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Status Replies posted by 少女椿

  1. Where you guys gonna upload/download music after MH is gone? lol

    1. 少女椿


      I'm curious about what will happen with all those music archives and communities that stole tons of uploads from here... 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Lyrical Sympathy turns 13 years old today. Go listen ! ❤️ 🎂🎃

  3. Host and "nowadays" vkei culture is so cheap, jesusss. Finally able to describe that emotion after being chikaned by random vkei-ish guy on my way home, and his "friends" were just laughing. It makes me so sick, I dont want this kind of attention at all, especially from such a 下品 people...

    1. 少女椿


      @nikuman I hate being touched by people I'm not emotionally attached to, so I just run away and started to cry when I got home. It wasn't the first time, the first place in my personal ranking is a really awful situation when I was kissed by a drunk host and he was trying to touch my bra while I was too shocked to run away... 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. When you're a soft baby, but your cinderella boots are here to destroy everything 


    1. 少女椿


      @saiko thank you ;_; my biggest inspiration is Kameno-chan from KISSxxxx, and Kusumoto Maki's girls as well!


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. When you're a soft baby, but your cinderella boots are here to destroy everything 


    1. 少女椿


      Being a vintage manga heroine is a hard work, you know. Especially when my "date outfits" always sxcks...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. What if MADAME EDWARDA's recent liveshows are online just because all the members are people at higher risk for corona 

    I swear I'll bring you all my money when corona will be defeated 

    1. 少女椿


      @fruitfork ? what do you mean


      ACT :
      †13th Moon†

      ◆開演 18:00予定(17:50~配信開始)



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. tfw i managed to be into vkei for this long and only heard LAREINE for the first time just now

    1. 少女椿


      Welcome to the club and give me some blood ~

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm not sure I will hear something more romantic than "if we have no choice, let's drown and die together",  jesussss 😭

    1. 少女椿


      @reminiscing2004 we're both manga maniacs, so this was, like, between the lines wwwww


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Never thought I would watch lucky☆star again, but that is how we're spending these hot summer days :3 

    What's next, Suzumiya Haruhi marathon? 

    1. 少女椿


      @fruitfork this!! I was like "it's August, right... what a big reason to rewatch haruhi!", and it seems I will (-w-) I'm a bit scared because we're watching utena right now and the next will be fukken LONG yuyu hakusho, so I need to plan my free time so we could watch it together, but I want to watch haruhi so badly... (; w ; )

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. Never thought I would watch lucky☆star again, but that is how we're spending these hot summer days :3 

    What's next, Suzumiya Haruhi marathon? 

    1. 少女椿


      @Himeaimichu that strange feeling when anime from the mid 2000s is much more cute and relaxing than recent TV series... 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Never thought I would watch lucky☆star again, but that is how we're spending these hot summer days :3 

    What's next, Suzumiya Haruhi marathon? 

    1. 少女椿


      When both are 350% goth outside, but 350% anime otaku inside... perfect match, huh! With the same blood type, double huh :3

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Rediscovered an old gem - early Wakeshima Kanon. She was so good...

  13. Rediscovered an old gem - early Wakeshima Kanon. She was so good...

  14. What can I bring as a gift on a date, if chocolate is quite difficult because of really, really hot weather?.. ‪(´•̥ω•̥`)‬ 

    1. 少女椿


      @Gesu I'm afraid, flowers are his gift 😅 perfectly know his interests, but not sure if he own something or not... (same with me, we're both just a stereotypical otaku, both into vintage manga, goth/post-punk things and fashion... this is really difficult 😣)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. What can I bring as a gift on a date, if chocolate is quite difficult because of really, really hot weather?.. ‪(´•̥ω•̥`)‬ 

    1. 少女椿


      @platy I was thinking about candies and I'm worrying because it's cheap... on the other hand, the gift isn't about its price, but about the feeling, and if there's +34, like, everyday, salted candies are the best... ugh...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Guys, GACKT did it again, I'm crying 🤣



    1. 少女椿


      @Shir0 may I disappoint you and bring an ultimate cringe? (๑• - •`๑)


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. Guys, GACKT did it again, I'm crying 🤣



    1. 少女椿


      He should be cancelled, I'm serious.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Me: i shouldn spend money on things i dont really need i shouldnt i should not 

    Also me: 


    1. 少女椿


      @Arkady  I love this ova so much (and it's strange to realize, my life now is looking almost the same except the fact I'm not a schoolgirl :'D), and finally this manga is mine, huhu- 


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. Me: i shouldn spend money on things i dont really need i shouldnt i should not 

    Also me: 


  20. It's really crazy listening to proto-kei bands like G-Schmitt and BOOWY, playing melodies and riffs that would become cliche in Visual Kei, many of them still cliches today.



    1. 少女椿


      I'm afraid people who went to see late 80s post-punk liveshows or walpurgis etc events made their own post-punk/no wave bands to stay underground...  I can hear post-punk-ish rhythm and "nerve" in the very early vkei, but it disappeared too fast...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. It's really crazy listening to proto-kei bands like G-Schmitt and BOOWY, playing melodies and riffs that would become cliche in Visual Kei, many of them still cliches today.



    1. 少女椿


      Hanging out with 80s goth scene oyajis and their friends, they and their fans see nothing about vkei influence, the late 80s post-punk is still stay away from vkei as far as possible...


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. It's really crazy listening to proto-kei bands like G-Schmitt and BOOWY, playing melodies and riffs that would become cliche in Visual Kei, many of them still cliches today.



  23. it's always entertaining when you witness a possible bandmen and his mitsu on their 'date' lololol

    1. 少女椿


      But in 99% cases they're just a hosts...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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