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Posts posted by madygrain

  1. Nightmare has announced that their new single "Awakening." (3 types) will be released on march 23rd 2016 along with their third best of album "best tracks 2000-2005 [clowns]".


    "Awakening." track list:




    3.VISUAL-KEI IS NOT DEAD, CUZ THEY'RE UNDEAD (included in type C)


    I swear I didn't make the last track title up.


  2. Doing a whois on their OHP reveals interesting information. The site was created in early july, that fits the idea the band was formed in spring. It took them a while to get rolling so probably It will be the same now. 


    Also the site status is clientTransferProhibited wich probably means they are not going to recover it... or at least not with ease or soon. It expires in a year, so rebuying it and taking control of it then is a posibility, just in time for launching the band again... if they can. 


    Thinking about burnt expenses, it may be actually quite a bit of money. Their recording resorurces can be reused but they need new lyrics and vo.,  their PV raw cuts can be edited but new shots of a new vo. should be taken, so may as well re-record it altogether...  photoshoots and the artist book they were going to release  have to be redone entirely... so band's viability it is very much at risk even if "KIKU" was not able to straight up grab their money and run, wich is still possible.


    Fingers crossed... 

  3. Insightful post, hyura. Thanks a lot.


    I hope they can somehow recover their web and twitter data and re-stablish themselves since mad magazine records did a great job listing them on all retailers and distributing that info all over the place. Their producers did an awesome job at pretty much everything, actually, with all those consecutive gigs with well known bands to promote the single release. Fingers crossed so the can channel back all that effort. 


    What is more worriesome to me is how it affected the viability of the band. It seemed like he was fired on the spot by the band but he still was able to pull his scumbag antics such as ruining their on line presence... so I am affraid he was able to reach the band's funds. I hope they were able to evade the blow beyond internet assholery antics. I've waited like 4 years to have new decent Akira material and I don't want a con artist to make me wait another 3 or just make him retire for good. 


    Then again, I am hopeful they were able to cut the infection soon enough.

  4. Wow, so ohp and twitter is all taken down now? o.o


    It seems the vo. went rogue and erased them or messed with them in some way., so official announcements were made on Isuke's twitter. He's a real piece of work,this kiku guy...


    I don't think this project is over. The more I try to get what happened the more I think they doged a bullet here. Sure, some deals were in place to promote the band and everything seemed to be going smoothly but it would honestly be a worse sign if they still released the single. They probably want to rework the band and properly launch it than having to pay rights for performance and lyrics to a person they don't want to be asociated with. So they rather start anew even if that means throwing some serious work into the bin.


    This whole tanuki campaign was about warning Akira and Isuke before it developed into a bigger problem and stopping when the band just literally played once is dumb.


    I think/hope we can have news from this band or a new concept with the same people around late spring at the earliest. 

  5. It looks like that as soon as his previous bands were revealed tanuki taked action to warn the management about this individual suposed activities... I don't know what has he done but it clearly got some people very focused on him... and the backlash is grounded enough for the band to grab the hand brake... wow... I wonder about the details. His previous bands I was able to hear were pretty legit sound wise.

  6. This sucks so much, I haven't been as excited for a new band in ages. : <

    Also it seems like they've invested quite a bit into promoting those lives and their single, someone is going to lose money and nerves for sure.


    True... that's the only thing that makes me think this project will go on...

  7. Things about FF VII Remake that theople over here are not taking into consideration:


    • It's only natural that this game is episodic/sold in chunks. Production costs are too high to create a game like FF VII with today's standards without making huge compromises. JRPGs have been getting smaller and smaller since we jumped to HD development because of this. Only now that tools and know-how are much better they are doable again, but they are still much more expensive to make.
    • The FF VII Universe has expanded quite a lot since the original was released wich means even more stuff to put, re-arrange, etc. Doing it this way lets them do it without having so much pressure.
    • It's more expensive for us customers that way but I think it has a much better chance of delivering a good experience. They have also promised that each chunk will have content worthy of boxed game release. That doesn't mean much but, but it's better than nothing I gess.
    • S-E is developing some parts/episodes and Cyber Connect 2 (Asura's Wrath, .hack, Naruto Ultimate Storm) are making others. This lets the be experimental with some sutff and advance faster developing multiple parts of the game at once. So the first part could be released next year with no issues.
    • Because FF VII Remake is being developed both internally and by a contracted company, it's just dumb to use an engine half of the workforce don't know how to use, like FF XV engine. Unreal 4 it's really easy to use and both S-E and CC2 already use it, so it fits perfectly.

    I hardly care about FF (only FF IX doesn't give me an smug and pretentious vibe that I don't tolerate in games... even though I know it's just my perception) but this is a very interesting project. I'm very interested in seeing and playing what comes out of this.

  8. 1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? (Judgement-Free-Zone)


    I do buy, but I rarely buy multiple versions of stuff, if ever.


    2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands?


    Guitar picks and shirts... but only if the design pleases me.


    3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter?


    I follow several official twitter accounts but that's mostly it.


    4: Would you follow them on the street?


    I would greet them, if anything. 


    5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone)




    6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life?


    Some of the work I do probably shows some influence here and there but I wouldn't say my clothing or style are too subjected to it.


    7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music?


    Among other stuff, yes. Visit only, though.


    8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...?


    Yeah, it's fun sometimes.


    9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ)


    I can't imagine myself speaking japanese, so no.


    10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)?


    I don't have the kind of creativity and skillset to write, play or perform any kind of musical act... I wish I could but not the case. If I could I would not go for a VK band. I don't think westeners can do that kind of stuff with the same effect. Doesn't suit me either.

  9. Welcome to the MH's GOTY Nominations thread! I thought it would be fun to have a GOTY thread, since this year has been pretty exciting for games.




    It's about nominating the videogames we consider Game of the Year material. One post per person. Up to 7 games per post.




    Yes. You can vote until January 8. Then I will count all votes and post a GOTY voting thread with the 10 most voted games in this tread as nomenees.




    Any game that was released for the first time in 2015 in any region. No remasters without new content or late ports are valid. Examples: 


    Dragon Quest VIII 3DS → Valid as is a new version with new stuff.


    Minecraft WiiU → Just a port of an old game. I would not count this.

    Darksiders II Deathfinitive edition → Just a port of an old game. I would not count this.


    Bloodborne → Valid.


    Episodical games can only be voted in substantial chunks. You can vote for full seasons or full games (Life is Strange for example I would consider valid) but not just one or two episodes of a game (King's Quest for example would have to have a ver good argument behind the nomination since it hardly has released 2 episodes).




    No. This is not a top, just a recollection for a nominee list. Each game earns one point at a time.



    I've tried to set this up in the most easy and funtional way. If there is any hole or question you have, let me know! Now let's get with the nominations.

  10. Those few seconds were unbeareable, confirmed shitband. Please disband. How dare they drag the novembers' name through the mud like this!? Their entre discography is doomed, hope they end it early and save everyone the pain of knowing they exist.

  11. Does anyone know something about this MAD MAGAZINE RECORDS? Never heard about them, seem like a subsidiary of Duke Records, brand I also don't know much about.


    Some of their releases also appear as published by "Indies of Japan" in some shops. Does anyone know what kind of stuff and production quality they usually have?

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