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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. Yellow, my dear old friend.

  2. Can any of the staff help explain how the club-related topics work? 

  3. just wondering, who should I message if I want to submit something to recommended tracks?

  4. just wondering, who should I message if I want to submit something to recommended tracks?

  5. Last chance to apply for mod! We'll stop accepting applications by the end of the the day!

  6. I wonder what you'd think of me now..lol. Wish I could've been more of what you wanted.

  7. broe....everytime i listen to death im like....wow...they were so perfect. rip chuck :((

  8. I'm really bored and i couldn't think of anime to watch for next month. please suggest me one title of an Anime by posting here or feel free to send me a PM, any anime will do except on-going animes, because i don't watch on-going anime in the current season.

  9. this MIX tho :-P

  10. happy birthday @CAT5!!!! hope you're having a wonderful day :D 

  11. nick

    nick    CAT5

    Happy birthday, @CAT5! I know that turning 30 hurts, so take it that you are just 29 and 12 months old. xD Hope you have a great day!

  12. Happy Birthday!! Did I read correctly?  Are you joining the 30s club? We have your cane and prune juice ready~. lol Hope you have a great day and get to do something fun. 

  13. suji

    suji    CAT5

    happy birthday nekojisan!! have a sugoi day!! ♥

  14. yo!!! happy bday man~_!


    (Happy birthday........................................................)

  16. Happy b-day! It's always nice to see that CAT5 heaven header up there! :3

  17. enyx

    enyx    CAT5

    The only person to get your own personal MH birthday banner, let that sink in :P

  18. Happy b-day Cat! <3

  19. Happy birthday! I hope you have a great one. This forum is truly a better place thanks to your hard work.

  20. Jesus, I hate the amount of Jpop I realized I have after organizing. Now I have to go and get rid of the lower bitrate ones ehhhhhh.

  21. Jesus, I hate the amount of Jpop I realized I have after organizing. Now I have to go and get rid of the lower bitrate ones ehhhhhh.

  22. best bday in a couple years



  24. If you're thinking of contributing to Recommended Tracks this month, the deadline for blurb submissions is March 27th! Looking forward to  hearing from you guys! :yay:

  25. ahhhhh this lineup is so sexy



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