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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. My grandpa's house was just burglarized. TVs, computer, and iPad stolen. I can't fucking stand people.

  2. Listening to the new previews of DADAROMA with CAT5....CATAROMA

  3. Going to listen to more from Ruvish, Blitz, and maybe TK, hehe.

  4. Going to listen to more from Ruvish, Blitz, and maybe TK, hehe.

  5. Going to listen to more from Ruvish, Blitz, and maybe TK, hehe.

  6. got new work. turns out my expenses are pretty much 1:1 my salary. and thats without food etc. should just die.

  7. This insomnia is all too familiar...

  8. Finally life with good music again. :'}

  9. new DAD AROMA teaser video just leaked:

  10. Should I add news threads for all the releases I add to the calendar? Because I kinda feel like they should be mentioned, but I also think no one cares. >>;

  11. That awkward moment when there's a job near my city for nintendo and the only qualification that I don't have is 100% fluency in Japanese. Goodbye world.

  12. christmas tree cakes are out yasssss~ ;w;

  13. Wanted to shock my system and mix it up, so I bought two Jazztronik albums and the latest Daishi Dance.

  14. Wanted to shock my system and mix it up, so I bought two Jazztronik albums and the latest Daishi Dance.

  15. Wanted to shock my system and mix it up, so I bought two Jazztronik albums and the latest Daishi Dance.

  16. Wanted to shock my system and mix it up, so I bought two Jazztronik albums and the latest Daishi Dance.

  17. LOL I make fun of everyone else changing avatars, now I can't even decide on my own. ///OTL I caught the avatar bug. ;;

  18. Alcohol is a terrible terrible thing.

  19. New avatars. New avatars *everywhere*.

  20. Can honestly say THE NOVEMBERS are one of my fav. bands at this point. Took them 6 years to win me over lol

  21. I am not sure about ???????国's new album, but it's a bit too poppish

  22. House music is taking over my life

  23. wednesday is a good day, new kinoko teikoku and tgads :3

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