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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. If ANGELS isn't the best NOVEMBERS album EVER, I'm gonna be kinda mad ngl

  2. It's your birthday, and I hope you'll die. Or your fav bands will disband, and your fav bandoman will hate you and you'll be blacklisted. 

  3. i think i'm getting sick again

  4. Got my Rentrer En Soi cds today. Time to burn them all and listen to them forever lmao

  5. Remember when alice nine used to be somewhat heavy XD


    It makes me wonder why A9 exists lol


    this fucking thread aaaahhhhhhhh

  7. remember buscemeyes tumblr? ha kids all grown up out there:



  8. Are you afraid to die?

  9. I find it mind-blowing that almost 20 years since its release, FF IX still has probably the best background art in the videogame history ever



    and the closest thing that comes to this in terms of visual fidelity is bloodborne (which lacks imaginative design for a good 2/3 of the actual game, two yarnham locations aside) released in 2015.

  10. Have y'all seen the controversial Gillette ad? What do you think? Are men not used to progressive messages aimed at themselves? Personally, I think although a little cliché, it isn't a bad advert. 


  11. Have y'all seen the controversial Gillette ad? What do you think? Are men not used to progressive messages aimed at themselves? Personally, I think although a little cliché, it isn't a bad advert. 


  12. This place is dying slowly, isn't it?

  13. Anyone down for a plug sesh~? https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

  14. Impromptu plug.dj session! Let's start off 2019 RIGHT! https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

  15. God is so alive that he can let a psychopath enter the church and shoot down 4 people INSIDE the church. Behold the power of God.

  16. Minuscule update: But we now have a proper 'like' and 'love' reaction emoji, since the default was a bit of a weird hybrid. :lol:

  17. The more I dig into classic vk and pre-vk bands, the more I understand that vk is actually a scene with 3 decent artists out of 17 copy-cats. The sound, lyrics, visuals and overall aesthetics haven't really evolved in the almost 30 years it has existing. The idolized system that is actually the managment strategy of the 95% of the bands born in the last 10 years moreless came out really not surprising.

    Tbh, this makes me really, really upset, and seeing bands like Mamireta, Mathilda or Londboy being claimed as the cool novelty makes me want to die instead. 

  18. How i delete a topic?

  19. We're going to spin some tunes for a lil' bit on plug.dj. Everyone is welcome to join!


  20. if you were ever a fan of the band, the new Killie is a must buy. decent sounding re-recordings, the densest release yet. instantly enjoyable if you've listened to their other recordings.


    a perfect summary of their work, only shame is that it wasn't released a decade earlier when it could have caused some more waves....


    not quite as cohesive in a conceptual way as some of their other releases, but serves the purpose of a great album, in the more traditional sense.

  21. Happy Birthday CAT5 !!! wishing you well !!! on your birthday <3  Have fun and drink a lot get fucked up !!!!!!!!! XD

  22. platy

    platy    CAT5

    Happy 🐱 Birthday 😹!! 😽

  23. Chi

    Chi    CAT5

    happy basuday (from the future)! :D 

  24. qotka

    qotka    CAT5

    Happy birthday! :) Have a good one~!

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