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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Wow.... This was the first PV in a very long time where i found it to be enjoyable , engaging and rockin. Even with the whole blood and prostitutes thing, it didn't overdue it and it was just cool. Very smart move on the bands part to hold off on a PV till now instead of using it for a song on DOGMA. As for Depravity. Its a cool B-side that's fresh and is the same as UGLY, a continuation of DOGMA which is totally fine. Very enjoyable track. And I look forward to adding the single to my DOGMA playlist on my phone. YES. It still lives. I have no complaints here.
  2. Ro plz

    They like to pretend the US doesn't exist despite them knowing that there's a pretty legit demand for them over here. Unless hell freezes over, the GazettE isn't coming here.
  3. UGLY is banging for a number of reasons. I really don't mind the MTH influence, it works and most importantly, its fresh. Shows that Ruki can deviate and draw influence from other places other than himself. I do get what people are saying when they mention headache man. The vibes are there but its not really an issue. Typical for modern day GazettE. I FUCKING love the gang vocals part. All i wanna do when that part comes up is fist pump along. The chorus is cool because it provides what I can agree is a flaw of many of the DOGMA songs: Distinction between Aoi and Uruha's Guitar parts. And the Uruha solo as well was nice to have because they werent around as much in DOGMA. No words needed for Kai, he just does his thing. And Seeing as though this is a heavy song, Reita is just going along with the rhythm. I hope 2 see him shine more, at least in Goddess. Overall, this track just goes in. It fits with the whole DOGMA ish mood well.
  4. >MFW when ppl already knew (via the interviews and instagram posts) that the band was releasing more music shortly after DOGMA. Ppl would be naive to think the band would go in any sort of new direction soon after just releasing an album as well as touring. Lmaooooo Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Captain obvious. As for the previews: UGLY sounds banging. That chorus is nice and I love how THIS is how they incorporated the Heresy members into it. DEPRAVITY.....Got damn. BRUH. Goddess is meh. Gonna wait for the full version to give a proper judgement. It actually is kind of nostalgic to have the GazettE doing singles again. Feels like its been forever. Oh well, cant wait to see the full result.
  5. Ro plz

    Yeah that's just wrong to me. Especially since to begin with, they really are against doing this kind of thing. I can't even blame tumblr (surprisingly) for having a shitfest over the photo too. Its like throwing salt in the wound (as if the band doesn't have enough shit to deal with as is). But i can also agree with you from that angle too. You payed....so might as well "have fun."
  6. Ro plz

    Copy and paste from my FB status: D.A.R.K -In the Name of Evil- is a pretty cool album by Lynch. It feels like it's a blend of mainly Shadowz, Inferiority Complex, and Gallows and some of their earlier works. Much more variety than Gallows and sounds like they got more of a hold of the metalcore aspect that they've been flirting with as of recently. Can't really point out anything too new, but I do feel like the band just had fun and did their thing which is just as important. It sounds pretty nice regardless. Also there's really not a song that I'd deem bad. They all seem to flow pretty well together. I haven't been able to stop listening to it since it came out. Def a fav for this year. 9.0/10 Key songs: DARK ILLUMINATI FALLEN COSMOS ETERNITY
  7. Ro plz

    Lol.... This pic just encourages Kyo's fairly negative attitude towards touring in the states. My goodness. Why....
  8. None. I love having my own personal rips as well. And i never got the whole keeping the plastic on it. If thats the case, why buy? Can't rely on things always being online.
  9. Seems like a legit solution if you ask me. Looks like he can still solo and play powerchords based on the vids as well.
  10. Ro plz

    My response...... Bruh. This is sick.
  11. Ro plz

    https://soundcloud.com/hellion01/405a Back with a "new" song. This song is called 405. Its pretty much the birth of Z1C's "Core." Recorded it with a friend of mine back in 2011, one weekend and that was that. Seeing as though some of the guitar parts resonated with me, i used some of them to write Core. Randomly last month after i forgot about it, I'm sent the song, polished up with vocals. So i thought Id share it. Also, update on the Mad Stallion EP ONE MORE SONG TO GO.
  12. After the release of Camera Obscura (which was surprisingly cool), Lycaon announced that they were disbanding/dropping a FINAL single, earlier this year. We all seen the shit storm that was MH when this happened. Bunch of crying, annoyance, hostility, sadness, etc. Whether you liked them or not, this was a big deal (at least on here). Fast forward to a couple months later and they announce yet ANOTHER single and upon its release, a cryptic message was left in the booklet: Here's some of my personal thoughts throughout all of this: 1. The band must've been going through some internal differences among themselves that probably got solved as they wrote these "last" two singles. But if that was the case, was saying we're going on an indefinite hiatus that much of a hassle? Look at 12012. They stated that the reason that they were stopping activities was because of musical differences. 2. They really had no real intentions of disbanding in the first place. They just probably wanted to cash out as much as they could before they take what many of Lycaon fans now are hoping is just an indefinite hiatus. For Lycaon fans, this probably is okay. But from an outsider looking in, it looks as if they're purposefully messing with their fans emotions by announcing a disbandment and final single, only to announce another final single and then leave that message (LOL GUYS JUST PLAYING, WE"RE COMING BACK! THANKS FOR THE SENTIMENT, TEARS, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY...YALL'S MONEY!). What do y'all think?
  13. Lycaon...had some cryptic message that pretty much hinted that they're not permanently disban...Nvr mind.

    1. Zeus


      this is too interesting to let die in the status updates start a proper topic for it

    2. ricchubunny


      Oh what they said??

    3. kyoselflove
    4. Show next comments  93 more
  14. Spectralion...nice name.

    1. Zeus


      so is it spectra lion or spectral ion?

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I wanna say The first one.

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I wanna say The first one.

  15. Ro plz

    VK is something that I'll always keep tabs on because I'm really big on seeing how things change over time. Music wise, its not doing it for me but that's okay because, from the time ive gotten into it till when i just stopped focusing on that aspect, Ive accumulated more than enough music and bands who's music i check out, whether they are active or inactive. I like metalcore but specific bands because they actually stand out and can make something great. Everyone else, you've seen it or heard it already(but there are some times where it sounds exceptional). This is the issue I have with modern VK. I do feel like at this point people should've caught on to that. However, there's multiple reasons why despite my dislike for it, people seem to eat it up like its something new when its not. And man...thats okay. We all experience music differently. What may not resonate with me, could resonate with someone else and thats cool. Its all music at the end of the day.
  16. Watched that PV: Whats cool here is that this is obviously some of LEDA's best work (at least the parts I skimmed through). What sucks is that this best work falls under a genre that literally makes my head hurt almost every time i listen to it. What a bummer. EDIT: These clips really aren't doing it for me. Nothing special....
  17. 12012's DEICIDA OF SILENCE is lowkey a boss album.

    1. ghost


      Agreeed! Seriously underrated era of 12012.

    2. PsychoΔelica
    3. YuyoDrift


      Shhhh! They'll hear you....

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  18. Ro plz

    The thing is, I actually like this song. Instrumentally wise, its cool. But Vocally, its one of the reasons why Carpe Diem went straight to the trash after listening to it. This doesn't sound like Yomi at all. I get the whole change thing but If i didn't watch this video, id be asking "when did they replace him?" Idk....Nightmare is kinda irrelevant to me at this point, sad to say. They can bang out some boss songs here and there but its like AVEX got them fools by the nuts so hard that they really can't make anything thats worth more than 1 listen these days. But i guess this happens. I'ma still poke around and see what they doing out of curiosity though. Whatever. Next.
  19. Ro plz

    This is embarrassing.
  20. Ro plz

    Kaoru looks like a damn fool. This look just isn't for him.
  21. Its not the fact that Crossfaith sounds terrible now, that makes me sad. Its the fact that it happened so early in their career imo. The boys should've followed up ZION with a BOSS album before turning to shit. Bruh.....Why. Why?!

    1. togz


      I don't think they sound terrible they're just going in a different direction. Xeno was iffy to me because it's not what I was looking forward to, but they also have a DJ who wasn't being utilized to the fullest until now. But to make room for such, I think they had to cut back on some other things so it wouldn't be too saturated. Terrible? Nah. Different? Certainly.

  22. Ro plz

    Of all the songs that were discussed in the previous posts, the one that I can see making a US setlist is Diabolos. They played it in EU awhile back, i wonder why they haven't played it here...especially since they play Vinushka, regularly.
  23. Ro plz

    No but in all seriousness, I could take the Lycaon blowing bands out the water comment more seriously if: 1. There was actually some competition in the Indies Scene (No, Mejibray, TBS, Royz, Screw, or whoever MH seems to have hard ons for, IS NOT competition imho). 2. If this single dropped as some nice thing they did for the fans, post disbandment, NOT after they announced their last single with their disbandment. This is obviously a greedy cash grab (fairly certain they should've been making more than enough dough alone with the sentiment of their last shows and their previous "LAST" single).
  24. Ro plz

    IDC how bad ppl may have thought this entire set was. This easily is one of my fav performances due to how much energy they went into it with. ALSO, SHINYA BEASTED.
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