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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. Even though Emarosa fox matches the new shiney name color... probably gonna get a worth avatar for the occasion. *happy dance*

  2. finally, I am back...

  3. I just want internet back but then I look at my recent schedule and realize I wouldn't have time to computer anyway. Struggle 5evar... Going through CAT5 withdrawals.

  4. I'm starting to forget how to internet, guys.

  5. I'm starting to forget how to internet, guys.

  6. Piisu, is there a VK scene in India and if not are you going to generate one ;p

  7. I'm starting to forget how to internet, guys.

  8. Piisu, is there a VK scene in India and if not are you going to generate one ;p

  9. I was thinking of writing reviews for Phase 2 and AVALON by Matenrou, are people still interested even if the reviews are late and the albums came out a while ago?

  10. pumpkin spice chai mistos are giving me so much life this week (can't drink coffee, have 2 substitute)

  11. fricken frickle frackers.

  12. Do me a favor, but most importantly do yourself a favor, if you're passionate about this scene and you want to be involved and possibly help it grow in the future so you can better enjoy it... go apply for the Official MH Music Critics. Sure it might not be a gateway to meeting great people now, but you never know who knows who and who you will meet. Just do it. Talk about something you love. Express that part of you. It's not asking you to write a book about songs.

  13. So excited for my Japan trip tomorrow.

  14. Jazz is good for the soul

  15. Soooo plug is back now?

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