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Status Replies posted by doombox

  1. モノクロ天大好きだよ~めちゃ可愛い!

  2. 1????13 ????ー・フォーゲット

  3. 「the weebening」  の始まり。(^O^)/

  4. 「the weebening」  の始まり。(^O^)/

  5. stress sure does make me eat and crave food a lot..

  6. Was on my way to the hair dresser when suddenly everyone had to leave the train due to emergency reasons (Somebody apparently threw himself in front of the train or whatsoever) there won't come another one & now I'm stuck somewhere in nowhere & missed my fucking appointment I've been waiting for 2 months now..yeah, I sure am lucky today

  7. There is a new Endzweck cd too? All my tears there is no digital version yet. ;;

  8. Just received my MEJIBRAY CD at work ^.^ Why the heck is MiA's signature far below the poster than the others though XDD. https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12072652_1004191952955507_8167250450318739906_n.jpg?oh=10cf1dec8cf37202abb30cd08c0fa6bf&oe=56D1D473

  9. Goddammit! I forgot I signed up for the Apple Music free trial (why god why?) and I just got charged for my first month. I don't even use it! :/

  10. Goddammit! I forgot I signed up for the Apple Music free trial (why god why?) and I just got charged for my first month. I don't even use it! :/

  11. 19 days till Develop One's Faculties, I'm so excited for it lol

  12. Time to crack my Japanese textbooks back open. I guess sundays may turn into study days now.

  13. outside of visual kei i listen to nothing but midwest emo, slowcore, and scramz lol

  14. Happy birthday lovely eiheartx!

  15. When Pitchfork tries to convince you people actually liked low bitrates. smh http://pitchfork.com/thepitch/902-learning-to-love-low-bit-rates/

  16. When Pitchfork tries to convince you people actually liked low bitrates. smh http://pitchfork.com/thepitch/902-learning-to-love-low-bit-rates/

  17. When Pitchfork tries to convince you people actually liked low bitrates. smh http://pitchfork.com/thepitch/902-learning-to-love-low-bit-rates/

  18. I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR MY PS4!!!! *screams * sorry xD

  19. Did I just not notice or were there really aren't any wires or amps on the guitars and stage?

  20. One of my smaller dreams came true yesterday, as I did an interview with MIYAVI, apropos of his new album & tour. For those interested, you can read it in English here: http://artiq.hu/unity-and-change-interview-with-miyavi/ Hope you'll like it!

  21. tomorrow i'll get two of my wisdom teeth removed and now i'm horrified and drinking beer ;__:

  22. I'm still trying to process the new HNIB and Crossfaith and between these new coldrain and Crystal Lake videos I'm gonna explode!

  23. So... I wonder if there is a forum as good as MH where people talk about metalcore/post-hardcore/deathcore instead of visual kei/general j-rock

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