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Posts posted by CAT5

  1. 1 hour ago, Gesu said:

    Right? Media outlets don't have to censor what they're already putting out, but they could at least give other artists a chance. Maybe that's why everyone thinks today's generation is so two-dimensional; because we get taught to be. It's not fair, really. -_-

    I'm just shouting into the wind, honestly...seeing that cancerous garbage promoted does aggravate me, but even just me venting about it here is a waste of energy. These media outlets are gonna do what they're gonna do, regardless of the implications.


    The only real way to combat the dysfunction perpetuated by these media outlets and the culture surrounding them is to exemplify proper function in our own lives, support those who also eschew dysfunction, and actually teach children right instead of leaving them to be indoctrinated by the media and society at large.

  2. 7 hours ago, Bear said:


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    Loved seeing Dany go bonkers, tho. Predictable as fuck, but it's been a work in progress since the first season. I see people around the net complain about it, and there was no signs or anything, they say. Like, what the fuck? Did you guys just skip every single episode with her in it or something? She's gradually gone from innocent and pure to mad, and if you rewatch every season you'll see how she's gradually changed. The way she talks, the way she acts and ever the way she looks and moves. One of the least surprising things in the series so far, but it was really pleasing.




    I agree 100%!!! I think this guy also had a nice little summary of Dany's arc:




    It was definitely predictable, but there was something morbidly satisfying about it all. It's hard to explain, but watching her descent into madness was both terrifying and fulfilling in a way. I think because it just exemplified a hard truth about human nature - we're all fallible. And it's usually the people who think they're flawless, or that think they're "good" that turn out to be the most dangerous, because they've turned a blind eye to their own propensity for madness, chaos, and ultimately evil. It's an area of ourselves that most are loathe to look (many go to great lengths to avoid looking at it), but turning a blind eye doesn't make it go away. And in Dany's case, her propensity for evil (mostly) went unchecked, meanwhile her head was continually being overblown with how "great" she was.


    All it usually takes is a matter of circumstances to expose our flaws and weaknesses...and it's us


  3. Spoiler

    So it looks like the leaks were real. I kinda hate that I read them, but there's no going back. Still, even knowing what was gonna happen, this was a tragic episode...and watching it left me feeling pretty heavy.


    I think this was inevitable, though. Sure, you could look at Dany's Targaryen bloodline, and say "well, you know how crazy those damn Targaryens are!" or you could excuse Dany's actions like D&D did in the inside the episode and say "well, all of her closest friends and advisers died so she's just been kind of left to her own devices"...and while i think the latter is part of it, I don't think it really gets at the root of the matter.


    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And honestly, Dany was fucked all the way from time she was being raised on stories of her "heritage" while in exile in Essos.  When you think that ruling is your "birthright", well...you've already erred. Imagine being Dany, being told all your life that "You're the true heir to the Iron throne" - and then believing it to the point that it becomes your life purpose, and then struggling for YEARS to bring it into fruition...Dany TRULY believed she was the Queen and in her head the throne was already hers....so Imagine how much of a reality check it had to be for her to arrive at Westeros only find out that the people don't trust her and that winning over Westeros wasn't as simple as "breaking chains"


    But even more than that....imagine how much of a MINDFUCK meeting Jon Snow had to be fore her, and then finding out the truth of his heritage. Not only did the guy have a better claim to the throne, but Jon has a natural charisma and meekness to him that inspires love and loyalty - so much so that she even fell in love with him!!! So on some level, she KNEW deep down that Jon would be a better ruler than her, but her ego was so invested in the idea of her being Queen, that she could not accept any alternatives. So it's no wonder she just completely malfunctioned. Losing Missandei was the icing on the cake, but I knew she was too far gone the moment she pleaded with Jon to hide the truth simply to support her own rule.


    It's a tragedy, but I think Dany's arc highlights one of the central problems with the way Westeros is run - the whole Idea of Royalty is simply inane. And as the series has shown us many times over - high-borns and low-borns spill blood just the same. So the separation of classes is already unnecessarily divisive. And furthermore, thinking that you're fit to rule simply because you were born into "the right" family is pretty much a system that encourages delusions of grandeur by default.


    Ruling righteously is a huge responsibility...and Ancient wisdom tell us "he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." But when you think that ruling over people means "doing whatever the hell you want" - then, well...we've seen how well that worked for King Robert, Joffrey, etc...So the system in Westeros is inherently flawed because it elevates The King (or Queen) to god-like status, and that's far too much power any individual to wield - no matter how well your intentions. Sitting on the iron throne would be like like your average joe winning a trillion dollars - that's far too much money for anyone, and no matter how 'good" of a person you might think yourself, having that amount of money would expose all of your flaws and vices in a heartbeat. Dany was a fool to think that a power that grand was her "right" instead of a "privilege". And she was even more foolish for not trusting the council of those who were willing to put her uppity-ass in check. Jon was wise not to want anything to do with the throne. It's trouble by default.


    I think the Wildlings, in spite of their brutish ways, had a much more functional way of life than those south of the Wall.


    also, on a side note,....The iron bank is gonna be PISSED!!! :tw_joy:




  4. I have to say, despite all of the issues, I've been very impressed with these last two episodes, and this entire season thus far. Hard to believe there's really only two episodes left.



    I thought that things would become lackluster and predictable after the battle against the dead, but d&d have definitely surprised me. I'm also enjoying all of the nods to previous seasons.




  5. CrN3EfMWcAEseG2.jpg



    They did a hell of a job painting a rather hopeless and hellish scenario. I expected way more main characters to die given the circumstances (tho i admit i'm also relieved, but still). I also expected this battle to span multiple episodes somehow. I wonder what D&D have planned, because after something like that, is Cersei really a threat???? I can't imagine them doing anything more intense or downright frightening than what happened this episode.


    P.S. - Theon went out like a G. He was def. one of the most fucked up characters with the most fucked up character arcs, but I was glad to see him redeem himself and atone for his sins, so to speak. Alfie Allen played the hell out of that role.


  6. Although I've not visited myself, I actually know and fellowship with quite a few of the individuals from this community, as they have a satellite institution here in my city. The origins of this village are pretty fascinating. It was established in the late 1960's by a group of "African Americans" who, during the height of the civil rights movement (when most 'African Americans' were fighting to fully integrate into the U.S.), basically gave a HUGE middle finger to the United States, migrated to Israel, and started their own way of life.



    I can definitely attest to the fact that the people I've met who were born in this village or have interfaced with this community to any great extent have all been upstanding people. It's wonderful to witness how people can flourish as individuals (and on a collective basis) when those people are nourished in a culture that's not inherently poisonous.

  7. Hey there, welcome to the forum! Feel free to make yourself at home! :D


    If you have any questions/concerns, just feel free to hit up the staff (members with blue/red/green names). Enjoy!

  8. 12 hours ago, Disposable said:

    There is so much superior indie shit out there that this cannot come off as anything other than as flaccid mediocrity to anyone who’s familiar with the stuff.


    My dear Dispo,













    ahahaha, i'm just fuckin withchall. I like the song. :lol:

  9. 12 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Does anyone know of any bands with heavy jazz influences like Sugar? For instance, I had Jikkendai Marmot recommended to me not so long ago and thought they were fantastic. Also, how about bands with really good guitar? Again, like Sugar, lol.

    I'm not sure if these guys are classified as VK or pseudo-VK or whatnot, but they're a jazz-rock band that may appeal to you.




    "really good guitar" is a bit vague for me, as I'm not super familiar with Sugar...BUT, here's one of my favorite bands called 八十八ヶ所巡礼 (88kasyo Junrei). They're not VK...but the vocalist is male :lol: Here are some of their songs that u can skim through:





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