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Posts posted by peffy

  1. Holy crap..

    Details have been revealed about the Witcher expansion Blood & Wine


    the full list is here, it's very long http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=203112526&postcount=1


    This stood out for me:


    Home Base:
    • Geralt gets his own motherfucking vineyard.
    • It’s called Corvo Bianco.
    • You can renovate it with large sums of money, the option I saw was for 5000 Orens.
    • You can add a greenhouse of sorts where you can grow herbs for all your witcher potion needs, an armourer’s table, a stable for Roach (with its own stat bonuses), upgrade your bed, renovated interior and exterior, secret lab, guest room.
    • Guest room where old friends will come to stay. They said the names Triss and Yennefer, but were reluctant to reveal the names of anyone else who might visit. Surprise Iorveth/Saskia visit?Unlikely
    • Scaffolding and workers will appear after you choose to build something. Each change takes a certain amount of in-game time to complete, but you can just meditate til everything’s done.
    • Can display your armour, weapons, paintings and books.
    • Some paintings can be bought, or specially made, others are obtained through quests.


    Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude if there's one thing I ABSOLUTELY love to do in a game, it's renovating and upgrading a home base. 

    oh my god.

    So happy I hoarded all my money in the main game, gonna splurge on this place!

    Now I feel bad that I haven't played Hearts of Stone because I was waiting for a sale. 


    Also, this:


    Can now dye armour. Dyes can be bought from a merchant, crafted or looted. Only obtainable in Toussaint. Pink is among the colours.



  2. While I don't think she is nearly as bad as some other stuff in this thread... I WILL ACCEPT ANY EXCUSE to post D[di:] music. I love her.


    This song is 13 years old ;_;  But she looks so pretty in the video. <3 




    And here's another lady who deserves a mention.. 香奈 (Kana)

    Except, I can't stand her. Maybe she could sing if somebody wrote a proper melody for her. Maybe.



  3. I know I really like "kiss o'kill", though I can't remember what it sounds like right now. Kind of feel like blasting some Ayumi classics now, lol. I did like what MEJIBRAY was going for with "Hiai", but I felt like it should've been twice as long.


    Currently at work, can't type Japanese. Shuffling my iPhone, which currently has a bunch of songs I liked that I haven't heard in a while.


    1. And - Suicidal dance

    2. Dolly - Ryuuseigun -Shooting Star-

    3. AYABIE - Paradise Paradox

    4. Sid - Rain

    5. amber gris - ugly crawler

    6. Wakeshima Kanon - Shoujo jikake no Libretto ~Storytelling by solita~

    7. DIAURA - Whiteness

    8. LM.C - Loud_Mucker_Complex

    9. And - Tokage

    10. D'espairsRay - MAZE


    As much as like some of those other songs, I'm going with MAZE. That TSUKASA drumming combined with .. something that sounds like a hand drum? I dunno. Drums are not typically my favourite instrument but I really loved how they were used in this song.

  4. episode 3 thoughts




    - i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY Olly is dead. Fucker killed my second-favourite character YGRITTE

    - Tyrion's "conversation" with Missandei and Grey Worm was pretty funny. I'm surprised it got into the episode.

    - As everyone thought, Jon's death was a way to get him out of the Night's Watch. Too predictable... ???

    - I instantly became a fan of this Umber dude, until he started giving intel to Ramsay. Or did Ramsay already know about the wildling army? I don't give two shits about Rickon & Osha. RIP Shaggydog tho. Or fake Shaggydog.

    - Very excited to learn more about Lyanna. Definitely sounded like she was having a baby. wink wink nudge nudge

    - Wake me up when Dany's scene is over. I hope Jorah accidentally infects her and she dies.

    - Ughhh hurry up and kill the High Sparrow.

    - Let's kill Tommen too, he's boring. I'd rather watch Margaery.




  5. For me, the vocalist is the most important. I can forgive an instrument player who is not quite perfect (if I even notice at all), but if the vocalist has a voice I don't like, or if they are off key in a bad way, or if their delivery is boring, etc, I just can't listen to the band at all.

    And if there's no vocalist, I'm not interested in the first place.


    I voted "unlisted" for least important, but my real answer is "it depends". Some bands could drop their bassist and you wouldn't even notice, while others heavily feature their bassist. Bands that have violinists should feature violin in most of their songs, otherwise why do they even have a violinist in their lineup?


    (By the way, if we wanna be grammar nazis, the question should probably be "most/least important MEMBER in a band", since the options are people's job titles..)

  6. I get super pissed every time I look at my profile and I see that SCAPEGOAT scrobbles have been auto-corrected to ScApegoat, which is THE WORST. But if you click on ScApegoat, you get auto-redirected to Scapegoat.



  7. I got my Platinum trophy for Severed.

    Started out totally in love with that game, but towards the end, the battles got a little more frustrating than I like. Almost quit. BUT I persevered and 'got good' and triumphed over the ugly eyeball monsters. My right finger, wrist, and forearm all hurt though. Too much fast rubbing of the Vita screen. I'm now relaxing with Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star... or I would be, if it didn't take the Vita 10 hours to download it.. 


    Fun fact:

    Severed game size = ~250 MB

    Hatoful Boyfriend game size = 1.5 GB + 1.5 GB patch???  it's a visual novel with zero animation or voice acting.. obvious dumb PSN problem here

  8. 48 minutes ago, Original Saku said:


    Just curious but why don't you like Persona? 


    Will refer back to an earlier post I made

    I would add that I was playing P4 Golden in English, which only had English voice acting, and I hated the voice acting. (To be fair, I hate almost every English-over-Japanese dub I've ever heard)

    I think I was mildly amused by some scenes, but that wasn't enough to get me to finish the game.


    On 3/24/2016 at 10:31 AM, peffy said:

    - As it turned out, I don't really like dungeon crawling all that much, so I didn't enjoy that aspect of the games.

    - I don't like time limits, so the highly structured school/social elements weren't that fun. I didn't like having to choose who to spend time with.

    - The vast amount of personas to collect/fuse/upgrade etc was too much, I don't like that level of management.

    - Can't say I was a big fan of any of the characters. Maybe I outgrew high school settings. I hated Chie, Teddy, Yosuke, and Nanako.

  9. 4 hours ago, Original Saku said:


    Also I called it, Persona will be competing with FFXV in the same release window... 




    Since you mentioned FFXV, I now remember how boring that game's UI looks.. especially in comparison to P5's UI. One makes me want to stab my eyes out, the other makes me want to sleep.




    Ahh, those soothing white/grey/blue tones..... zzzzzz


    The art style in P5 (i.e. character design) looks pretty good, it's a shame I don't like the series. I do wish FF games would stop trying to look hyper realistic and go for something more stylized like P5. ... having said that, I also wish people wouldn't compare the two series.. yeah they are both JRPGs but the "gameplay loop" is totally different. Too bad they are coming out so close to each other.

  10. I skimmed through that P5 gameplay video.. my first time seeing any P5 gameplay.

    Holy hell, that UI looks like a mess. Like the text for an action looking like "CHanCE!" with both black & white letters.. eh... looks way too busy, but I applaud them for making it look unique..

    Also, it's interesting to see some Catherine-like platforming, haha.

  11. brb burning my iphone


    Seriously, though, this kind of shit is inexcusable. Years ago I experienced something similar, but much less damaging, when I allowed Microsoft Windows Media Player to scan my mp3s. For some reason, it took all the album art named "folder.jpg" (which, at the time, was basically every piece of album art I had) and converted them into tiny hidden thumbnail pictures. 


    I also lost my entire music collection one time, due to some weird error (or maybe virus?) that caused Windows Disk Cleanup to delete every single file in my hard drive. ... so now I have an external backup drive.


    Anyway, if you still have to use iTunes, you should go check the options again and make sure everything related to Apple Music, iTunes Match, or iCloud is disabled. Also, it's worth doing this check everytime iTunes gets updated. You never know what kind of shit Apple is up to.

  12. 天井と管


    でも きっと届かないんだ
    叶わないこと 報われないこと
    そして あの娘のキスで呼吸がしたい」
    うんざりさ 甘い毒のような水
    許せないこと 壊したいこと 多すぎて
    理性をなくしても ただ生きていたい
    うんざりさ 黒いのような空


    I highlighted the stuff I'm not sure about..

    His singing is about as clear as his writing.


    Very sad song...

  13. On 5/2/2016 at 3:39 AM, nullmoon said:

    Just as food for thought, has anyone experienced the opposite? I have a friend who pretty much refuses to listen to Western music on the basis it pales in comparison to K-Pop and J-Rock. In a sense they're not wrong XD 


    That's me, sort of. I haven't liked listening to Western/English stuff for the past 12 years. I'm not going to go crazy and say "all Western music sucks, JROCK 4EVER!!!!!", it's just not what I prefer to listen to. I imagine it is the same for all my friends - they just prefer to listen to Western stuff. They can acknowledge that an Asian musician is talented, but they aren't going to go out of their way to download/buy/listen to the music.


    I am guessing that trends have a lot to do with it as well. When all of their friends (except me) listen to Adele, Beyonce, Drake, or whatever the hell is popular these days, it's just easier to go along and like the same things. This also explains why they can be into BABYMETAL, PSY, whatever Kpop, etc despite the language barrier. Aside from Korean speakers, nobody knew what the lyrics to Gangnam Style meant, but it was still a huge worldwide hit.


    On 5/2/2016 at 4:50 PM, Saishu said:


    For one, as has been pointed out several times, the language barrier bothers a lot of people. For a lot of people, being able to sing along is top priority. 



    This is the reason I started up my lyrics site - to help people who can't read/understand Japanese sing along to Japanese songs. Actually one of the biggest reasons I started getting into Japanese music, before I knew any Japanese, was that I found the language attractive-sounding and fun to pronounce/sing along to.


    edit: As for racial bias, I haven't really noticed it, but that could be due to nearly all of my friends/family being Chinese..

  14. Hmm, since I got all up in VK in 2010 I've been ignoring non-VK stuff I didn't know before, so there won't be anything "new" in here.

    Also, since the thread says "bands" I guess I will exclude solo artists.



    Tsubakiya Shijuusou (椿屋四重奏)


    Tokyo Jihen (東京事変)

    Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國)





    Janne Da Arc ... not sure if they count as VK or not, but I'm struggling to get this list to 10..


    lol, 7 out of 10 have female vocalists

    maybe 8, cuz ATTACK HAUS had a backup female vocalist.

  15. wow, yeah upon closer inspection it looks really rough. you did a good job with that song, can't see any mistakes .. 

    I'm at work so I can't listen to it right now, but here's my guesses for your question marks 


    1st 二人で植えたあの花が

    2nd looks right

    3rd / 4th 明日目が覚めても (you wrote 日 instead of 目 in front of the 3rd mark) 


    i will attempt track 4 later! 

  16. 11 hours ago, Bear said:

    When using a spoiler it would help the non-readers of the books if you state what the spoiler contain, just to tip us off.

    Very true, I support this suggestion.


    I'm going to continue spoiler-tagging stuff from the latest episode.. I almost got spoiled by this thread yesterday (I don't watch it until Monday nights), because the "activity stream" shows the latest post...


    (episode 2 discussion)



    - Holy crap at the body count in this episode.

    - So Jon is back, however it remains unclear how that happened. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it's hard to know if Melisandre's ritual brought him back or if it was just a coincidence that he woke up for some other reason after she made the attempt. Also remains to be seen if he will suffer any negative effects from resurrection. There should be a price.

    - Sleeping Ghost is so cuuuuuuuute. 

    - Sad to see Roose Bolton go. His death actually surprised me (though I should've seen it coming). Ramsay is so over-the-top one-dimensional evil.. he's both entertaining to watch and terribly boring. Roose's political scheming, and the potential of his schemes clashing with Littlefinger's, could've been cool to see.

    - Bran viewing Ned/Benjen/Lyanna's past is interesting, for multiple reasons.

    - I miss Cersei's wig. I love well-styled long hair .. I really want her & Jaime to fuck up the cultists this season. I can't stand them. Got high hopes for zombie Mountain..


    - Great episode overall.. especially since there were no Daenerys / Sand Snakes scenes... lol



  17. Very unexpected..

    I had just listened to their 2 newest mini-albums last month, after letting them sit untouched on my hard drive. I thought they were pretty good, definitely an improvement from before. 

  18. I've been playing the new Vita game Severed.

    On the surface it looks like a game that I would hate.. first-person dungeon crawler? bleehh. 

    But the game is quite fun and addictive. Combat consists of strategically swiping the touch screen to damage monsters and parry their attacks. The coolest part is "severing" - when you kill the monster, you get a chance to cut off their limbs (or other body parts), which you then use to upgrade your skills. Great art style as well (it is made by the team behind Guacamelee - support Canadian devs!!). 


    So far, highly recommended for any Vita owners, if there are any around here..


  19. 1 hour ago, Carmelzors said:

    The staff usually lumps e.g. Wagakki band uploads into VK department for some reason even though



    ???.... Wagakki Band releases are posted in General tho....??? But you do bring up some interesting points as to why they are not VK.


    I get the argument against Yousei Teikoku. They are not part of the "VK scene", so to speak, so they shouldn't be categorized as VK.

    (I'll still consider them VK in my heart, tho)



  20. This is probably a very stupid question but I'm a noob. What makes a band/artist qualify as "visual kei"?


    Today I've been staring at Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國) a lot, and they look pretty VK to me, at least in their current 5-member formation (they were a duo for a long time). However, their music gets posted in the "General" download forum.


    - rock/metal/gothic genre

    - sometimes gothic-ish costumes

    - sometimes dictator theme (flag-waving, military-style costumes, "Doctrine" and "Propaganda" in album titles)

    - makeup & hairstyling 


    - signed to "anime/game music" label Lantis

    - female vocalist with male band members (??? there aren't many VK bands with mixed genders)

    - probably not affiliated with any other VK bands (I'm guessing. I don't follow twitters and gossip and tours and what not)

    - .... i dunno what else


    Sample photos



    Sample PV


    Just curious what other people think. 

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