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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    Good band but constant use of Latin somehow feels a little pretentious now.
  2. Very nice cover of Raphael's Shoujou 3 xxx shou.




  3. seikun

    Outdated. Losing Japaneseness makes them uninsteresting. It's precisely their Japaneseness that opened them a door to western audiences.
  4. seikun

    When is the scene finally going to drop this dull look?
  5. seikun

    Oh no, he fell prey to that dull today's look. The preview... not long enough to have a better idea what's going on. Can't summon KISAKI anymore...
  6. seikun

    As a member of L'arc en Ciel HYDE is very talented and artistic. As a solo artist, except for things he did in the past, not so much.
  7. Hmm, has anybody ever thought Kamijo has ruined his voice, that forced his voice to sound deeper and serious ever since Versailles was formed?...

    1. Gesu


      Eh, I always liked how his voice progressed. I was once talking to a guy about Kamijo, and he said his voice is like wine; gets better with age. I agree with him personally, but I guess it's mostly down to opinion.

    2. Elazmus


      A lot of vocalists in VK hold their voice "fake deep"  in their throat when they sing. It's like a character voice, just a popular way of singing for a band in this scene.


      I'd sooner switch the cause and effect, -and say that it's more likely his vocal style would cause injury to his voice over time- than for past injury to have caused him to sound like that in the first place.

    3. yomii


      lmao comparing kamijo's voice to wine must be the best compliment for him, fits into his noble prince fantasy perfectly

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  8. I thought I was the only one seeing Kisaki in the background.

    1. nekkichi


      wym @ kisaki in the background

  9. Could someone help me out with this Japanese?




    It's from SectMateria's Cyanosis. I think I understand the basic idea...; him looking for a way to seize the sky with his frozen hand(s), but the かすれた声に凍えた part has me all complicated because I don't know it fits in logically. I know 凍える is an intransitive verb but it looks as if it were saying something like "with my hands that froze the husky voice", but intransitive verbs don't have an object they affect. かすれた声に is such a challenge. I'm lost here >.<



    1. JRD


      My interpretation is: with my faint voice and frozen hands; I desire to reach for the skies.

    2. plastic_rainbow


      i think it can also be interpreted as "with these frozen hands on my husky/faint voice", just my opinion. haven't listened to these guys in a while btw. i remember liking this song.

    3. seikun


      The problem is how かすれた声に is affected by 凍えた or what its relationship with 凍える is because 凍える is an intransitive verb so it doesn't an object. に is supposed to be used when expressing the indirect object but still, with my poor Japanese that doesn't seem to make sense either.

  10. I wish someone would upload Due le quartz's PVs in the best quality possible. My videos no longer work because I got them centuries ago.

  11. The guitarrist... 😕 Nice project and nice that they focus on old school Visual Kei but they need more more practice to play decently. And the singer needs to be more expressive and theatrical.
  12. When one requests mp3 format is not because one disregards other formats but because mp3 files are lighter and still retain decent quality.

    1. seikun


      I don't know that format. I just prioritise saving space while keeping decent quality. Mp3 is in no way a bad format.

  13. seikun

    Dearest Bullet, such a boring and generic song. That kind of songs always sound uninspired.
  14. I found the lyrics of 虚像の神 in Japanese and would like to see if there any chance someno can translate the song into English. That would be very appreciated. 虚像の神 歌詞 作詞作曲HIRON (男声、女声) 古ぼけた宝箱の中は 良心の麻痺した かびの生えた道徳教典 核心に迫りくる憂鬱 愛していたかった あなたが創り出した甘美なうたを 見渡せば娑婆苦にゆがむ景色 汚れのない夢を! 明日のない僕らの世界に 誰もが天才舞台役者 何もしらずにいた 微細に綴られていくシナリオ  梢から枯れていく立木のように 痛みは消えることもなく  手足のほうから先におかされて みじめな姿に凍りついた 追いかけて追いかけて手に取った宝箱  青い疲労があなたの声を静かに奪っていくわ 押しつけられた台詞は捨てて降りてしまおうこの舞台から  あなたのことを愛した数だけ真綿で首をしめつけてあげる  演じきれないこころの中を懸命に歩いていく 頼りない夢をみている  あなたの創った虚像の神が声をもてたら 追いかけて追いかけて手に取った宝箱  青い疲労があなたの声を静かに奪っていくわ 押しつけられた台詞は捨てて降りてしまおうこの舞台から  あなたのために感じた痛みも知ることさえないままに 苦しくて哀しくて 救いのないこんな舞台に  未練がましくすがりついているあなたの影が見えるわ 過ぎていけ過ぎていけ何もかもここを過ぎていけ  大切なものたくさんあるほどあなたの人生は長くないわ
  15. seikun

    What a dull name for a band.
  16. PIERROT, Noir fleurir, Baiser were the main bands for me. I was already exposed to Japanese music and Visual Kei years back but that very moment when I was totally conquered by the music was in 2005 when I listened to Noir fleurir's Omocha no MIISHA and Baiser's Flora and I fell in love with these songs, this kind of music and the aura around Visual Kei bands instantly. Some may now understand why I'm frustrated with the current scene.
  17. seikun

    I need this song!
  18. seikun

    Perhaps someone else already pointed it out; I just noticed the similiarities in these songs. They don't sound exactly the same but I perceived Daraku /DARK・STAR by MARRY+AN+BLOOD was inspired by Sora ga ochiru ano hi by Lamiel. lamiel - 空が堕ちるアノ日 Marry+An+Blood - Daraku /DARK・STAR
  19. I have been wondering about the old school Visual Kei band, Lamiel. I wonder if their band name comes either from some angel of biblical mythology or if perhaps comes from Spanish "la miel (the honey).

    1. Jigsaw9


      Knowing VK bands, it's probably the former cuz it's so 'mystical', lol. But I wouldn't be surprised if they just cracked open a Spanish dictionary at random. :D 

    2. Himeaimichu


      It's also the name of some French film from the 60's based off of an unfinished book of the same title.

  20. seikun

    Most eyebrows in VK today are horrible. Old school VK eyebrows were better.
  21. seikun

    Thanks for the lyrics. Hope someone could also translate into English.
  22. What an awesome cover. I never thought the guitar line was so cool. Lareine - Solitude.



    1. Arkady


      Solitude is one of my favorite songs from Lareine 2nd age.

    2. seikun


      Mine too and I love Kamijo's theatrical performance in Chantons L'amour.

  23. seikun

    Lareine - Saikai no hana. I specially love to pay close attention at 4:21 I'm thankful the band decided to remake the song and make the fullest of it.
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