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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. (๑´▿`๑)♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪✧

  2. Soo, COHOL just shared Zeus's review on their facebook. this review-section is becoming legit^^

  3. There are two completely random Spanish people in the plug room and I am laughing my ass off xD http://i.imgur.com/hhCvZXU.png

  4. Hey guys. Hover your mouse over the carousel and watch what happens ;)

  5. good music - but DAFUQ is up with that video... dancing Lamas... LOL xD

  6. new albums from ATATA, ??イスイノナサ, 八?八ヶ所巡礼, 凛??????時雨. downy, or THE NOVEMBERS would be much welcome. The year is half-way done and I still haven't heard anything aoty-ish from Japan yet. 2nd half looks promising, though!

  7. new albums from ATATA, ??イスイノナサ, 八?八ヶ所巡礼, 凛??????時雨. downy, or THE NOVEMBERS would be much welcome. The year is half-way done and I still haven't heard anything aoty-ish from Japan yet. 2nd half looks promising, though!

  8. new albums from ATATA, ??イスイノナサ, 八?八ヶ所巡礼, 凛??????時雨. downy, or THE NOVEMBERS would be much welcome. The year is half-way done and I still haven't heard anything aoty-ish from Japan yet. 2nd half looks promising, though!

  9. This new trend of calling everything you don't like "garbage" lately needs to DIAF.

  10. guys, has anyone ever bought from hmv.co.jp? thinkin of gettin some stuff i cant find in cdjapan from there but not sure ><

  11. hey cat, I liked that song.

  12. Is there a certain service for Last.fm that allows you to add these mirrored-or black fading bars on the lower side of a photo so they fit in the library better? I keep seeing it everywhere, but I have no idea if this is simply done with photoshop or if there is an option for this online somewhere: http://tinyurl.com/qehubuu

  13. Is there a certain service for Last.fm that allows you to add these mirrored-or black fading bars on the lower side of a photo so they fit in the library better? I keep seeing it everywhere, but I have no idea if this is simply done with photoshop or if there is an option for this online somewhere: http://tinyurl.com/qehubuu

  14. So many great uploads today! (´▽`ʃƪ)♡

  15. A pretty big change has occurred

  16. Added all the upcoming releases to our calendar, I'm a release list machine. xD

  17. ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬

  18. Doctor gave me a bunch of medicines :/ hope it can help.

  19. this might have to stay my summer avatar

  20. Why do so many Visual Kei bands kick @ss? Just wondering....

  21. Joined Flight Rising ;3

  22. RIP B.B. King ;;

  23. 〜(^∇^〜)

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