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    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from merchenticneurosis in Your Most played Vk songs   
    1. Da'vidノ使徒:aL — デスピクニック
    2. Da'vidノ使徒:aL — ピエトロの風船
    3. 黒百合と影 — キミの薬指はボクのシチュー。
    4. Da'vidノ使徒:aL — 12月にできた曲
    5. LUNA SEA — FATE
    6. 黒百合と影 — チョコレート階段
    7. 黒百合と影 — 蜥蜴-トカゲ-
    8. 黒百合と影 — 児童公園
    9. 黒百合と影 — 「未遂」
  2. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Ro plz in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    Since this is new Dir en grey Material, I wont say that i'm excited for it in fear that I'ma be passive aggressively attacked with a long ass post with how im wrong for doing so.
    I ain't dumb. I'm trying to stay outta trouble in these parts. 
  3. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Karma’s Hat in Dir en grey   
    from this thread 
  4. Yikes
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to blackdoll in Initial'L   
    HAPPY FUCKING 10 YEARS to the true fans. Who never switched up, and know Yuuki NEVER STOPPED killing it and didnt just start on Last fight and light my fire. Who appreciate versatility and the ability to make mainstream unique. Who appreciate a band who ignore their critiques and shit and piss on them. Who touch their open listeners and bring them to another realm and take care of them.

    As celebration here is Yuuki's Net range 
    Here is him and L wiping their ass with R-指定
    Here is his Unclean range 
    Here is 2 of his rare voices
    Here is some examples him switching up the flow multiple times in a single song while staying on beat and shitting on all the rappers (something bands lack too BTW) 
    here is him covering Linkin Park's battle symphony (shitting again)
    Here is him at his best (in order, last being great)
     and here is proof that he does not need autotune or whatever and it's his real voice on cd 
    Yuuki is the King of music, a Hyperversal vocalist with omniversal capability. He is the Phoenix Force and only continues to grow stronger overtime, absorbing life and singing with it. 
    Since Nicki is MIA, This recent Eminem verse clap back to the general public should do the trick. it fits perfectly to what haters are saying
  5. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Aferni in 黒百合と影 (kuroyuritokage) will disband   
    Yeah, I think Mei can do better without K and Kuro. Although I like Kuro's songwriting so I hope he don't retire, I just don't need to see him with Mei tbh. 
  6. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to WhirlingBlack in Dir en grey   
    You are solely responsible for the situation that occured. 

    You constantly try to bait other members into arguments by making unsubstantiated "edgy"/inflammatory claims and then when someone calls you out on argumentative fallacies whenever you try to tread beyond the purely subjective, you either create straw men to fight against or whine about the "tone" in the discussion, a tone you very much set the standard for when needlessly attacking other members on their subjective taste, like or dislike of a certain song. 

    Not only do you monopolize threads and antagonize people who don't agree with you, when you're done digging your own grave you have the nerve to call me out for not throwing you a rope and dragging you out of it.
    There's a reason why the reply got so many likes, perhaps you should reflect on your own actions on this forum a bit and how you present yourself here. Making a new account isn't much use when you keep falling back into the same patterns.
    Finally, don't tell me how I should and shouldn't do my job. The team keeps an eye on all threads and we don't take kindly to being told by others what actions to take. If you have a problem, use the report function or PM one of us.
  7. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to patientZERO in モルヒネ(morphine) 3 month consecutive concept single release   
    They have yet another new look.

  8. LOLOL
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Pretsy in Dir en grey   
    Why is it that you insist on someone getting triggered over your statements? Were I passive aggressive for questioning your negative attitude towards people not really giving a damn about bazillion dorky-titled subgenres? You seem to love it so much to the point where you are eager invent some petty strawmen and even pettier claims that you "corrected" something as if you were some kind of Allmusic-tier critic authority knowing DEG or genres they play to the very core.
    Here, a stock representation of your forum self:
    @WhirlingBlackit might be your job to finish this shitfest instead of liking posts and letting this thread sink into Fukkatsu cesspool. 
    Now to the topic:
    Maybe, maybe not. The band did not disclose what exactly they meant by "Origins" per Arche's meaning so we are free to speculate anything we want, no? People would for instance recall "Disabled Complexes" or "Toguro" when listening to "Phenomenon", which might have been plausible sources of inspiration during their songwriting process. Or "Tousei" being the "Kodou" of the album. Some throwbacks succeeded, some could not hold a candle to their possible sources of inspiration, was what I tried to say. "The Inferno" being the example of the latter, in case someone missed the point. Diru can do much better than that.
    I really wish the band would retell the songwriting process of each ARCHE song one day like they did with TMOAB, but that would not happen since they have to keep their mystery band cred intact.
  9. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to geist in Dir en grey   
    Which legitimately no one said. I don’t know why The Inferno, or new Dir en grey material in general, triggers you as much as it does. 
    It literally set you off into being a passive aggressive asshole out of nowhere when I commented on how much I enjoy the song. 
    I get it, you’re upset I corrected you in our conversation a few days ago and this was your chance to get back at me, but please try to act less petty, ESPECIALLY when you evidently don’t know a single thing about music and the only term you remotely know is “motif” to make up for your lack of musical vocabulary. 
  10. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to geist in Dir en grey   
    Now we’re at the crux of the issue. Not only are you musically ignorant, you also don’t like the direction the band has gone (*cough* metal *cough*). 
    Which is fine, you don’t have to like the direction Dir en grey has gone musically; but when you make arguments out of ignorance to inflate the importance of your half-baked opinion, it warrants correction. 
    Just keep that in mind. Also, please keep your silly American politics out of this thread, thanks. 
  11. Interesting
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Tokage in Dir en grey   
    what do u think the dir en grey guy's eat for breakfast every day
  12. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from alehandroll in Devil Kitty 万歳お洒落系 (Banzai oshare kei) (Lyrics & translation)   
    I know this was translated by someone long ago, but I can't find that anymore so I gave it a shot and did it myself. If anyone has any corrections/improvements just leave a reply^^ 
    今日はあの子と原宿デート♪ お洒落な服着て何処いこうかvv 
    右を見ても左を見ても 僕らが一番お洒落系さっvv 
    何処へ行っても拍手喝采 雑誌のスナップ載っちゃってvv 
    ほらほらあそこにコテコテ発見 ださい服着てグラサンかけて 
    今時あんなの流行りませんよ? 早く僕らと一緒にお洒落vv 
    ださくてださくて見れたもんじゃない! 早く僕らと一緒にお洒落vv 
    そんな服着てよく歩けますね? 早く僕らと一緒にお洒落vv 

    < Representative of Oshare kei >
    Today I have a date with that girl, let’s go somewhere and be oshare
    Looking to my left and right, we are the most oshare kei around here
    Where ever we go, people are clapping and cheering at us, and taking pictures of us for magazines.
    Oshare is the best after all, isn’t it?
    Hey, there’s a kotekote guy. Wearing lame clothes and sunglasses.
    That’s not very popular at the moment? Hurry up and become Oshare like us.
    It looks lame! Hurry up and become oshare with us.
    You can walk easily in those clothes right? Hurry up and become oshare with us

    Ahhh. oshare kei is the best (repeated 8 times)

    < Representative of Kotekote kei > 
    Oshare kei? Are you fucking with me?
    What’s wrong with Kotekote?
    Just try and tell me! Ahhhhhhhhhh?!??
    What’s so oshare about you!!! We are the most oshare!!!
    Who decided what’s oshare?!! AHHHHHH!

    またまたあそこにコテコテ発見 ワイパン履いてアツゾコ履いて 
    今時あんなの流行りませんよ? そろそろ気付けコテコテ野郎! 
    ださくてださくて見れたもんじゃない! そろそろ気付けコテコテ小僧! 
    そんな服着てよく歩けますね? そろそろ気付けよコテコテ小僧! 
    < Representative of Oshare kei > 
    Isn’t kotekote pretty lame?
    There’s another kotekote guy, wearing wide pants and creepers. 
    It’s not very popular right now, you know. It’s about time you realise that, kotekote bastard.
    It looks lame! 
    Can you walk around easily in those clothes? 
    It’s about time you realise, brat. 

    Ahhh. oshare kei is the best (repeated 8 times) 

    < Representative of Kotekote kei > 
    Let’s get this over with. Should I make you unable to speak?!?!?
    “Lame”? Are you talking about me??? I’m going to beat the shit out of your band!!!
    Try and say it one more time in front of me??? What’s lame?????
    Don’t you hear what i’m saying???? AHHH?
    Get over here!!!
    Who did you call lame??? ME? ME? ME!???!??!?!
    ANSWER ME!!! Can’t you hear me?? If you can’t hear me I’ll cut of your ears!
    I said to much, I’m sorry
    By the way, I am…. Os*are. Yup.
  13. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from emmny in まみれた(Mamireta) three-month consecutive singles release !   
    excellent lyrics.
    jokes aside, the song sounds great. they actually played this when i saw them live in december so I'm excited that it's the first single they release after that. 
    also: the actual 蜉蝣 successor I needed [2]
    yukika should be crying over not picking up the next homage kei band
  14. LOLOL
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from keilu in BUK BUK will disband   
    what about a band named tuk tuk

  15. LOLOL
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from patientZERO in BUK BUK will disband   
    what about a band named tuk tuk

  16. LOLOL
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from platy in BUK BUK will disband   
    what about a band named tuk tuk

  17. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Chikage in BUK BUK will disband   
    what about a band named tuk tuk

  18. Yikes
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to The Moon in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    bom dia x
  19. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Keiyuu in Metis Gretel one-day revival   
    cant believe nobody posted this yet
  20. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Muskito in Metis Gretel one-day revival   
    cant believe nobody posted this yet
  21. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from saishuu in Metis Gretel one-day revival   
    cant believe nobody posted this yet
  22. Interesting
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from saishuu in LUNA SEA will hold LUNATIC FEST. 2018   
    Yeah, basically. Indies LUNA SEA will be opening act. At the last Lunatic fest. they had more make-up, black clothes etc to resemble their early days.
    The setlist they had at last Lunatic fest was:
    1. CHESS
    3. SHADE
    1. FATE
    3. SHADE
    I don't think you should expect demo tape songs tbh, but from their debut and IMAGE at least. (They did play NIGHTMARE once during their Kurofuku gentei gig back in... 2010? though). 

  23. Thanks
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Mamo in LUNA SEA will hold LUNATIC FEST. 2018   
    Yeah, basically. Indies LUNA SEA will be opening act. At the last Lunatic fest. they had more make-up, black clothes etc to resemble their early days.
    The setlist they had at last Lunatic fest was:
    1. CHESS
    3. SHADE
    1. FATE
    3. SHADE
    I don't think you should expect demo tape songs tbh, but from their debut and IMAGE at least. (They did play NIGHTMARE once during their Kurofuku gentei gig back in... 2010? though). 

  24. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in まみれた(Mamireta) three-month consecutive singles release !   
    excellent lyrics.
    jokes aside, the song sounds great. they actually played this when i saw them live in december so I'm excited that it's the first single they release after that. 
    also: the actual 蜉蝣 successor I needed [2]
    yukika should be crying over not picking up the next homage kei band
  25. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Aferni in まみれた(Mamireta) three-month consecutive singles release !   
    excellent lyrics.
    jokes aside, the song sounds great. they actually played this when i saw them live in december so I'm excited that it's the first single they release after that. 
    also: the actual 蜉蝣 successor I needed [2]
    yukika should be crying over not picking up the next homage kei band
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