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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

    only thing i want: the last guardian. thanks. (and yes i know that wont happen)
  2. stylelover

    well he at least said "Continuing, Hashimoto added, "Instead, we are preparing for an event after E3 to make new announcements." so that either means GC/TGS or a own event (doubt that).
  3. stylelover

    not the first time that they change their announcments or everyone else in the game industry for that matter. but yes you can read it everywhere. heres the source, but i doubt you can read that, so heres the kotaku one: link
  4. stylelover

    confirmed: no ff 15 and kh3 at E3 or at least nothing new bummer.
  5. stylelover

    kinda expected something like this sooner or later. still really sad news.
  6. stylelover

    playing watch dogs too and more or less same opinion as saku. great game. also dont get such videos , you can do videos like that for basically any game if you search for stuff like that. the only sad thing about that video is the creator. must be sad to play a game like that
  7. stylelover

    so not going to say anything about the new hxh episode yet, but this seems like a accurate rating for the episode. kinda weird seeing almost no 1-2 ratings lol.
  8. stylelover

    what ending? u mean ending of the arc? because the manga didnt end yet.
  9. stylelover

    gogo cat, watch more hxh xD finally caught up wit some recent animes like haikyuu , baby steps. brynhildr, mahouka and selector . yay
  10. stylelover

    ^same as above. great condicition, etc.
  11. stylelover

    i think games are everywhere more expensive than in the US, seeing as new games are usually between 60-70€ here in germany and 60€ is already 82USD. companies just change the $ sign to € sign if they release stuff here but then again i guess prices are also more expensive in japanese online stores/import stores, as i bought some new games for like 6000-7000 yen in tokyo itself? got j star victory vs for around 6500 if i remember right. but that could have been some sale too.
  12. born x lycaon europe tour lolol

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      but lycaon and born are the same band, who has better before and no inspiration's music now ^^ that's logic...

    2. stylelover


      sadie is going to be at that paris thing too?

    3. blackdoll


      ^^ not same band, and only born

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  13. stylelover

    hi. taking the shedia single. shipping to germany. pls send a paypal invoice to [email protected] thanks
  14. stylelover

    fuck this.
  15. stylelover

    i feel u bro.
  16. stylelover

    well hard to say. in the past it could certainly be like 300-400 € if it was a interesting month and lots of rarez at auctions too. im a little bit on a difficult place this year so it was mostly around 100€ nowadays.
  17. stylelover

    Still not sure if i should ever watch Pupa, iwas waiting for the anime a really long time and then "oh yea 4minute episodes sorry" not really feeling it
  18. stylelover

    Not sure how many people here watch HxH and if they are all manga readers so ofc without spoilers, but as much as i waited for the netero/king fight i already know that i will hate the end as much as in the manga. also that ost was epic
  19. stylelover

    didnt know about I'll, sounds really interesting. might read that later. Well hard to say. its a shonen jump manga at least. the manga is currently at around chapter 100 and kuroko was still more or less "realistic" back then too. But yes so far theres not really any superpowers, but it could happen later on. Baby Steps was ok so far. Already know the manga, so kinda knew what to expect. I guess i like it , because its a good change after Prince of Tennis.
  20. stylelover

    i really like the Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei manga, so im looking forward to that one. Already watched selector infected WIXOSS and Haikyuu. Haikyuu is pretty much just a volleyball version of Kuroko no Basuke,s o im going to continue that for sure. First selector infected wixoss wasnt too good yet, but its just 12 episodes and it was ok enough, so probably going to continue that too. Planning to watch quite a few animes this season. seems like a good one.
  21. stylelover

    as we are getting closer and closer : im sooo excited for the spring season. its probably the season with the most "must watch" animes in years and thats just the ones where i already love the manga. im a bit afraid though, because i tend to give up on many animes after some episodes in recent time and i really want to watch all of them :/ would probably be better if they wouldnt be all in the same season
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