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Posts posted by peffy

  1. 1 hour ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Can someone learn me about the Zodiac Job System? What is that?




    Basically, they changed the License Board system. Now you need to pick a permanent "job" for each character (i.e. White Mage, Archer, Knight), and each job has a unique license board.

    I've never played it myself, but the online consensus is that it's superior to the original game.

  2. 5 hours ago, Gaz said:


    it actually doesn't make sense at all reading thousands of previous books' pages and dropping at beginning of 5th book. i mean, this is pretty much on the same level as 4th book... 


    my personal books rating so far: AGoT < ADwD ~ AFfC < ACoK < ASoS


    I think how it went was..

    I bought a box set of the first 4 books (this was before the 5th came out in paperback). Read those 4 books.

    Then I binge-watched the first 3 seasons of the show and watched the 4th season "live".

    Then I got the 5th book but had trouble remembering what happened in the first 4 books, plus I got super bored reading about Tyrion's meal, so I gave up and decided to just focus on the show.

  3. I had no idea who Ian McShane was before this episode.. *shrug*

    Also, page 70 of book 5 was as far as I got in the books, so I'm not feeling any disappointment from that. Barely remember what I read.


    Episode 7 thoughts


    - Felt like a lot of time (too much?) was spent on giving the Hound some motivation to fuck up some fools. Good to see him back. I wonder if he'll end up fighting against the Mountain in Cersei's trial by combat. It's a popular theory, but I feel like it would be cliched as fuck.


    - I'm a huge fan of Lady Mormont. So adorable. I enjoyed seeing Jon & Sansa flail around trying to build an army, and it was interesting to hear the Glovers' reason for not joining them. Dumbass Robb and his "foreign whore". smh

    - Aryaaaa why didn't you hide after securing passage on the ship? As soon as I saw that old lady, I knew it was that annoying blonde girl.

    - Very happy that Bronn is back. Lol @ Edmure, poor guy.

    - Super annoyed that the High Sparrow got another "lengthy" scene, but it's good to know Margaery didn't drink the Kool-Aid. Nice to see Cersei & Jaime get knocked down a few pegs. I am still eagerly awaiting the death of the Sparrows... but if the Sparrows end up winning, I'm quitting the show and writing my own fan fiction.



    By the way, I highly doubt the writers are just following fan theories to write the story. GRRM has told them the plot outline for all the remaining books. Obviously they aren't going to follow the books 100% because nobody has the budget for that shit. If fan theories are turning out to be right, maybe it just means the plot has become a little bit predictable. (in any case, there's at least a million people thinking up theories, some of them are bound to be right)

  4. 2 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Edit: Shit I forgot to read Peffy's notes lol. Don't look at me! I'm ashamed!


    *icy death stare*


    1 hour ago, Kaye said:

    Also really happy with the dual audio. They should have done that with X/X-2 too (correct me if I'm wrong and they did but I just missed it).


    You are correct. I specifically imported the Japanese version because I did not want to deal with that English dub again.


    FF12's dub was actually not bad, as far as I remember.  It will be nice to have the option to switch back and forth.


    Here's the official English announcement @ Playstation Blog


    Official site


    - HD Remaster for PS4, 2017 (10th anniversary :o ... of the IZJS version)

    - based on Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System

    - up-resed backgrounds, characters, fonts, cutscenes

    - Higher quality audio, voices

    - Includes both Japanese and English voice

    - Includes both original and re-recorded BGM

    - High-speed mode

    - Auto saves

    - Shorter load times




    BALTHIER :wub:


    pls take vaan out of the game



  6. ^ Yeah, I get what you're saying. I was thinking specifically of stuff like The Exorcist, The Ring, Blair Witch Project, Poltergeist, etc etc. Stuff that was designed with the intent to disturb and scare the shit out of viewers. You would have to pay me a lot of money to watch those.

    I can deal with horror-comedy, but I wouldn't classify those as "horror". I even used to watch stuff like X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which certainly had horror elements but were never super scary.


  7. I went with action, thriller, and comedy. My favourite films would probably combine all 3 of those. 

    I like martial arts, explosions, car chases, spy shit, etc. Comic relief in between the action is greatly appreciated. 

    ... movies like Rush Hour, Bad Boys, and Deadpool are coming to mind.


    I cannot watch horror movies. I'm a little surprised it's in the lead.

    I'm not really scared of ghosts IRL, but if I watch a ghost movie (or whatever media) I will be creeped out by mirrors and dark places for daaaays.

    Here's an anecdote.. one night I was sitting in a Japanese hotel room by myself, and this variety show came on TV talking about (and showing!) demons/ghosts caught on film. Spent the next few days nervous about looking in the mirror. T_T


  8. I used the spoiler button!! Where did it go T_T


    Episode 6 thoughts


    I'm really disappointed with how Margaery's "walk of atonement" went. I caaaaan't staaaaaaand the High Sparrow and this whole religious army thing. (IRL I'm very anti-organized religion lol) I was reeeeally hoping we'd get some sparrow heads chopped off and served for dessert.  Now, I just really hope Margaery is playing along with the Sparrows so she can save Loras and get a better angle to destroy them. But the things she said to Tommen are making me nervous.

    That scene between Cersei and Jaime seemed like a bad omen. I feel like that will be their last romantic moment and one of them is going to die soon.

    Cool, Benjen's back and he's half-undead and he conveniently saved Bran. Great, can we see what happened in the Tower of Joy now? NOW?

    Really glad that Arya's story is finally moving along. She's spent far too many episodes "training". "Who are you?" "No one." "What's your name?" "A girl has no name." So repetitive!! And it turns out that she's not going to be the thing she was training to be? Well, at least the combat and poisons training will be useful, but I'm not sure how her expertise in washing dead bodies and denying that she has an identity is gonna help. 

    The segment about Sam & Gilly was waaaaaay too long and pretty boring. I can't figure out how these two will play a major role in the upcoming wars, aside from Sam acquiring the sword. Also, I don't trust that baby. There's pure evil in those eyes O_O


  9. My job requires internet for a lot of things. My hobbies (video games & lyrics) require internet, usually. I don't watch TV, I stream/download videos to watch. 

    .. I don't need internet when I'm sleeping, though. Sleep is more important than internet.



    27 minutes ago, paradoxal said:

    I think it's quite sad for us that the majority (42%, 11 votes) has voted for the most extreme option :lolita_sad:

    But at least we're online together... right?


    Given that we're users of a highly niche online forum, it's not surprising the results are skewing towards that end.

  10. ^ Yeah, I've beaten 3 bosses so far and didn't have that much trouble with them. Died a couple of times on the first boss cuz I was still getting used to the controls, and I had less health. Didn't die a single time on the 2nd and 3rd, which is .. maybe impressive, for me.




    I started up Yakuza 0 last night, and oh my GOD. Wowowow the battle system.. They completely replaced experience points with MONEY. Money is the one currency for upgrading & getting skills, as well as buying food/items/equipment. So the most hilarious part is that when you beat up an enemy, literal Japanese Yen bills/coins go flying out of them and you get that satisfying sound effect of clinking coins. It's ridiculous. It's amazing.


    Here's a bunch of examples of how it looks. Also, yeah the person who made the video has 1 TRILLION YEN. (entirely possible, because I made 10 million in the short time I played yesterday)


  11. New screenshots for Kingsglaive (the FFXV-related CG movie) are out.. holy crap it LOOKS amazing. Also, the characters look far more interesting than the main party of FFXV.


    Can I have this lady in my party please....? :wub:








    It looks too real o_o (well, at least the main characters look too real.. background characters look pretty fake)


    Lots more pictures here



  12. I finished King's Quest Chapter 1. Super charming and looked great.  I think I only got stuck once, when I needed to take a certain exit from a certain screen, but it looked like rocks blocking the path so I didn't realize there was an exit there. Also, the final part where you have to beat the computer at a chess-like game could be a major source of frustration. I beat it on my third try, mostly through dumb luck. 

    .. However I am pissed that they gave away this game (Chapter 1 only) for PS+ a few months ago, only to have it become totally free for everybody this month. Feels like I got ripped off a little bit. Not gonna buy the other chapters unless the season pass is severely discounted.


    Amplitude - It's a pretty cool rhythm game from the creators of Guitar Hero/Rock Band, and is pretty similar except there are no plastic instruments. Beat the campaign on Easy, will probably attempt harder difficulty and unlock more songs in between playing other games.


    Grim Fandango Remastered - This game is quite dated (especially with tank controls), and it takes FOREVERRRR to walk anywhere, but the dialogue and voice acting are still awesome (too bad I don't know Spanish, so some of those jokes fly over my head). There's a lot of obscure adventure game logic to the puzzles, so I'm playing with a walkthrough because otherwise it'd take me months to beat it, and I don't want to miss any trophies. Not ashamed to admit it.


    Shovel Knight - Playing on my Vita.. they really nailed the NES (or SNES?) retro feel. I'm a bit frustrated at how often I fall down holes and die because I misjudged how far I can jump, or some bullshit physics happened..  and the penalty for dying is pretty harsh in that situation. When you die, a portion of your gold becomes floating bags (at the place you died) that you need to grab, but if you die again before picking them up you lose them permanently. So I end up losing a LOT of gold because the bags are floating over the same pit-filled place I'm having trouble with..... Otherwise, I like what's going on.


    As for Tales of Zestiria... I'm probably halfway through the DLC but I gave up on it. The most frustrating thing about the game is not getting better equipment as you progress. You get lots of shitty drops but you have to study/abuse the AMAZINGLY CONVOLUTED "fusion" system to create better equipment. Sorry, I'm not going to read someone's TL;DR strategy for grinding out good drops and making decent weapons/armor. So as a result, I'm fairly underpowered and it's just not fun when normal enemies take so long to die ON EASY MODE. I made it through the main game because my levels were about 5-10 higher than the final boss, but in the DLC my level is equal to the enemies and I don't want to grind anymore.


  13. I have 6 piercings.. 3 in each ear, all in the lobe/upper lobe area.  Pretty boring, i guess. Got it done when I was in my mid 20s.

    Looks like this:


    I had wanted to get a cartilage piercing as well, but since I'm always too lazy to tie up my hair (and my ears don't stick out very much), nobody sees my piercings so I figured it wouldn't be worth it... T_T

  14. The DVD I'm trying to rip is from REIGN's [666] album.


    @colorfuljinsei So I tried ISODisk, and it didn't work at all. It told me it was finished after about 1 second, and the file size is 600 kb.. obviously, it errored out. I decided to try a different DVD.. tried Gossip's new single cuz it's still on my desk, and ISODisk ripped it perfectly. DVDFab also ripped it perfectly.


    So maybe there is some funky new encryption in REIGN's DVD that these programs can't deal with?? It does work perfectly fine if I play it straight from the disk, so it's not like I have a bad disk. 


    I tried to get DVD Shrink, but my browser(s) keep telling me it's an unsafe file. Seems like there's a virus going around with the same name. Decided not to risk it. Both DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink haven't been updated in 11 years.. if this DVD is using new encryption, it's not gonna work anyway.


    Thank you all for your suggestions tho!!

    If anyone else has suggestions please let me know, I will give them a shot.. 

  15. I've been reading a lot of discussion about that time travel thing. I can't wrap my head around it to explain properly, but people are saying something like Bran can only do things in the past that have "already" happened.  He caused Hodor to go Hodor in the past because it was something he'd already done in this timeline. He doesn't have the ability to go back and un-Hodor him, because that would change the timeline we're watching into a different one. So he can't go back and undo any past event.

    So if this is true, I don't think there will be any "manipulation" of the timeline. That said, I'm not a fan of this at all, but it's preferable to a storyline where Bran can go back and change whatever he wants.

  16. Sooo, I managed to do this ONCE, over a year ago, and completely forgot how I did it.

    I think I used a combination of DVDFab9 and ImgBurn.

    I need to rip another DVD now, but both of those programs are producing garbled messes. I also tried InfraRecorder but got the same result.


    ** I am NOT willing to pay for software, because I don't even watch these DVDs myself, I'm ripping because of a request. If there's no free solution, I'm just not going to share DVDs anymore.

  17. episode 5 thoughts. I have so many questions.



    - Jorah is a gross old man in love with a teenager (well, maybe she's early-20s in the show). I don't understand the shipping there. Hurry up and hack your own arm off, you simpering fool. (By the way, Shireen was proof that a 'cure' exists..)


    - The forest ladies are the idiots who created the White Walkers? gg. Evidently the WW don't listen to them, why did they make them if they can't control them? Also, why didn't they have a giant stash of obsidian weapons? Did they even know about it? Why didn't they tell Meera to use the obisidan? She looked surprised when she shattered the WW. 

    - Bran is an idiot who got everyone except Meera killed (RIP Summer..). Will be interesting to see how they escape. Disappointed we didn't see the Tower of Joy continuation.

    - Why did he and the Raven go back to watching the past when they knew the WW were coming? Especially to a scene that seemed inconsequential (Brandon leaving Winterfell?). And why was it so hard/impossible to wake up Bran? Felt like a contrivance so we could get the Hodor origin story.

    - I'm really bored by zombie hordes tho. Worst enemies/villains in any form of media.


    - Good on Sansa for rejecting Littlefinger. Good scene, but was disappointed with his lack of answers for why he gave her to Ramsay. Knowing that Sansa never married Ramsay in the books, it kind of looked like the show's writers didn't have a good reason for Littlefinger's "mistake". Or he just didn't want to tell her that he needed a Bolton alliance, which in the end, didn't seem to do him much good??

    - Lol @ Tormund & Brienne.

    - Still waiting to see actual consequences for Jon's resurrection, aside from him being "brooding". Only using it as an excuse to get him away from the Wall seems... lacking.


    - I liked the Greyjoy scenes. Theon regaining some backbone. Not sure how they managed to steal so many ships, or why so many soldiers would be willing to anger Euron by running away with Yara.


    - So much unnecessary nudity in that play scene. Why was "Sansa" walking around topless backstage? Why did we need a close-up of that penis? Also, Arya's hairstyle looked terrible.





    22 hours ago, Zeus said:

    I'm waiting for the moment that's supposed to throw doubt into Jaime's mind about the legitimacy of his children (he still doesn't know why Cersei was locked up). Once he starts wondering if his kids are his or Lancel's or someone else, he will be much less willing to fight for her.


    There's no way Lancel fathered any children with Cersei. He is much younger than her, as implied by the fact that he squired for Robert Baratheon (squires usually are young knights-in-training, plus, the actor is only 24 right now). He's probably only a few years older than Joffrey. I don't think there is supposed to be any doubt that Jaime fathered the kids. (but yes, it's possible Jaime wouldn't be sure)

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