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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. Japanese work life is basically the important point for me to not even think about living there. I have quite a few friends who went there for working holiday in the past and the percentage that changed from "im doing this working holiday to get connections and possibly moving there later in life" to "i never want to work there " is really high. Cant really imagine it myself and im ok with going on vacation 1-2 times a year if money allows it (probably way better in future)
  2. argh i hate when i discover a used cd on a weekend. ofc it gets sold b efore fromjapan orders it for me -.- searched the last two years for this cd :<

    1. paradoxal


      awww D: which CD was it?

    2. stylelover


      the only catfist cd im missing :(

    3. hiroki


      OMG i know that feeling. It's like I refresh and see something I want but it's gone before I even receive the Charge 1 form D:

  3. Sasuke being alive in the movie is not a spoiler
  4. I always enjoyed the manga, but it went a bit downhill recently. Kaguya was such a boring villain. Like we pretty much still dont know much about her. Everything else in spoiler because of reasons: If i calculated right it ends with chapter 699? should have ended it with 700 lol.
  5. stylelover

    interesting topic. most stuff as probably said in one way or another.. sorry in advance. 1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not? Short answer: No. I dont really have a big explanation or anything for it. Music isnt free (most of it at least), thats it. 2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band? As someone said before: While you dont have any rights to the music if you buy a cd , its still your own decision to share or not share. As for reasons behind it, imo theres no point in discussing if reasons are valid or not. Reasons for it might be stupid, but again: in regards to the first question. music is not free. 3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it? Thats just stupid. Im with hiroki on this one. Like lets say i buy something rare for a huge amount of money and one of my friends buy it too: i would never ever say anything to that person. Everyone can decide for themselves to upload stuff or dont. One can decide for their own copy, but trying to force everyone else to do the same is just wrong. 4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities? Yes, but that just comes with the small community imo. You cant really compare it more famous genres and/or countries. Theres so many sites etc for western music and way more people that listen to it, so its just normal to get most of the stuff somewhere. Another thing is , that you just cant disregard the usual age of visual kei fans. When i started to listen to vk , mostly underage girls listened to it (at least here in germany) and lets be real: underage people dont have unlimited amount of money on hand. People like that exist in all music genres , but if the community in total is way larger, its not that obvious when people complain about getting music for free (and most of the stuff is easily available). 5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD? Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip? No to the second question. im not entitled to anything at all. Tbh i dont really get the reasoning behind it. i dont think it matters if someone uploads something in lower or higher bitrate. if someone wants to buy it, they buy it. I cant see how someone tries something free out and then he/she is like "oh that upload is only in 128kbit/s , i guess im going to buy it". if they are buying it after listening to the download its probably like para said. you like the band , so you decide to support then. But again: its not like i can complain about it.im not entitled to request more. 6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction? I guess its not a huge suprise , but yes quite often, although its not that much recently. Its really different. Behaviour ranges from "why do you listen to this????? i didnt see it on any blogspot yet, so upload it in the next 24 hours!!!!!!!!!" to essay-like pms that they usually support the band but because of many many reasons they couldnt buy this one. About reactions.. Idk. I often ignore requests (especially when they are rude), but i usually reply to nice messages and most of the people dont answer again then. but i also got insults as a reply before.
  6. stylelover

  7. stylelover

    not sure if you know that but you can get the second one at likeanedison. its not only live sold.
  8. stylelover

    pretty sure its only mail order. (and at lives ofc.)
  9. stylelover

    aw selector spread wixxos is subbed nice. now more or less only waiting for World Trigger and Amagi Brillant Park. Might check out some other stuff because thats only 3 things, but dont know what yet :/
  10. stylelover

    basically all links work. its probably what owl said. if you stop at the site that counts down from 4 to zero it just doesnt redirect to the download site. might be because of chrome , doesnt work in chrome for me either.
  11. stylelover

    hm pointless for sure but doesnt hurt to write it down. some of my most wanted things: Carpe Diem - 約束 ERIZA - anything except OVER GOKIBURI - 痛ヒ。 - 辛ヒ。 RivaSquall - thank you beautiful days
  12. stylelover

    oh fuck. need to go.
  13. stylelover

    My plan failed: By:ARLANT - B:A-Session By:ARLANT - Hexagram Fixer - END of STASIS My Fairytale - Tokyo under note REVINE - NEO GATE TweiT - Aesthetics of the suicide and kpop T-ara - And&End now i need to block myself from accessing fromjapan.
  14. stylelover

    While this is nowhere near the level of Master of Romance, its still their first release i enjoyed since then. Cant be bothered to make a full review of it atm. Might or might not edit this with a track by track review. Gesshoku was probably my favourite song. and MESSAGE FROM HERE i guess overall rating would be like 6,5-7/10~
  15. stylelover

    New Season seems really boring. I have like 3-4 things i knew i would want to watch, but when i randomly read other things none of them seems interesting at all.
  16. never had so mixed feelings about a new band. one song is horrible and the other songs are good. not sure if hate or love.

  17. stylelover

    Not yet playing, but just bought Shadow of Mordor at steam. cant wait.
  18. stylelover

    at least they were able to release all these singles lol.
  19. stylelover

    was looking forward to them and they dont disappoint. need to get that
  20. stylelover

    ^ i love to unpack kpop stuff
  21. stylelover

    recently went on a fromjapan shopping spree. should refrain from buying stuff for a few weeks. EVE - Act EVE - アイリス FULL EFFECT´ - Tri[d] or [p]eleTe!? Hyper Pocket (ハイパーポケット) - グランギエル様 Lament - end roll Lieselotte - 此処で殺して/ウソツキ Rivet (リベット) - Present ROGUE - Rebellion/Memento Souiumono (サウイフモノ) - タランチュラ UnsraW - Karma WITHERING BLOOD UNPLUGGED Ver Vampire (ヴァンパイア) - マ:スカレイド_ビッチ
  22. Hm, most of my orders are from https://www.jishubanclub.com i guess. Closely followed by auction sites. i guess fromjapan then, even though thats not a "shopping site"
  23. stylelover

    Hoped for at least one new song.:/ just going to wait for their next releases
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