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Posts posted by CAT5

  1. Not sure really whether to take it as a compliment or not, but my older brother has been going through some things lately, so I sat with him, listened to his issues, and offered him some counsel. He told me that "he wish he could record me (what I was saying) right now", ahahaha. It's funny, because I don't consider myself to be particularly wise, and on the contrary - I actually believe myself to be quite naive and bumbling in a lot of ways - so the fact that I could offer my brother some words that could feed his spirit and uplift his countenance....I was genuinely shocked at his response.


    But I feel where he's coming from. I've found myself having that exact same reaction towards a lot of the people I've met over the past 2 years....literally wishing I could record our conversations because they were just that impactful. So i get it. I'm just surprised that someone would say the same about me.


    I think it may be what some refer to as the spirit of wisdom, or perhaps the spirit of truth....because as I was talking to my brother, it's like I was talking to myself as well, as the words cut me just same...they applied to me just as much as they applied to him. Whatever the case - I know I don't know much, and I can often be a complete idiot, so it's pretty surreal being able to "channel" something like that, and actually affect someone in a positive way. So I suppose my brother's response is a compliment in a sense, but I can't imagine myself taking credit for it.



  2. It's been a while since I cranked a Band Battle thread, but I thought this would make for an interesting match up! I've seen both Kizu and DIMLIM referred to as saviors of modern VK, but which band is MH REALLY feelin' the most? So, as always - which band do you prefer, and why?


    キズ (Kizu)















    hajime!!! :wan-08:

  3. 3 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    @sujiCould you be so kind as to add "in Japan" to the title for me? I'm on mobile and don't know how or if that's something a mod has to do. I just don't want to muddy the waters and make clear that this is particularly about Japan. I mean I suppose other countries could be put here, but yeah. 


    might be a lil too late for that, bruh :lol:

  4. 2 hours ago, lichtlune said:

    I always thought people had a sort of racist passive objection to any type of Japanese music so I've pretty much avoided showing my music to many people anymore. 


    "nobody wanna hear that ching-chong music"

    "why u be listenin to dem Chinamen?"
    "they make music in Japan???"

    "they could be singing 'i hate niggers' and you wouldn't even know it!!!"




    Just a few examples of the ignorant things ppl have said in the 20-something years I've been listening to Japanese music :hum:


    Granted, I can understand why they'd be perplexed. I still don't understand why a poor little black boy in the late 90's took a liking to Japanese music. My only explanation for that would be: "I just like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" :lol:


  5. 1 hour ago, nekkichi said:

    Gossiping or sharing social knowledge


    There's a difference between gossip and simply sharing knowledge, and it lies in one's intent. Gossip is usually driven by ill-intentions.


    1 hour ago, nekkichi said:

    Your Brain Is Built to Make You Good at Gossip


    The brain/body is built to do many things. However, the manner in which those things are done matters a great deal. The intent matters.


    For instance, it's probably not a good idea to defend someone's cocaine  addiction by saying "well, the brain is built to secrete dopamine anyways!", and just leave it at that.


    In similar fashion, that would be like explaining away the actions of a rapist by saying "well, science says you were built to procreate, so, it's all good."


    That's an interesting article you linked, but this is a spiritual issue. So intent matters.


    You can either try to bring peace and understanding to a matter or you can sow discord and seeds of contempt and condemnation . Gossip tends to do the latter.

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