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Status Replies posted by doombox

  1. Pre-ordered the new Crossfaith album. Please don't let me down guys. ;w;

  2. Pre-ordered the new Crossfaith album. Please don't let me down guys. ;w;

  3. So tired from packing up for my move to Osaka @_@

  4. May be in the mood to upload some more old school hardcore later if anyone is interested.

  5. I become a hotter people wwwwww

  6. That super fun time when USPS ignores your "leave at post office for pickup" instructions.

  7. That super fun time when USPS ignores your "leave at post office for pickup" instructions.

  8. i put on charisma.com at a party and people stared dancing

  9. i feel like a teenager again - been listening a lot of MCR. love ´em XD

  10. Hnnnnnng looks like a new Crystal Lake record coming soon too. YESSSSSS.

  11. Need to listen to more BLU-BILLION.

  12. CAT5 just called me "babe". The ship is real.

  13. Latter half of 2015 is looking lovely, musically ; )

  14. The only good thing about new Charisma.com is that it only has 9 songs :/

  15. Happy birthday to chewi and indigo.

  16. That stupid ending for Nana. *flips 100 tables*

  17. It's sad to see that some people apparently think any form of mixing vocals is either cheating, autotuning or witchcraft

  18. It's sad to see that some people apparently think any form of mixing vocals is either cheating, autotuning or witchcraft

  19. I give up, Hisato. This is one of the best flyers ever T.T https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJiLteTUMAA2nT2.jpg:large

  20. Has anyone spotted the newest banner yet?

  21. Currently doing a dance around my house because ONE OK ROCK just got a major US record deal.

  22. I dont know why it is funny for me... but group names RIZ and DIZ ... whats next first letter?

  23. I dont know why it is funny for me... but group names RIZ and DIZ ... whats next first letter?

  24. I dont know why it is funny for me... but group names RIZ and DIZ ... whats next first letter?

  25. people have too many new releases to catch up on...... i wish there was something that interested me. bleh

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