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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. 3 day weekend スタート!

  2. Start your morning off right. Nice and Smooth.

  3. Someone at work asked them to send two Japanese songs just to hear what it sounds like. *sweats nervously*

  4. Finally switched from Firefox to Google Chrome. I should've done this years ago tbqh

  5. Kagrra,...imma let u finish, but a ling banner would be the GREATEST BANNER OF ALL TIME

  6. Kagrra,...imma let u finish, but a ling banner would be the GREATEST BANNER OF ALL TIME

  7. happy birthday Ricchu-kun, I hope it's blessed with lots of quality D.

  8. suddenly the koons is nonsense system??? yomi's voice sounds weird a.f. in the entire single, but that last track...like...slays??? werks??? serving snatched weaves?????

  9. Friendly reminder to buy Foxpill Cult's album on iTunes and to get Jupiter's album from MediaFire :-*

  10. Turned on the radio for the first time this year. The first thing I hear is "I got baking soda! I got baking soda!"......

  11. ngl my meat pizza tasted better before i went into ambergris thread

  12. I feel as though I should try to be a bit more social on here. So like... hello... or something.

  13. I feel as though I should try to be a bit more social on here. So like... hello... or something.

  14. Happy New Year! If this status updates get 20 replies that aren't from the same people (lmao maria) I'll post the original best of the MH-chat in the Monochrome Heaven Hall of WTFLOLZ

  15. Do not have enough Nen to get through today (笑)

  16. Do not have enough Nen to get through today (笑)

  17. ppl who use iTMS scrubber to erase your iTunes purchases' personal info, plz take a look at http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/26224-uploaders-café/page-3?p=379387

  18. PSN why are you doin me wrong right now...

  19. My grandmother died today on Christmas… this year really proofed to be shitty for me.

  20. A 3 year old at work tonight was convinced I was a boy because I have short hair and got really mad when his mom referred to me as a girl. Apparently only boys can have short hair?

  21. After a work christmas party and a church christmas party in the same day I can't even look at food without feeling sick. x_x

  22. I would be more productive if I didn't have a cat laying on my legs and the other one laying against my stomach under the blanket.

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