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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Lestat

    I had personally hoped for something a little different as they are completely beyond my interests, but it is good for them that they are being given the opportunity to share their music with overseas fans. I suppose you cannot please everyone, but instead I will continue to closely follow Rides In ReVellion.
  2. Lestat

    Care to share your gamertag?
  3. I miss 12012...

    1. PsychoΔelica


      lolol why so butthurt? I was simply curious to know why.

    2. YuyoDrift


      My ass hurts for other reasons. gawd.

    3. nekkichi
    4. Show next comments  36 more
  4. Lestat

    Alright, I'll take one from you. Sorry for the late response, I was on a trip. I'll shoot you a message with my details.
  5. I've practically been staring at the forum all day.

  6. Lestat

    Steff posts bands on Astan's and his personal Facebook all the time so he can gather information on whether people are interested in them or not. There's never a straightforward idea of if he'll try to bring them to tour in Europe unless he announces actual tourdates and whatnot.
  7. I also found some retweets among ダウト (D=OUT) members. What's also interesting is that this will be revealed on the day of 凛's disbandment, seeing as Kisaki might be involved. (Wouldn't be the first time he'd announce a new project on the day of his band's end, the transition from Phantasmagoria > 凛 also went like that).
  8. Lestat

    This has been my background for the longest time. I love whales.
  9. Lestat

    If it's dying out, how do you explain the constant uploads on this forum from people who have purchased music, for example? Not all of us wait for that one individual to upload a certain release so we can just all bail on getting our own copy, there are enough people who purchase physical copies or digital copies from Google Play or iTunes even when there's the certainty that they will be uploaded as well. There are even those around here who do not download anything and listen solely to what they have purchased for themselves, so as to enhance the experience of grabbing physical copies. If this is about the stream, for me personally there were less than four interesting items on the list this time which I could grab on an auction or second hand store for the same price, and even then they are not on my list of priorities. Some people simply do not want to waste two entire weekends when they have other matters to attend to, watching a stream if they're only waiting on a few items is tedious — as there's no saying at what time they will show up in the stream.
  10. Lestat

    I don't recall any of us claiming that any forum members were chastizing others. It was merely a statement drawn from a general experience among peers.
  11. That was... surprising. If this is the direction they will be heading toward, let's hope it is not truly 'the end' — but that it merely depicts the closure of an era? I have long hoped for Mejibray to release something I'd enjoy again by them, and after Venoms.app, this might just be it again.
  12. Lestat

    I feel exactly the same. Not being considered cultivated if you don't enjoy alcohol? Give me a break — I'd rather keep my body clean of all of this and not poison myself for the sake of fitting in. If it's seen as being prudish or goody-goody, I honestly do not care.
  13. Full PV. Oh, how I adore these guys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65_iawni_-I
  14. Lestat

    The bands that seem to be doing so well seem to just abruptly stop, for no reason whatsoever. If this ends up being another case of 'musical differences', I might actually explode.
  15. Lestat

    I just read this elsewhere on Twitter and thought it was a joke of sorts. And I can't quite grasp onto this yet. What on earth.
  16. This is what chariots have sounded like since 2007, with the exception of griever (which is, in my honest opinion, the only good release they have, the rest was all rather messy and mediocre). I do not quite understand why it comes as such a surprise that they sound harsh and unpolished, and it is almost as if a lot of people are impervious to the fact that they have been around for this long already (and this particular lineup has also been a steady formation for a while too), but perhaps it is simply because they were never as successful as Phantasmagoria or 凛 and stayed somewhat under the radar. Either way, I am glad Riku is still around and that fans seem to be re-discovering him, even though chariots isn't something I would prefer over his projects together with Kisaki. It sounds a lot rougher and rawer and simply isn't my thing, and takes a long time to grow on me.
  17. Lestat

    If there is one thing I love, it's band documentary movies. I hope this becomes available for watching soon — Yoshiki and X Japan have made a great impact on my life, and to see a lot of my favourite non-Japanese artists commenting on their success makes me happy. I know that especially Gene Simmons is very becoming with Yoshiki since somewhere in the early nineties, and to see that the connection between X Japan and my favourite band of all time (KISS) is still strong just makes me more excited for this movie.
  18. True. My parents also wouldn't be supportive of me or any of my siblings dating Muslims or someone with dark skin. And we're not Americans.
  19. I bear an attraction to Caucasians and Japanese and Korean people, only. If it would come down to dating, I would say I'd prefer Germanic or Nordic (Scandinavian) features, personality and cultural exposure. I can't really see myself with anyone outside of my own ethnic region and I am personally fine with that. Being with someone who grew up in a completely different environment would make me feel uncomfortable, forced and stressed at most times.
  20. Happy 40th birthday to my favourite man in the world. Thank you for all the musical support and the unconditional love. Be good, Kisaki.

    1. CAT5


      wow, so many pisces.

    2. lichtlune


      I thought he was older to be honest. :o

    3. suji


      happy birthday grandpa kisaki. don't spank the children too hard now. (except sui)

  21. Been playing in the Dubtrack room for an hour already but no one shows up anymore, I suppose.

  22. Lestat

    Milly from Ryuuketsu Blizzard always talks to me in English on Twitter. She doesn't seem to be using a translater so I can assume she's fairly adequate at doing so. Obviously Kyohei, and Kyouka always tries very hard, it's sort of cute.
  23. I seriously doubt it. Torikago Lovers hasn't been uploaded anywhere either. Another amazing band that's being overlooked because they do not fit the bill of today because they're not heavy or dark enough...
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