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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

    lets see about that announcement D:
  2. stylelover

    HxH was fun while it lasted. Lets hope they will animate the Dark Continent Arc someday, that is if it ever finishes in the manga.
  3. i really have a hard time deciding between Withering to death. and GAUZE and i just cant. im just going to go with withering to death because that was the last album i liked.
  4. stylelover

    Thank god im not the only one with countless humble bundle and steam sales stuff i never played lol. seems kinda useless to always buy stuff D: b
  5. nailed it [2] . the quality is really bad yea lol. still cool.
  6. stylelover

    started with Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution. same game as always obvioiusly.
  7. stylelover

    only really familar with the tgads song. know some other bands, but cant recall the songs atm. 01 Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Rain Inside Your Eyes 02 LICKER - LOST 03 DIANNA☆SWEET - GO AHEAD! 04 Odesza - White Lies (feat. Jenni Potts) 05 the unknown forecast - オーバーワード 06 澤野弘之 - 悲scene 07 Jay Park - 나나 (Feat. LOCO, AOMG) 08 カレン - Bonus Track 09 Aliene Maφriage - エンドレス 10 A Pink - My My pretty good shuffle. need to go with Odesza. Great album,g reat song.
  8. stylelover

  9. stylelover

    Its worth the money though. (japanese whiskey)
  10. lol @ ryoga holding his phone for one song because he needed to read the lyrics. but the concert was really amazing

  11. born/lycaon today. yay?

  12. new t-ara is so amazing omg

    1. Ro plz
    2. blackdoll


      nevermind it was just the beginning, the rest blehhh

  13. stylelover

    just woke up to this news : ( for days i checked the news first thing in the morning and hoped for the best..
  14. stylelover

    I liked the last album and it was really fun live and this seems like a good continuation of that sound. I hope the second song is good too.
  15. that new AKLO album <3

  16. stylelover

    its okay its love is so heartbreaking now :<
  17. stylelover

    Thank god i only use my 3DS for pokemon, so i can just buy another used one when pokemon gen 7 comes out.
  18. stylelover

    - this week had the best day in a while - and the worst one - i need to send applications for job offers i dont even want . -.-
  19. stylelover

  20. stylelover

    neverending story.
  21. stylelover

    best news. i searched for the first one so long and already gave up now. doesnt seem like it will ever appear at auctions.
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