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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Lestat

    Xbox 360/One - GreenLanternDCU (please Microsoft, let me change it for free). 3DS - 1306-6278-8282
  2. Lestat

    The most notable that actually kept full conversations with me are Kyouka (ex. Aliene Ma'riage - Insanity Injection), Kohey (Sleep My Dear), Kyohei (DAS:VASSER), Shin Suzuki (ex. Kuroyume), Milly Bison (流血ブリザード) , Kenzi (ANTI FEMINISM - DEAD POP STARS) and KEIZI (虐殺 -gyakusatsu-). Other than that I get a whole lot of likes on Twitter and brief answers to questions, but I never bothered to count those at all. Oh, and poke-wars with Kisaki on Facebook. Kisaki even uses the name that I came up with for his gang together with Kamijo and Kaya. Kyouka also likes every of his Instagram's followers' pictures, so I barely count that.
  3. Lestat

    I have a hunch that this is going to be one of my favourite things to be released this year.
  4. On the VOLTAGE ENTERPRISE webstore, it says this for the 輝夜-kaguya- single: 通販限定特典として 本商品を一枚お買い上げ毎に 「メンバー個人チェキをランダムで三枚」お付けします ※メンバー指定はできません http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/voltage-onlineshop/vecd-018.html Technically that says that with mail-orders, you'll be given three cheki as a privilige. I am a tad confused about the 'mail-order' thing, because you can just put items in your shopping basket and order it. Do you have to separately mail them that you have ordered something from them and then apply for the cheki? Or will it just be included in the purchase automatically?
  5. Lestat

    サウイフモノ - 紅色紙ヒコーキ
  6. Lestat

    A lot of great bands on there. PIERROT, ZI÷KILL, DEAD END, THE MORTAL, KA.F.KA and MALICE MIZER are all excellent. It's hard to choose a favourite. KISS - "Modern Day Delilah" SilhouetteNewRomance - "Pinkhz Radio Wave" 幻覚アレルギー (Genkaku Allergy) - "Rafty" Van Halen - "Hear About It Later" BUCK-TICK - "Hyper Love" Mötley Crüe - "Flush" 12012 - "DEICIDA OF SILENCE" DELUHI - "Orion Once Again" deadman - "blut" PIERROT - "LANDSCAPE" Enough things on here that stand out for me. This pretty much shows the core of my tastes nowadays too.
  7. Lestat

    Yes, I find them intolerable enough to have blocked them. Anime or manga?
  8. Lestat

    The new ROCK AND READ (vol. 064) with most importantly Kisaki and Kamijo.
  9. Lestat

    Puresound also occasionally receives batches of clothing. They might be second-hand (some are also never worn), but the variety is quite large from what I've seen. If not, you can always look for people who attend the lives of these bands and perhaps ask them if they can pick something up for you from the merchandise stand. Also keep in mind that not every band sells merchandise besides the usual CDs and cheki.
  10. Lestat

    You can try on the stores of the labels or managements these bands are associated with. CDJapan also offers a great deal of legitimate band appearal.
  11. Praying for Brussels. I have a lot of friends there. I just hope they are safe.

  12. Lestat

    アルルカン - Fiction If you could take on any profession, what would you choose to be?
  13. Lestat

    JUSTY-NASTY - BABY, IT'S ALRIGHT What do you enjoy doing most at night?
  14. There is essentially nothing wrong with a negative opinion or criticism, but it is about the way it is being brought over. It is useless for bands and musicians (and also the people who are doing the criticizing) to turn it into a competition of who can write up the edgiest comment in return for forum reputation, because half of the negative comments bear no substantial content within them and are just there for a gain of popularity between forum members. It doesn't help a band improve, if you know what I mean. Since the beginning, Sadie borrowed this sound from Dir en grey. They even started out as a Dir en grey coverband. The idea is that people have known for years, and all they do is continue to beat the dead horse because the issue should have long been buried by those that are disappointed. Why constantly bring it up? Is it to torture yourself or to torture the people who continue to enjoy the concept? It will also turn out like this for Grieva. They implement a lot of Dir en grey's former ideas in their music – and they will be criticized for it for the duration of their career. But the point is; we know. We do not need that validation from people who do not even care in the slightest with every release they churn out because it has been addressed a million times over already. That is what tires fans.
  15. Thank you. I am barely even wanting (daring, really) to comment on my excitement for this project because any positivity will just get swallowed up. With all the neverending negativity on this forum I wonder if some people still even like the genre in general, but that's just my take on it. I would say however, that the mystery behind this project might have deluded some people into expecting a tad more involvement of other musicians. But I am glad either way that Mao and Mizuki stick together for a new project while Sadie is on hold.
  16. Lestat

    Kisaki's nephew (his brother's son). He's one angry kid.
  17. Lestat

    I think some sorrow-shopping might have accidentally occurred today... All on vinyl. Alice Cooper - School Days: The Early Recordings The Exploited - War Now KISS - Alive! KISS - Dynasty KISS - Music From: The Elder KISS - Gene Simmons
  18. Looks like more and more artists are catching up on illegal uploads and are voicing out their displeasure about it. From Hazuki's Twitter:
  19. It feels like 凛 is just forcefully taking away six years of my life with its disbandment today. Just tears, all over.

    1. Mihenno
    2. yakihiko


      Stay strong, with the time this feeling will pass

    3. suji
  20. Lestat

    So this is what it feels like when you are forcefully torn away from your favourite band...
  21. If they didn't sell out, my friend got me one of those shirts and a bunch of cheki. I am happy.
  22. Lestat

    And I thought I had seen it all. Thanks, @MidnightChaos.
  23. If this sounds as epic as it looks, I need it in my life.
  24. Lestat

    I was watching Digimon Adventure tri. and when I saw this particular scene, I had to take a screenshot. This show is filling me with childhood nostalgia so much, I felt myself tearing up during certain moments. Wish I could make it prettier so that the pixels aren't as obvious, but alas. If anyone finds a similar shot in better quality online, let me know. (There are people who had the same idea but they are all smaller shots)
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