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Posts posted by patientZERO

  1. 9 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    The new DVD is Live Limited and will be sold at their live performances in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya in late May (provided they aren’t cancelled)

    Their other live DVDs were initially live-limited as well, then they sold them on their webshop, if I remember correctly.

  2. 4 hours ago, Seelentau said:

    DIMLIM will be the first vktims of 𝓒 𝓞 𝓡 𝓞 𝓝 𝓐, guys.

    You read it here first.

    Don't fucking joke ...

  3. 17 hours ago, Yukimoto said:

    @patientZERO Oh wow that still looks full to me. And I'm sure the big gap in the middle was for performance purposes and so forth but still pretty good eh? One of the Japanese bands actually making head way abroad

    The gap in the middle is indeed for the ramp, but look at all the empty seats and spots all over the floor that are empty. They really shot themselves in the foot with the timing of the announcement as well as the timing of the tour. Granted, I saw them in NYC and it was a fantastic show, as well as incredibly packed.

  4. 10 hours ago, Yukimoto said:

    Everyone talking about BTS but Baby Metal doing big things too LOL. SOLD OUT REALLY???

    It was sold out ... but really only like two thirds full. They announced the show months before a full tour, so people (like me) bought tickets to this but didn't go because there were shows closer to them. And then most of the other tickets were bought by resellers and never resold. So yes, it was "sold out" but not nearly at capacity. I'm searching for one particular picture that shows how empty most of the seats were and the giant gaping spots on the floor. I'll update once I find it.


    **EDIT** Here's one:




  5. I won't knock the guy for trying to speak English since they're clearly attempting to get more non-Japanese fans, but the content of the interview is pretty childish. His answer to the hardest song to write is like a kid trying to sound super deep and smart, especially given his self-proclaimed lack of music theory ...

  6. 17 hours ago, sleepy coffee said:

    im excited to eventually get around to this, i have a bit of a backlog right now since i decided to put my undivided attention to one piece lol 

    If you read and liked Parasite, it's a lot like that at first and gets pretty bonkers later on. Check out the spoiler below for a spread of how detailed and crazy the art is.





  7. So I'm jumping into this topic late, but I've been reading a ton of manga lately and need to recommend Jagaaaaaan (yes, that's really the title) to any and everyone who likes seinen action/horror. The art is super unique and while the story starts off kind of generic has really taken a path of its own lately. Seriously, check it out.

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