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Status Replies posted by doombox

  1. H-A-P-P-Y_B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y_T-E-T-O-R-A

  2. *quits last.fm*

  3. TFW you're still unpacking music you downloaded back in MARCH. Ugh.

  4. TFW you're still unpacking music you downloaded back in MARCH. Ugh.

  5. BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump has changed his campaign name to 'Make Last.fm Great Again'.

  6. USPS update: a neighbour was holding onto the box 'cause she knew I was gone; tracking site wasn't lying.

  7. Isn't it so fun when USPS tracking lies to you? When they say that something was delivered when it fucking wasn't? Isn't it fun?!

  8. Taught Shounenki's Eiki "what's up" and "sup" and he promptly went around greeting all the japanese gya with it while handing out flyers. Best.

  9. ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)

  10. Apple has ruined my day. Just spent all of it trying to sync my ipod after restoring it. 3 times now it has synced 8,000+ of 11,000 songs and then decided that it's too corrupt and wipes the cocksucker again completely. Off to work.

  11. So... now that I'm obsessively 'collecting' anime on myanimelist, I've now discovered a mydramalist. Send help.

  12. Crossfaith, Crystal Lake, SiM, and the English ver of OOR's album. This summer/fall is gonna be awesome.

  13. This rain and flooding has made this the longest week ever. I never want to go outside again! D;

  14. This performance was going great for the first 2 minutes or so until tricot's vocalist walked on stage. (╬ಠ益ಠ) https://youtu.be/Awy8pSjozM8

  15. how come maru from bis isn't in a new band...

  16. There's so much hype for DOGMA that Gazette gets its own banner

  17. *tries to keep up THE MORTAL hype flag but it keeps getting blown away by you know what* ;w;

  18. I just started a personal twitter again after years. If you use it add me at @doombox_

  19. I feel sorry for ザアザア becoming such an elitist band. Sob, cry, howl.

  20. Time for a pot of coffee and destroying the last few hours of this Thundercrack Carnivale.

  21. Time for a pot of coffee and destroying the last few hours of this Thundercrack Carnivale.

  22. New Shounenki is awesome, and Danger Crue COMMUNE looks INSANE!

  23. Pre-ordered the new Crossfaith album. Please don't let me down guys. ;w;

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