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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. Des, Pho - there's a new SPC ECO album out: https://spceco.bandcamp.com/

  2. mentioning single key person from this spring's chain of shitty events brings formalin taste to the back of my mouth, and my hairdresser girl is leaving for japan. but yiiiisssss Leita growls vocals!!!!!!!

  3. Got all As for spring semester! Huzzah!

  4. (─‿‿─)

  5. Photography exam went butter than I had feared... even though my piece would have taken any other person an hour or two and not the full five hours. ='D

  6. THORNAPPLE is a pretty cool band. Loving this album!

  7. Called out of work sick today. First 2 day weekend for me in a whiiiile.

  8. There's always a Sysop in Winterfell

  9. Togvros mix: 0/10

  10. I would like it if more people posted their favorites in the monthly thread as I would like to see them, or if there was a recommendation box that worked like the status updates but said "「Username?? recommends: 「凛 - Memento Mori??「 Why: Because it's etc, etc...?? " But to say that, I guess I should contribute as well when I have the time.

  11. I would like it if more people posted their favorites in the monthly thread as I would like to see them, or if there was a recommendation box that worked like the status updates but said "「Username?? recommends: 「凛 - Memento Mori??「 Why: Because it's etc, etc...?? " But to say that, I guess I should contribute as well when I have the time.

  12. I would like it if more people posted their favorites in the monthly thread as I would like to see them, or if there was a recommendation box that worked like the status updates but said "「Username?? recommends: 「凛 - Memento Mori??「 Why: Because it's etc, etc...?? " But to say that, I guess I should contribute as well when I have the time.



  15. there's not gonna be a trade-off this month? :<

  16. REV UP THOSE UPLOADS FUCKERS i'm almost hot and ready to download again

  17. Got some uploads planned...

  18. Aichuun, if you're gonne rip off MH uploads, at least get the damn release date right.

  19. Aichuun, if you're gonne rip off MH uploads, at least get the damn release date right.

  20. Aichuun, if you're gonne rip off MH uploads, at least get the damn release date right.

  21. FINALLY, i might have my own laptop again soon.. THE STRUGGLE... ENDS...

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