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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. outside of visual kei i listen to nothing but midwest emo, slowcore, and scramz lol

  2. Still recovering from upper respiratory infection. Shit seems like it never ends...

  3. Finally pre-ordered Trifolium and Elegance. orz

  4. When Pitchfork tries to convince you people actually liked low bitrates. smh http://pitchfork.com/thepitch/902-learning-to-love-low-bit-rates/

  5. Just saw I'm gold now o__o. Wow, thank you guys very much! ^__^

  6. One of my smaller dreams came true yesterday, as I did an interview with MIYAVI, apropos of his new album & tour. For those interested, you can read it in English here: http://artiq.hu/unity-and-change-interview-with-miyavi/ Hope you'll like it!

  7. are the cat receipts finally out. can i fight cat too

  8. This is a callout post to popular MH member CAT5 to call him out on his problematic behavior: not updating his cat files thread : ((((((((((((

  9. has there been any good/interesting japanese hip-hop this year?

  10. has there been any good/interesting japanese hip-hop this year?

  11. http://kohyukii.tumblr.com/post/128854222270/cicada-夜明????街-bed-room-2015-lp-this-is-just THIS IS REALLY GOOD!!!! does anyone have recs that sound somewhat like this, lounge/dream pop-ish?
  12. Apparently my personality type is INFP.

  13. my girlfriend just broke up with me via messager :'(

  14. Anyone up for plug.dj in about an hour?

  15. Get that omnibus fix qrl

  16. so TK finally lack of inspiration? es or s is so boring

  17. Not sure if I'm gonna write a DOGMA review, but I might want to if I have enough time. The album deserves at least one positive review...

  18. What a way to start September! :D

  19. ╰(•̀ 3 •́)━☆゚.*・。゚

  20. ଘ(੭´꒳`)੭̸*

  21. (✧≖‿ゝ≖)


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