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Posts posted by madygrain

  1. Reviewing a release that is not available in the downloads section usually don't sit well with some users around here. People overwhelmingly tend to find more helpful being able to create their own opinions by listening to the actual thing than being ok with reading someone else's.  Worse of all, someone may even think you want to brag about having some rare CD while having no intention at all to share - you are opening doors to people that can be hostile and call you an asshole or something.


    All in all I don't think it is a very adviseable thing to to. It is understandable that you want to share enthusiasm about any given thing, but people value much more other kind of sharing in this community. 


    Plus, review threads are much successful when everyone have the same access to the topic subject. 


    I don't usually give advice to people but I honestly think this was valuable. Hope you agree!





  2. He has his own website now. He also details his project in plain english. He'll be doing his usual stuff with overseas projection.



    Sharaku Kobayashi has now begun a series of solo projects to further pursue his signature musical style, 8-bit pop.

    Vocalist and sound creator for FLOPPY, one of the strongest techno-pop groups in Japan, Sharaku Kobayashi has decided to spell his name out in English for his solo career in order to emphasize his intent on taking his work overseas.
    On the other hand, he retains a strong "Made in Japan" flavor in his style, both through his Kimono outfit and Japanese melodies.
    With his extensive experience as a dedicated vocalist, Sharaku's stage presence is solid and dignified.
    He gathers fame as one of the few Electro artists that can truly rock a crowd.


  3. I don't think Rauken sounds how it does because of recording issues. I think they've been tryng out new vocal arrangements in the last releases and specially in Carpe. Rauken just went a bit too far on chiba-ness. 


    The main problem with the avex stuff is that Nightmare sells a lot more singles than they do with albums and it seems avex have reacted to this rying to have single A-Sides that are more safe and marketeable than usual Nightmare stuff. That's why we hear that B-Sides are usually more interesting. They have more freedom on album and that's why we get stuff like SCUMS that was very different from the singles or Rewrite and Blur that have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of thir respective albums.


    On the overall Avex albums ranking I like Carpe Diem and Nightmare the most. I think Carpe hits the sweetspot in good tone and consistency and diversity. Nightmare is great as well, tons of diferent songs that I value a lot that convince me to ignore how all over the place it is. TBONTB is hard to judge to me because like most songs but I really like a few and concept execution is very weak, so It's ok. SCUMS is very polarizing for me. Mastering is awful, everything is too loud, arrangements are very simmilar among most songs... it's honestly hard for me to get through all of it. Sometimes it's headache inducing, even. Bur when some of it's songs jums out when I toogle my collection to random I surely enjoy it even if it sounds like ass. So I am very torn on this. I don't think it's flat out bad but I am pretty sure it's at the bottom of all Nightmare releases ever, as a package.

  4. I agreeable that SCUMS was the last album they had a very strong theme going through but I sadly I think that album shows very well that having a theme isn't one of the most important things. In fact I think SCUMS overdid it's theme by a long shot and felt monochromatic to me. I don't think this observation has much value being made by a person who enjoys diverse albums the most, though. 


    I think To Be Or Not to Be also had a nice theme going for it, but it wasn't executed so well it came across with ease like, let's say Mucc's Karma, that had a simmilar theme. It's clear that they're undecided of what style to go with but wich are the options or how they are laid out. Missed chance, sadly.


    On how the next album is going to play out, I would not bet on it being simmilar to the singles. In fact, I think since they joined AVEX, Nightmare's singles have always been unrepresentative of what their album is going to sound like. Rem, Vermillion. and Sleeper did not represent the self titled very well. Deus ex Machina and Mimic are the least electronic sounding songs of an album that persued incorporating electronic elements into a long running band that has barely used them.  Blur was very out of place in Carpe IMO, as I said, and Taboo was probably only released as a single because it was a movie tie-in. What it is sure is that it's not going to be like the bonus tracks from the singles. Those are, as Siverhawk says, too out of the confort zone.

  5. Lol you'll be alright.


    Move along now.


    Yeah, the idea that the ones that are alright with Nightmare's work should move along is what is the main issue here. Glad you are getting close to understanding that, in your own way.



    I like the instrumentalization and vocals more than their previous release, but I thought Rauken had more weight and punch to it and a much better climax. I also liked the atmosphere of that song better. But I'd say performance wise Awakening is much more attractive here so I am undecided wich I like most. 


    What I am more inclined to think is that they follow Blur's style more than any other previous song they've done. I also thought Blur was kind of out of place in Carpe Diem and it could have been sucessfully replaced by that album's single b-sides with ease. Now that I listen to this new songs it feels like it would be much more interesting if they did that putting blur on their next album. 

  6. I'm dying at the jokes here, totally incredible!!

    And @Madygrain not that they "blamed" him by saying "we're postponing all this shit because of Pata this is his fault" but realistically if the album itself was ready to go his health wouldn't have been an issue they could have just postponed the performance until he was well. So REALLY the album was nowhere near done and they used his health as a scapegoat more or less


    Dunno. You can not release an album without promoting it and doing gigs. You can't do gigs with Pata in bad health. I don't see how this is being used to justify anything, regardless of how much of the suposed new album is smoke.

  7. Actually I heard he's doing much, much better. Pretty much confirming the idea that if he was terminal they would've scrapped everything instead of postponing. So they blamed Pata's health for Yoshiki's laziness.


    I don't think they blamed Pata for anything. If he needs to recover and the band needs him, pausing activities is a perfectly reasonable thing to do, regardless of how much behind the schedule the band is.

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