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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Lestat

    I am so done with this. Every time I go on a trip, people are late, forgetful, or they simply end up telling me they're no longer interested at the last moment. Now someone who was supposed to drive my sister and me to the airport has fallen ill, and her husband is just too self-centered to drive us instead because that'd mean he would have to wait half an hour to go to work. I am always fully prepared for my trips, but due to the tardiness and egotistical traits of others there is always something that just ruins the experience for me. I am so tired of having to rely on others but not being able to trust them. Nothing ever goes smoothly no matter how precisely I prepare for things. All of my experiences with people just tell me that I should not give a damn about them and that they'll only ever care about themselves, that they're not to be trusted no matter their smooth talk and charms.
  2. Lestat

    Yeah, same to the Netherlands. How much would it be in a padded envelope? (Mailbox format)
  3. Lestat

    People need to stop uploading pictures to Last.fm when they don't fit in the artist image frame, causing several bandmembers to fall out of the image. At least have the decency to crop them.
  4. I am growing way too attached to these guys and I can feel them rising to the top five spot of my favourite post-2010 Visual Kei bands. Their music just clicks with me.
  5. Good for them. Only 1.000 each though? I hope someone will at least be able to grab them for uploading here.
  6. I'd listen to music, watch movies or series that are still saved on my drive, or play videogames (Xbox 360, Xbox One, 3DS or PC). I don't need internet connection for any of those and I could easily do without the internet for a while. If there's no power at all, I also have colouring books lying around and could easily immerse myself in colouring for some time, and reading is always an approved option.
  7. Lestat

    I'd say 'I want to bear your children', but I don't want any. We can practice, though.
  8. Lestat

    ^ It has already been uploaded here.
  9. Lestat

    凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD- - 「-THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-」 (Brand-X Edition with photoset and individual video-comments from all members) Insanity Injection - 「ADVENT OF SLAUGHTER」 -CARNAGE- Edition (ZEAL LINK Edition with video-comment)
  10. Lestat

    I've said on Twitter, but he should lose that wig or burn it. Either of the two. Just don't wear it again.
  11. Satsuki somewhat sounds like himself again. Has he finally seen that heavenly light he has so desperately been looking for?
  12. It looks to me like those Cyber Circus events are all somewhat similar in crowd size? I saw the Fest Vainqueur video too and it was about the same amount of people while they're very popular.
  13. Lestat

    Skid Row - Into Another
  14. Lestat

    Perhaps you should start by listening to Aliene Maφriage.
  15. Lestat

    Bumping this thread to remind people of their own lists, and to remind others that this is a nice way to keep track of your listening records.
  16. Lestat

    ^ Kisaki has only been with them briefly, not even a full year, I think. It's doubtful that he would be part of this.
  17. For me this is currently BLESSCODE, there isn't much else I can think of. I absolutely love their own re-recordings of white and Regret love, but unfortunately the rest of their discography sounds like nothing worthwhile to me. I had hoped for a nice, gentle sounding band in them without growls or screams and leaning more towards ballads and softer music (a little heavier occasionally is fine, but when it happens at all times I tire of it), but after downloading their entire discography I quickly realized that this wasn't the case and removed everything — regretfully, because I had hoped to enjoy them further.
  18. Does anyone know if there are shops that sell this with specific privileges? I have a difficult time figuring out which shops have this for sale (I only know the basic ones like Brand X, Little Hearts, etc.), and I would like to start ordering more music that comes with additional goods.
  19. Lestat

    On another note, I just finished Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Legend of the Galactic Heroes / Heldensagen Vom Kosmosinsel). What an incredible intergalactic trip. This has to be one of the most well-made animated series I have ever seen — nothing else has received so much of my attention as this and I felt myself getting more and more immersed by the second, throughout all of its 110 episodes. It might even rise above some of my preferred actual television series. The greatly extensive amount of fleshed out characters all had their own personal charm, and I have found many favourites who have found their place at my side. Every personage has been given such a detailed back-story and even the ones who weren't given the greatest attention as they only had small roles in the story have been given such human, realistic personalities. The dialogue is so natural and nothing comes across as being forced or played as one would usually find in unnaturally constructed anime, it completely lacks the superficial fan-service and awkwardness of modern shows and solely focuses on sucking the watcher into political and military wars, battle tactics and schemes so precisely plotted that you'd think you were listening to an actual narration of a historical battle. The pacing, the intensity, the tension, simply everything packed up together makes a fine masterpiece. And don't even get me started on the artwork. The precision and realistic vision of creators in the 80's and early 90's will always have my preference over 'perfected' images by which anime and manga are created nowadays. It might very well be true when people say that this might be the best anime that has ever been made to date. I don't think I will be able to let this go on such a short note. And I am glad I still have the Gaiden Saga to go through, running up to 52 episodes in total. I'd probably be devastated if it were over otherwise.
  20. Lestat

    Still quite astonished that almost every release or group I am excited for nowadays is seen as either bland or boring by most others. While I think exactly that about groups that are popular among most fans. It's rather funny and odd.
  21. They say they will be disbanding because of how they find it difficult to be putting up with each other any longer because it'll just create further tension, but at the same time they seem like they don't want to stop because they're already announcing a revival and even more material to be re-released. Why are Visual Kei guys always so tedious with their reasons for dismantling a band? It almost seems as if they just want to be released from their label so they can move on afterwards under a different name.
  22. Lestat

    The album 脳味噌回転愚流愚流地獄-黒歴史盤- by Gossip-ゴシップ- refuses to register on Last.fm and it irks me.
  23. Lestat

    The winter season is nearing its end and spring is just around the corner, and most anime have already been announced. For me it's going to be quite a busy season because a lot of potentially good shows have turned up in the roster. Here is my list; Bungyou Stray Dogs Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou Season 2 Endride JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Diamond wa Kudekenai Joker Game Kiznaiver Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Magi: Sinbad no Bouken Mayoiga Sword Gai Terra Formars Revenge
  24. Wonderful, although it would have been nice if they released something new (and available to the general public). Their new look is also quite stunning, the guys beside Hina and Yuuri should also upload their individual pictures.
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