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Status Replies posted by doombox

  1. We're still jamming in plug if anyone wants to join! The theme is Post rock/Shoegaze/Math rock. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

  2. Finally decided to delete my last.fm account. I tried to get used to the changes, but I can't hang. s2s.

  3. GOT VIP FOR ONE OK ROCK IN DECEMBER. My kokoro ( ; o ; ) <3 Already nervous for the meet & greet > . <

  4. my girlfriend just broke up with me via messager :'(

  5. Is it just me or is everyone having a revival live lately?

  6. Crossfaith's new album is up for download on getmetal!

  7. Is it just me or is everyone having a revival live lately?


  9. Xeno full album youtube upload:

  10. Xeno full album youtube upload:

  11. Xeno full album youtube upload:

  12. I really wish the SE theme for PROJECT:DARKAGE had made it on DOGMA somewhere. When it first came out it had me more hyped than Nihil eventually did.

  13. Not sure if I'm gonna write a DOGMA review, but I might want to if I have enough time. The album deserves at least one positive review...

  14. What a way to start September! :D

  15. I hope have one DRAG THEME in plug guys oo/

  16. Loka's bassist will leave the band TwT

  17. (◕‿‿◕。)

  18. (✧≖‿ゝ≖)

  19. ଘ(੭´꒳`)੭̸*

  20. So, I had something shipped by Registered Airmail, and haven't gotten a single tracking update in four days. Is this normal? I'm kinda worried here!

  21. So, I had something shipped by Registered Airmail, and haven't gotten a single tracking update in four days. Is this normal? I'm kinda worried here!

  22. So, I had something shipped by Registered Airmail, and haven't gotten a single tracking update in four days. Is this normal? I'm kinda worried here!

  23. So, I had something shipped by Registered Airmail, and haven't gotten a single tracking update in four days. Is this normal? I'm kinda worried here!

  24. Now I want onion rings, but I can't have it... thank you doombox :)

  25. Happy birthday deathangel and leafwork <33

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