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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

    11:30 gametime so far and one gym,
  2. stylelover

    finally got it
  3. oh need to get that live single
  4. stylelover

    preordered Y and will get it tomorrow. cant wait to play.
  5. stylelover

    syu pls.
  6. stylelover

    sounds promising so far. hope the full song is good
  7. stylelover

    normally i would be excited, because for the last two albums they always had better songs on the albums then the main song, but this time te medley didnt sound too good, so i am a little bit afraid that i wont like it at all. speaking of the song itself its ok like dream girl and why so serious.
  8. stylelover

    R.Kelly? wow
  9. stylelover

    welcome at mh. favourite bands?
  10. stylelover

    dont care for the dvd, but yaaay new mini album.
  11. stylelover

    i am sorry, but thats just sugarcoating it. i guess you can promise that for youself but something like that just doesnt work for everyone. not in the internet and not in reallife. someone whos more or less inactive for months cant just say "ok lets be more active now " and suddenly be more active. it MIGHT work for one person , its not totally out of question, but a more than one person at once? no no. would be the same if i dont sell any phones for months in my shop, because i have no interest at all to sell anything and then just be like "ok yea lets sell many phones everyday now yaaaay". everyone would agree that that wont work. EDIT: and i guess many people here already wrote some suggestions so theres a start. we all understand that its something that cant be changed in a day and needs discussion.
  12. stylelover

    i guess stuff like how to change the forum would rather belong into the thread magatsu created, but im just going to include it to this post , as it somehow belongs to modteam changes too (you need to have some ideas too after all.) many regulars (at least chat regulars) talked about this situation for a while. its a fact that the forum is less populated than it was before , so we wondered why and talked about the whole situation a lot in the chat recently. but stuff like that belongs in the open or nothing gets changed at all. i also hope that people might join this discussion. General thoughts about responsibilites and the modteam: Like dispo said, the most important thing about a modteam that they are 1) active active active and 2) actually interested in the stuff the forum offers and 3) actually interested to be part of the community. Sadly i dont see any of these things in the current modteam. there are exceptions of course , but im not going to say any positive or negative examples as that wouldnt be fair to anyone of the current mod team. To get a little bit more detailed. 1) Lately i refer to mh as a lawfree place. you rarely see any mods and wrong topics or stuff like that sometimes stay on the site for a few days or they just dont get discovered at all. So thats where the first point comes in: a mod/admin team should actually be active and not just hope for the best and be kinda idle all the time. again as dispo said i dont know whats going on behind the doors, but i was a mod myself in the past( im going to say a bit about that too later on) and theres not so much stuff "backstage" to actually justify the common abscene of mods on here.its not the users job to report any single wrong thing in the forum. of course its nice to report something if you see it, but in a ideal situation the mods themselve would see stuff and correct it . 2) that leads me to my second point: you need to be interested in the stuff thats posted here to actually be able to properly do you rmodwork. not being interested in most of the news and downloads posted here AND being lazy or away is the worst combination possible. again: in a ideal situation or rather in a must be situation the mods actually need to be interested in visual kei /jrock /the news / kpop / whatever to be able to mod properly. its ok if one moves away from vk or anything offered here, but then you are just not fit to be a mod on a forum about that stuff anymore. imo a mods job is not just moving topics/locking threads. its also to be highly dedicated and interested in what the site is about, to take part in discussions and be a part of the community. and thats what my third point is about. one shouldnt be a mod just to ensure "law", one should be a mod because he/she LOVES to be on this site and LOVES the stuff the site is about. its just sad and cant be justified if a mod has like 5 posts in two months. and to actually reach that goal the mod team (and/or possible new mods) needs to be reviewed. that leads me to a bit of my own mod story and why i left the "team". it wasnt a team at all in the past. when i joined the mod team back in tainted world days it was actually more or less a team. everyone was fairly active and you could b e sure that if you wouldnt be able to look into the forum for lets say two days, someone else would be there for sure. that changed someday. sooner or later i found myself doing most of the stuff myself as some of the staff was just suddenly away and others lacked interest in the forum. that quickly lead to my removal of the team, because i just dont want to look over everything all the time , even though i really love this forum(im part of it for 6 years or so now). but a team is a team and not one single person and the others can lay back and hope that no one registers on the site. meaning: a mod team should consist of people that actually care about the forum and want to increase the community AND actually being interested in the stuff thats most common in here. ideally a team should be mixed with people that like different things (vk, jrock, jpop, kpop, other stuff) . of course things can stay like they are now, but the forum is slowly dying and it will die out sooner or later. im going to talk more about that in the second section, but atm theres no real reason to join mh. i chat with people yes, but i can just add them all to skype and it would be the same. and thats the point: a mod team should be a good role model and actually be interested to be a part of the community. now theres maybe the question who should be a mod: thats something that should be discussed later on , IF this might actually change something. i for myself would be willing to join, BUT it depends on how much the team changes and if i can actually say "yes this is a team of people who are active", because no one can change something alone. changes for the forum, current situation, what to do? first im just going to repeat something i said on the chat some days ago about the current situation: monochrome heaven as it is right now is just another blogspot site. sounds kinda stupid? maybe but if you take a closer look its not exactly far fetched. currently the only really active stuff on the site are 1) the chat 2) dl section 3) news section. lets see what a random vk blogspot offers me: news and downloads on one site and most of the time a chatbox on the sidebar. sounds exactly the same. so that relates to the activity of the forum: if you visit this forum for the first time (maybe even coming from a blogspot because you saw that many downloads come from here) you actualyl see that its not different at all, so why contribute to the forum at all? seems kinda useless. and thats the one most important thing right now: ACTVITY. especially in other existing categories or in new forums. because if things stay like that than monochrome heaven is just another blogspot. nothing else. so what could be changed about that? for me its out of the question that we need to look into things beyond visual kei /j-rock. imo it wouldnt hurt to be a little bit more open to other asian stuff as k-pop/rock and maybe even other stuff like dramas. we had a bigger music section a while ago and imo it worked quite well (own forums for western and korean music for example) i think it was all migrated into the general music section in an attempt to make the forum slimmer. imo that kinda failed, as the general music section is a huge mess right now and if you are interested in korean music for example its kinda impossible to see whats in the section. its not going to hurt anyone if we try to get people from other genres over here. its not like the vk section is going to decrease just because we have a kpop section and not just a general music section. ideally people might even check other sections if they are active, but one can also just stay away from it. not like anyone forces you to be part of every single section here. alright thats it from my side. if i can think of anything else to change the forum im going to add it
  13. stylelover

    ^ my first thought too. looks really similiar.
  14. stylelover

    i personally like to go to Shinjuku, because there are 4 shops more or less right next to each other. like an edison, jishuban, closet child and pure sound. so its always easy to check the stores and if one doesnt have anythign you can just go to the next one.regar regarding directions its actually quite easy imo. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4KzuRL_A2xo/T36U0-LfffI/AAAAAAAABCc/ysaqSF6cvuY/s1600/likeanedison.jpg this is the like an edison map. just take the west exist and follow the street. for someone who doesnt know where the shops are located its probably easier to start with closet child and puresound. you can just follow the street and look into every street and pure sound /closet child are directly at the corner you cant miss them.
  15. stylelover

  16. stylelover

    not sure whats wrong with waiting? its not like we dont appreciate someone doing that. for many people its enough and they can enjoy it by all means, but personally i want better quality and i can wait for it. if we would complain about how long it takes : ok , but we are not complaining. just saying that we wait for a better release. (but yea this gets a little bit offtopic now)
  17. stylelover

    http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/19916-the-gazette-new-single-new-dvd-new-album/?p=298776 its on the previous site. reading the last few posts helps sometimes.
  18. stylelover

    exactly the same feelings saku. agreeing to everything you said. i dont mind waiting, but im glad people enjoy it overall.
  19. stylelover

    the first episode is properly subbed now. you can get it at nyaa.se for example. im waiting for all 4 episodes to watch it in one go.
  20. stylelover

    never heard of most things before. cypress hill for me as well. 1 Crayon Pop - 빠빠빠 2 D - Rosenstrauss 3 BIG BANG - 날개 (대성 SOLO) 4 R指定 - 國立少年-ナショナルキッド- 5 Simon Curtis - Victory 6 4Minute - 물 좋아? 7 Bring Me The Horizon - Crooked Young 8 lostprophets - Better Off Dead - Lostprophets / Watkins, Ian 9 己龍 - 凩 10 MEJIBRAY - EMILY oh no a playlist with both 己龍 and 4minute, so cruel. but its always 4minute.
  21. stylelover

    kinda nice hope its good
  22. stylelover

    all four episodes aired in a special two days ago . every episode is between 22-25 minutes. 2 are already subbed and its the whole game as expected.
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