc (if you get the good ending). Can't really say, because I haven't seen/read anything of Twilight, but I'm guessing it's super romantic and ... sparkly. 

    But yeah.. before it gets romantic, the heroine has a REALLY rough time. She gets her blood sucked from basically everywhere on her body (often to the point of passing out or getting ill from anemia), kissed against her will, put into embarrassing situations in public, verbally abused, and forcibly confined. Eventually she gets used to this treatment and somehow makes the vampire love her (because she's soooo sweet and innocent and supportive and caring and insert stereotypical anime girl trait).


  4. Wow, right after I decide I will buy all their new releases. *puts money back in wallet*

    Such a shame. I felt that they were steadily improving.


    I will paste his blog post here, in case it disappears later.




    2016-07-28 16:05:00NEW ! 















    Interestingly, he mentions that he was "hospitalized for depression", I don't know if that was known before.

    He takes full responsibility & blame for not appearing at lives.

  5. On 7/26/2016 at 2:30 PM, beni said:

    My one other problem is... WHY ISN'T ORION AVAILABLE FOR SOME ROMANCING!? Pfffff.


    Orion looks a bit too young for me ^^;;;

    However, there's an older version of him in Amnesia World who looks pretty. "Nova". Can't remember a damned thing about the story though. Including whether or not he was a romance option...  


    On 7/26/2016 at 2:30 PM, beni said:

    Now I want to try out Diabolik Lovers due to the art. *sighs* Where's our release!?


    I suffered through played 3 of those games... (well, I skipped through the storylines of the guys I wasn't interested in.) Those games are... hmm.. recommended if you are a total masochist.. which I'm not.. so I mostly found the heroine irritating and was constantly shocked as to how she could fall in love with these guys, aside from the fact that most of them are really pretty. She gets nicknames like Chichinashi (No-Breasts/Flat Chest), Bitch-chan, Mesubuta (female pig). Most of the games consist of reading short scenarios that are basically about the various ways she gets sexually assaulted (never mind that she's only supposed to be 17). There's also a mild undertone of incest. Anyway, if you MUST play, I'd recommend only the first game, cuz the rest of them add too many characters and have a way crappier main storyline.

  6. Ah well, most opinions I've heard seem to match what I'm thinking re: competing directly with PS4/XB1. They're not making a dedicated home console. It looks like they're banking on their domination of the handheld market by making a device that is, first and foremost, a handheld, and including the dock as a way of letting people play on their TVs if they want to. The biggest benefit of the NX is that Nintendo no longer has to split their games between two systems.


    Even if the dock provides more power, there is a huge issue with getting console games ported to the NX - the added complexity of programming games to run on NX's probably-underpowered non-x86 handheld, and then having to code them to take advantage of the dock's power so they run better. From a developer standpoint, it doesn't look like work that's worth doing... Some of them were already complaining about having to accommodate Neo & Scorpio, which is theoretically way easier than coding for NX.


    However, I can see a future where a lot of Japanese devs support PS4 and NX, leaving out XB1 entirely... or maybe even just going full NX. The 3DS has so many monster exclusive IPs that would probably show up as NX exclusives. Nintendo can rest easy by relying on those games without ever worrying about getting the latest GTA, COD, FF etc etc.


    Anyway, yes, all based on rumours (although these are pretty credible rumours). But, interesting to think about.

  7. 1 hour ago, Original Saku said:

    Android OS!


    But the Eurogamer article says


    Another source said the system would run on a new operating system from Nintendo. It won't, contrary to some earlier rumours, simply run on Android.

    so, it sounds like you won't get your easily-modded OS future... (unless this particular source is wrong)


    2 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    will it be able to compete with the PS4 and X1. I can see it now, the backlash if this system comes out and it's not better looking than consoles that came out 4 years ago


    Yeah, it seems unlikely a Tegra can produce graphics comparable to PS4/XB1. As I understand it, Tegra chips are designed for mobile devices, which means balancing pure power with conserving battery life. And the current Tegra is, apparently, 1/3 as powerful as the PS4. But yeah, it is possible that the "dock" will provide extra graphical power.


    In any case, it would make sense if Nintendo just continued doing what it ended up doing in this gen.. forgoing the AAA third-party console space almost entirely, and just relying on their first-party/exclusive games. As the Wii U has proven, they can still make amazing-looking, high quality games without the raw power of the other consoles. As for the portable side, the Vita is 5 years old and, sadly, a non-factor, so Nintendo only has to compete with smartphones... then again, they have Pokemon Go and whatever other future mobile games, so they're not really...competing...

  8. 15 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    I swear from the things you've posted that I've probably seen you around some jpop forum back in the day!


    Haha, that's not likely... the only other music forum I ever joined/read/posted in was Kyo Music City, and that was primarily a download site.

    I don't remember where I learned about Port of Notes/Miyuki and EGO-WRAPPIN'.. when I was getting into Japanese music I found a couple of small websites by J music fans dedicated to their favourite music. Those two might've been mentioned in one of those websites. 


    ... oh actually, I used to chat a lot in a Soulseek chat room, got quite a few recommendations from people in there... not sure how I forgot that, lol


    I found Mayumi when I saw this Nintendo commercial on TV. Though it took me a long time to figure out who the artist was.



    Nikaido Kazumi seems really cool, I gotta make a note to check her stuff out!

  9. So there's been a big leak about Nintendo NX 





    Nintendo's upcoming NX will be a portable, handheld console with detachable controllers, a number of sources have confirmed to Eurogamer.

    On the move, NX will function as a high-powered handheld console with its own display. So far so normal - but here's the twist: we've heard the screen is bookended by two controller sections on either side, which can be attached or detached as required.

    Then, when you get home, the system can connect to your TV for gaming on the big screen.

    A base unit, or dock station, is used to connect the brain of the NX - within the controller - to display on your TV.


    So it's not REALLY a home console, it's a portable with the ability to hook up to a TV. This means hardware limitations, which I suppose indicates that they are once again not going to care much about third-party support or having the same AAA games as PS4/XB1.. ?

    Which is fine, if they want to focus on their core audience that is way into Nintendo's IPs & 3DS exclusives, which I presume would continue being exclusive to NX.


    (I was never going to buy an NX anyway, just posting this for information/discussion)

  10. Quackenbush is a hell of a name (he's Valve's lawyer)


    Also, I'm amused that one of the gambling sites is called csgoatse.com


    I shouldn't be amused by that


    Anyway, glad to see Valve trying to put a stop to this nonsense, even if they waited for a major shitstorm before acting.

  11. 6 hours ago, Original Saku said:


    You actually can use the PS4 controller with PS3, either by using a cable or with a bit more setup you can get it to work wireless through bluetooth... http://www.cinemablend.com/games/PS4-DualShock-4-Can-Become-Wireless-PS3-Controller-Here-How-Do-It-65034.html




    Hmm, Okami isn't listed as a compatible game, but it just might not've been tested.

    Anyway I would want to have vibration working, and it seems there might be issues with the PS button? I will just use the DS3 haha. Thanks though ^_^ 

  12. 1 hour ago, beni said:

    my full attention is on Amnesia: Memories for now. It wasn't what I expected, as the routes are selected right at the start of the game. It's made me realize I prefer the usual VN gamestyle. Characters didn't leave a good first impression on me, but by the end of it, their traits got the best of me. Only completed Shin's path, since I thought he was the most official (apart from that secret fifth guy). He's really grown on me and now, picking a different guy and not him makes me feel bad and upset. Didn't think I could actually like them like this. I did not ask for this!


    Man, I loved Shin. Easily the best choice in that game, but mostly because I thought all the other guys were either douchebags or boring.

    Well, Ikki was kind of ok in the end.

    The other thing that bothered me about the game was the backgrounds. I don't really get what they were going for with the.. monochrome. They look like concept drawings that they didn't have time to fully render.

  13. Alright, that's two votes for Okami so I'll play that next. The only issue is that it's on PS3 and I've gotten so used to the improvements in the PS4 (like suspend mode & better controller). Really REALLY wish that Sony could do backwards compatibility X_X


    I do already own all the games I put in that list, and I want to play all of them but it's just a matter of time.


    As for Neverwinter, it seems like a passable WoW clone. Though the graphics somehow don't look that much better than WoW. It's also got some framerate issues on PS4 but that doesn't bother me.

    The story is really confusing, I dunno maybe I'm supposed to read all those lore entries to make sense of it. But it's like, you make your character, then you just wake up on a beach because the boat you were on got shipwrecked (with no reason given as to why you were on a boat), and then somehow you end up helping some soldiers against some scary lady's undead monsters, then you make it to a big city and do quests. I feel like there's a lot of context that got lost somewhere... 

  14. K, I finally beat Yakuza 0 for real this time. 

    GOD DAMN. What a game. Easily my most favourite Yakuza game, and possibly one of my most favourite games of all time...

    I played it for more than 100 hours, which means I spent more time on it than Witcher 3 (without DLC), somehow.. well, probably has to do with the loads of text-only scenes and my slow reading speed. And I also spent a lot of time on some mini-games, whereas I ignored Gwent completely.


    Add it to the short list of games that have made me cry (as in, needing at least one tissue). I don't remember ever crying because of a game before I got my PS4, so maybe I've just gotten more sensitive in my 'old' age. For the record, that list is Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Life is Strange, and Yakuza 0.. and maybe Journey.. as far as I remember.


    I'm gonna fool around a bit in Neverwinter (PS4 version just came out and it's F2P).. if I don't get immediately addicted to it, I have a list of games that I've been wanting to get around to.

    So what should I play next?

    - Divinity: Original Sin

    - Batman Arkham Asylum

    - Darksiders

    - God of War 2 

    - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

    - Okami

    - Puppeteer


    The backlog is real... =_=

    If no one answers me, I guess I will flip coins to pick one.

  15. On 7/17/2016 at 9:31 PM, sairensu said:


    Yeah, it took me like twenty listens to start even somewhat liking the single lol it's just so different, and I'm not one for rap personally lol


    RAP, you say?

    Now I'm instantly more interested in listening to this single (which I have to do anyway because someone wants the lyrics). Can't compare to ANSIA cuz I never listened to them before.


    After listening to the rap in Gossip's latest single, and Pentagon's "Stupid", I realized that I like rap-VK a lot.  hahaha

    (maybe not surprising cuz a listened to a lot of hip hop in my youth)

  16. 7 hours ago, SEKHMET said:

    That is like these league of mothers who blames violent films for mass shootings and bullying when the actual problem is self control and the lack of compassion.

    Besides, each time someone opening this app they will see this load screen that blatantly asks its users to mind their surroundings.

    It is not the app faults that some people didn't heed the caution. As with many things in life, common sense is a staple.

    Only bad workman who always blames his tools.


    I know. I am only pointing out that the robbery stories are not fake (as Uglymouth thought).

    I am also pointing out that bad things have happened to people (or, people have done bad things) while they are playing the game. I am not blaming the game for it. Of course there is a warning at the start, but people have become so addicted that they are ignoring it. 


    Would that guy have crashed into the police car and injured 2 officers if the game didn't exist? No.

    Would those two men have walked off a cliff and hurt themselves if the game didn't exist? No.


    Beyond stupid people causing injuries to themselves and others, what about the nuisances?

    There was a story about a constant giant mob of people (numbering in the hundreds, possibly up to 1000) convening in a park in Australia (because there were 3 pokestops there, or something) that made so much noise at night, every night, that the residents of the surrounding apartment buildings had to call police to get rid of them.

    And also, places like the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC had to stop people from playing there.


    The game itself is what it is. It's fine if people use it properly, but some people are not using it properly, and it has caused disturbances to many people. You cannot deny that fact. And suggesting that anybody criticizing the game is just a "hater" or "worst people ever" is silly. It has many shortcomings as an actual game, according to what I've heard from reviewers, journalists, and friends. It's entirely fair to discuss those shortcomings.


    I will just reiterate, I am not saying the game is necessarily at fault. Play it if you want to, I am not trying to stop you. I personally have never heard of a game having such a meteoric rise in popularity, and having so many articles written about incidents related to playing it (positive or negative), so I find all of this very fascinating and pretty funny on some level. 

  17. The "bad news" surrounding this game is absolutely not fake. This is a news article from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about the most infamous robbery. (and Wikipedia tells me it's a very reputable news source). Just search "Pokemon Go Robbery" on Google News and you will see a lot of articles about various robberies associated with the game. There is no way all of these are fake.


    Multiple police departments are tweeting PSAs about being distracted while playing the game. There are so many reports of people injuring or nearly injuring themselves (or other people) while playing. Yesterday's newspaper reported that some idiot backed his car right into a police cruiser, causing minor injuries to 2 police officers, because he was looking at the game. Another idiot actually drove his car right into a tree while hunting for Pokemon. Here's a report of two men walking themselves off a cliff.


    The dangers are real. The nuisance caused to bystanders is also real. Of course, the positive effects are also real. People getting motivation to go outside and walk and socialize a bit more? Sure, that's great for some people. However, it is completely legit to criticize the game for its lack of merits as an actual game, and for its harm to society.

  18. Rocklyric has posted it




    .. I'll copy and paste it here to make it easy for you



    干涸びる花は 握りしめれば バラバラになって 砕けていった 
    風に乗り舞っていく 見上げた空に 希望も光りも 何も無かった 何も

    歪んだ鳥籠 飼い慣らされ 一滴残さず 牙を剥いて 飲み干されていた
    心は壊れ それでも 僕は 君を愛した 
    闇を照らして 生きる意味さえ くれた君を


    歩いて来た時間の中で 伝えられたかな? この世界に
    あと少しだけ この夢の中で眠らせて

    終わりを告げる鐘の音が 無情に鳴り響く

    歩いて来た時間の中で 伝えられたかな? この世界に
    あと少しだけ この夢の中で眠らせて

    終わりと未来 見つめている 微かな意識で
    また何処かで会えるといいな ありがとう


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