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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. So what are these rates in EUR? I gather that's what people desire to know as there's usually no telling of how much the currency rates differ day by day, and we don't really have a lot to work with when everything's priced in USD while this is stationed in Germany. Is there any other option beside priority shipping? I personally never use tracked shipping because it's a waste of cash — never lost a single item in the postage because of how strict they are here. And Airmail nowadays is faster than anything else. Is it true in this case that you'll be forced to make bulk-purchases? I gather that it's not so convenient to slip in just a few CDs, the rates would be higher either way because I gather from this that you will be paying for the shipping costs of others too in that case, if you will only have a few items in the box. So from how many items and up will this become smart to use without actually losing money?
  2. I haven't come across a specific thread like this, but it feels like something people will enjoy. Feel free to share any pictures of yourself with Japanese artists. I'll start off with the few pictures I have (and leaving some out because they are too unflattering). With Masashi (Jupiter). I have one with the full band too but there's no telling what my face is doing on that exact photo so I'll leave that to your imaginations. Myself and Megaromania. None of them had time to do their hair because they were late, so they're all looking droopy, myself included. BLACK LINE. I still don't remember what came over me when I went here. It was enjoyable, to say the least. (I don't recall why I was wearing Kisaki's shirt to this show). Together with my ultimate heroes. Look how joyful they are. Kaya was lovely. He smelled nice too. Just two hours before this I was still dressed up in the muck from my Silent Hill nurse cosplay, and I dislocated my knee early on that day.
  3. Oh Yuui, I have waited for your return on the stage as an angry-looking bōsōzoku kid. Bring it on.
  4. Lestat

    I am going to defend him here yet again, but you are aware that he is committed to everything he does, no? They broke up because of a lack of interest in their formation — the scene considers him to be 'too old' (this goes for Sui and Misery as well), and because they focus on a traditional melodic sound instead of chugging guitars and grunting, people grew tired of them because it's not what the current fanbase wants to hear. Their sales were terrible, event attendence less than scarce, and people generally bark every possible insult they can think of at Kisaki, so I can imagine why he doesn't want to pursue something people intensely dislike. Give the man a damn break. If you follow him as closely as I do you'd see the depression oozing from his comments on the band's disbandment, it's not something he or any of the other members wanted.
  5. Lestat

    I know there is no way they are related, but this is still heavily ruining me.
  6. Lestat

    I deleted all of my existing playlists when it went down. Does that mean I won't be able to create any new ones?
  7. I haven't even sampled this band before, but... a vocalist in this scene with an actual hardcore-styled voice? I never thought I would hear this. He could definitely improve on his clean singing though, but he is so beyond all the average screamers.
  8. Lestat

    I was rather anxious while listening to this because the imagery in the beginning of the video signalled to some potential changes in style, but I am utterly relieved that they didn't go for that indicated heaviness. It has been far too long since I have listened to Royz, but this seems like a nice starting point again. It is still strange to see them without Kazuki, though – his presence is more overwhelmingly missing than it is obvious with other bands when they lose a guitarist.
  9. So far only Crosscat revealed that their privilige is a comment DVD.
  10. There, there. Just let it out, babe. I've known about your secret Kisaki crush for months now. I'll accept it if you'll come out of denial, there's no need for hiding any longer.
  11. Lestat

    I don't exactly know where else to say this, but you wanted feedback on your business-tactics and whatnot and this seems like a part of the forum where your activity is centered at. So I am sorry to say this, but you might just be chasing your customers away if you keep complaining about one instance where things didn't go as well as you would have liked initially. It truly feels as if you are accusing us of not showing up at your streams every single time by posting these passive-aggressive messages all over the forum since last weekend. Moaning about not being able to pay your rent unless we empty your catalogue is also one of them, in my eyes it's also an odd thing to set up a business when you're not financially ready for it, and then proceed to push the blame towards your customers. It is a less than professional stance towards your customers to constantly push their noses into your discontent and it very well might be one of the greater factors that keeps people at bay. It certainly isn't inspiring me to show up.
  12. Gackt's Platinum Boxes are equivalent to life. Such entertainment.
  13. Lestat

    It might be an abbrevation of something. If you type in these names together in Google, nothing shows up regarding live-schedules and whatsoever, only on DOAK's website if you initially leave this 'BRRK' band out of the search. You should probably search for uploads of flyers in that case.
  14. Lestat

    I started on Lords Of The Fallen, but... eh. (I got it because it's free this month with Xbox Gold) It's clear I am not yet patient enough for this sort of fighting style in videogames because I am very used to just rushing in and destroying everything in my path with a few blows and basically just plowing through, and Lords Of The Fallen isn't even as extreme as the Dark Souls series as far as I know. I cannot even get past the first larger enemy and I have been trying for an hour, my fingers are cramped.
  15. Suzune looks so not like himself here, almost as if he were a completely different person. Excited for their new single though, it sounds pretty good.
  16. Masashi and Yuki are to die for. Sigh, I need to give them another try.
  17. — and I think I have now listened to this a dozen times already, absolutely lovely.
  18. I have never noticed anything of that huge following here on the forum, at least — most people I have heard about them on here either have no opinion or despise Kouki's voice entirely. Their last full album has barely been received here, or at least that's what I have witnessed (or rather, failed to witness). They have always been one of those bands I preferred staying quiet about even while I completely adore them, and even I am not quite sure why. I have no opinion on them departing from PS Company either, to me it seemed like they were already off doing their own thing with their latest single and album because it did not quite seem to fit in the label's regime.
  19. Lestat

    This band is barely recent (they had their debut in 2008). It may only seem like are a 'new' band because of how they have received zero publicity or anything of the sort until 2015. They suffered the loss of their guitarist who passed away in 2011, changed vocalists as well, yet have remained far under that radar. They are definitely not without history.
  20. Lestat

    ギャロ's 姦魔-LEVIATHAN- in a nutshell.
  21. Lestat

    That's rough... I've known them since INITIATOR, and I never knew why they didn't break through until last year, perhaps they were just always swallowed up by the masses. They are an amazing band with quite a heavy past emotionally, so it's sad to have to see them go now after having overcome their initial hardships. Sometimes I wonder if it's the pressure of gaining more popularity that breaks these bands up — because they've really only experienced a year of recognition.
  22. Wow, with shipping prices like these it's even more clear to me that I won't be buying from the US again. $13,50 to ship one CD? Get out, USPS.

  23. Lestat

    There were no photos or any further updates on this at all. I am disappointed.
  24. Lestat

    I am not at all into cats but this short is just too precious. Here.
  25. If you heard some of Riku's screams during his final year in 凛 (during their live perfomances), you'd say it's pretty clear that this is the sole direction he wanted to head into, aha.
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