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Posts posted by peffy

  1. My dream last night was a string of random scenarios, which is normal for me..


    the 2 parts I remember are


    1) My mother was driving me around in her car, but we forgot to put our seatbelts on. We realized it a bit later and put them on. Cars usually start beeping if the seatbelts aren't on, so I was wondering why it didn't warn us.


    2) I had a pet cat, but had to leave it in a car parked in the garage at my workplace. I went to visit it to scratch its head and feed it. It was a very cute orange-white tabby.


    (I've never owned a cat)

  2. really? you should try it out again maybe? if I remember correctly what it does is make out of combat movement more like how movement is when you're in combat (more responsive, not as clunky, etc.) when I was playing Witcher I remember liking it way more than the ordinary movement.


    oh, I'm still using alternative, lol. this was a while ago, so I don't remember clearly, but I switched it on and off briefly at the beginning and didn't notice much difference. I knew why they patched in the alternative mode so I figured I should just keep using it.

  3. ^ Yeah actually I have seen the same thing. It's a dumb argument. They are different systems in different types of games. I personally can't comment, because I've never played Bloodborne/Souls.. I've seen "let's play"-type videos and I know it's not something I would enjoy (I can't stand having to re-do a lot of stuff every time I die, which is why I play most games on easier difficulties).


    I did turn on alternative movement shortly after starting the game, but I don't remember feeling that much of a difference.

  4. I'm still binge-playing Witcher 3, I really want to get it over with so I can play something else. Looks like I've got 2 big main quests left, hopefully I will finish it tomorrow. Thus far, I'm really impressed with the quality of the writing, even in some random side quests, and graphics, even though I'm playing on PS4 not PC. I wish I had more time to read through all the books and letters since the world is quite interesting. I feel a bit bad for leaving so many points of interest untouched, but I just can't spend 200 hours doing everything.. ;_;


    By the way, I know some people complain about the combat and movement.. I don't have any problems with the combat cuz I'm just playing on easy and it's fine. The movement is a bit of an issue, especially when I need to position myself *just* right to loot a crate with candles on top of it.. that's probably my biggest complaint about the game. Stop putting candles on top of everything!! T_T

  5. I'm confused, is this a known fact that AvelCain don't write their own songs? I know Eve composes for them but I thought it was only a few songs.

    I still really like Karma as a frontman, melodrama and all.


    Based on what I've seen (a lot of booklet scans), eve has composed like 95% of their songs since 2013.


    I always thought it was unusual for a VK band to not be their own songwriters. (or at least be credited as such)

  6. yay for lists



    Haven't touched this since April. Yeah I'm way too lazy to update this. And I haven't listened to new releases enough to form an opinion.




    super love

    アヴァンチック - 他人の不幸は蜜の味

    己龍 - 彩

    マイドラゴン - Stardust Dream



    pretty good

    アルルカン - PARANOIA

    AvelCain - 蘇-よみがえり-

    DADAROMA - 「螺子」



    ゴシップ - 東京スキャンダル

    倖田來未 - Shhh!


    最上川司 - ひとひらの桜

    R指定 - 八十八箇所巡礼


    vistlip - SENSE


    just ok

    BORN - SUICIDAL MARKET~Doze of Hope~

    コドモドラゴン - HEMLOCK

    DADAROMA - 「dadaism♯2」

    exist†trace - THIS IS NOW

    加藤ミリヤ - LIBERTY

    リライゾ - 幾億もの美しい咲く花は人


    REIGN - 【6 6 6】

    RoNo☆Cro - ろのくろ、解散するってよ。

    Royz - S.I.V.A

    少年記 - TIMELESS

    vistlip - CONTRAST



    SuG - VIRGIN

    分島花音 - Love your enemies

    矢井田瞳 - TIME CLIP



    摩天楼オペラ - 地球

    和楽器バンド - Strong Fate




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