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Posts posted by peffy

  1. How about light caramel skin?  Your mom can hurt me a little lol.


    Hehe, but in all seriousness, I can relate to that problem you have with your mother.


    I once dated a pretty girl, who's parents were from Cambodia. The day I met them and introduced myself, they didn't even take a glance at me and with an angry grin, told me to get out of their home. Well yeah, I felt like shit/pretty pissed off because I had never been so disrespected in my life. 



    That's a harsh reaction from her parents, yikes. Sorry you had to go through that =(


    My mother would not like a dude with light caramel skin, but she'd tolerate it. The darker the skin, the less she likes it. She's afraid of having grandchildren with dark skin. She's super racist T_T;; but I'm not surprised, she grew up poor in semi-rural China and kind of lacked education.




    I was thinking, right now I'm in this "all Asian" phase. Most of my favourite stuff is Asian (of the East Asian variety). 99.99% of the music I listen to is Japanese or Chinese. Asian foods, Asian furniture styles, Asian instruments, Asian movies, Asian weapons/martial arts, Asian history, even Asian religions lol. If I had to pick a place to go on vacation, I'd pick an Asian country. All of that probably makes me prefer Asians, because the most likely people who'd share my interests are, logically, Asians.


    ..At earlier points in my life, I had an "all Black" phase and an "all White" phase, but that didn't really extend to romance.



    I am Asian (as in, "Oriental") and I prefer people who are Asian too. Ideally, someone who speaks a good amount of English and Cantonese and Japanese.

    I just find it easier to relate, on a cultural level. 


    I have had a crush on one white guy before... all others have been Asian.



    Side note: my mother has said that if I ever dated someone with dark skin she'll have a heart attack/chain me up/murder the poor dude. =/

  3. All 3 singles are available for pre-order at CD Japan. I didn't see any mention of the 1000-copy limit.. but I have ordered all of them, and since it's this early I assume I will have no problem getting them.


    Also, I still hate consecutive releases. Shipping prices hurt T_T

    Also, why am I forced to pay for the DVDs I will probably never watch. T_T 

  4. I previously only mentioned the VK-related bands I miss... so here's a bunch of non-VK disbanded/inactive favourites.. Sorry if my description of their genres sucks. I'm not very good at distinguishing genres.



    (The Old) Hamasaki Ayumi - The last album of hers that I really liked was NEXT LEVEL (2009). Since then her voice has kind of changed and it's not really to my liking anymore. It's kind of sad because she's basically THE reason I got into Japanese music back in 2003. I really obsessively loved her albums LOVEppears, Duty, I am..., RAINBOW, Memorial Address, and MY STORY. Such classics.


    ATTACK HAUS - I'd be surprised if anyone here has heard of them. This band made some kind of awesome mix of rock/rap/electronic music. I am still obsessed with their albums ATTACK HAUS (2004), W8 (2005), and Life (2006).


    fra-foa - If you ever wanted to hear a raw-voiced female singing/yelling as though she was in deep emotional pain, this was the band for you. Vocalist Mikami Chisako, at times, gave no fucks if she was on key or on time. Their album Chuu no Fuchi (2001) remains near the top of my all-time favourites list.


    (The Old) BUGY CRAXONE - Long one of my favourites, this band has gone through many different phases, but the current one is not really appealing to me. They began as a heavily-produced alternative rock band back in 1999, themed around emo feelings. Then they progressed to a more stripped-down garage-punk band aesthetic in 2002, themed around sounding pissed off. Then they became a fairly mellow folksy band in 2012, themed around being super happy. I don't generally like folksy happy music, but I still buy their albums out of habit.


    Aya (亜矢) - A very hard-hitting female rocker with a great voice. She was apparently heavily inspired by Kurt Cobain? Her last album was released in 2004. As I understand it, she did not like working with record companies and just ended up wandering around Japan playing random gigs.


    D[di:] - This girl was terrible at singing, but that added to her charm. I think she was actually a "mixed media artist". She released two hard rock/punk albums (2003 & 2004) with a bunch of really cool artwork that she drew.


    REDЯUM - They initially started out as "trip-hop". They had a pretty mellow, hypnotic style, and had a female vocalist that fit that style perfectly. Later became more of a conventional rock-ish band and therefore less good. Sadly disbanded in 2008.


    school food punishment - Well, actually I never got super into this band. They had a few songs that I really liked. Great female vocalist, and a pretty cool keyboard-heavy style.



    Plus, a long list of female pop/R&B singers that I really liked, but they only released like one or two albums before disappearing (as far as I know):


    Hinouchi Emi




    Kuriyama Chiaki (well, she's still acting, I think)
    Shono Juli

    Nobuchika Eri


  5. Thanks for the clarification re: Rami's current relationship with Aldious!





    Re:no has a weaker voice, and Yoshi has been accommodating for it with weaker music. Ever since District Zero, I noticed it's gone down hill.

    It's like Metallica fronted with Katy Perry as the Vocalist now haha.




    Well, I guess it's "downhill" if you are just really into the power metal songs. (I'm assuming that they were "power metal". I dunno genres). But I wasn't. "Sweet Temptation" is my favourite Aldious song by far. Re:no even sounds decent in that song.


    I do realize I'm coming from a totally different direction with this opinion, since Aldious started out as very power metal, it makes sense that their original fans are disappointed with their new music.

  6. Wasn't there some weird drama between Rami and the rest of Aldious?


    Or maybe that was speculation, because Rami said she had some kind of life-threatening illness that forced her to quit Aldious, but then she comes back not much later with a new band.

    (too lazy to google this)


    Anyway, I don't even like this style of metal so I disliked most of Aldious' music with Rami. Rami is a better vocalist than Re:no, that much is obvious, but I like their post-Rami music more.


    Best of luck to Rami, anyhow. I should probably go see what Raglaia is all about.

    (too lazy to check out Raglaia)

  7. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness (what a terrible title)


    First English Trailer


    Japanese Final Trailer


    Interestingly, they appear to be dropping the "5" from the title for the Western release.


    .. Most people seem to think the English dub sounds fine, but huhhhhrrrrrrr I cannot stand it. I would totally buy the Japanese version if it wasn't $100+ (canadian). I'm hoping for dual audio in the Western release... otherwise I will have to suck it up and open my wallet.


    I have a few issues with the female character designs.. Anne looks awesome (and is some kind of crazy cat lady which I'm totally down with), but Fiore's outfit is totally ridiculous fanservice in every possible way, Miki's face has problems... and Relia is the token little kid character. bleh. I do like how old most of the party is.. aside from Miki & Relia, everyone is over 20. Here's hoping for a more "mature" story. 

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