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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. Clearing out everything in my downloads folder I haven't listened to this year yet! Wish me luck. lol

  2. Happy new years everyone!!

  3. Happy New Years M-H !

  4. 'appy 'appy New Year yolks~

  5. Little compilation of some of my instruments: http://s.ameblo.jp/tetorabmx/entry-12112901537.html Hopefully link works.


  7. Happy New Year, even though it's not midnight here.


  9. happy new year everyone! hope you'll have an awesome year <3

  10. Default keeps getting removed. I'm certain it's because it's a gif image and is too large. However when I save it as a jpg and re-size it appropriately, MH says it fails to upload it. (Current in original gif until removed)

  11. going back into the shadows...

  12. kiyoharu queen of the desert

  13. stay in school

  14. Today I feel like listening "Romancé" by THE NOVEMBERS all day long.

  15. all i want for christmas is you...lol

  16. I trusted you, Koba.....and you betrayed me....

  17. OWARIKARA *_______*

  18. first the piqnic and now for example you sell the sea. thank you MH for introducing me to so many great discoveries~

  19. I knew watching that last FACT live was gonna mess me up. But wow, I totally underestimated how bad. ;;

  20. Sometimes I wonder what all the lurkers on this forum must think of us active users. It would be funny to get their reaction from time to time.

  21. sgt. really needs to put out a new release.

  22. Local college radio just played some Tricot, hell yeah!

  23. can't stop listening to the piqnic, so good <3

  24. Gonna take the JLPT tomorrow. Wish me luck please!

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