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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

    same. i can join sometimes, but then it changes to black screen again. really b uggy atm. also more or less nothing done design wise
  2. stylelover

    playing Risen 3 Titan Lords. not that much so far.
  3. stylelover

    and so it begins. at least they list a valid reason this time. also on a side note: Five kinda annoys me. (znt)
  4. I might actually want to listen to the new SCREW album, judging from the previews. Damn

  5. stylelover

    so hxh will end at episode 148. kinda expected around 5-6 episodes more so no surprise really. hopefully there will be a new version /continutation sometime. wouldnt expect anything before 2020 maybe. will be hard to get the same studio/voice actors/etc. too. well probably wont happen.
  6. stylelover

    Glaub nicht. Wir sind zumindest den ganzen Bahnhof abgelaufen und haben nichts gefunden. Nochmal würde ich das echt nicht machen.
  7. stylelover

    Ich hab ja so einige schlaflose Bahnhofnächste früher mitgemacht, aber die Nacht nach dem kostenlosen girugamesh Konezrt in Berlin war echt am schlimmsten. Das ging echt gar nicht rum. Vorallem hat dann irwann um 3 oder so? der Mcdonalds zugemacht und dann gabs eigentlich gar nichts mehr, außer einfach nur irwo rumzusitzen. Ich war danach so tot.
  8. stylelover

    Im more or less familiar with most of that stuff and i would also choose the Chiodos song. reminds me that i need to listen to them again. 01 THE HAKKIN - 震えた口唇に最後のKISSをしよう 02 3LAU - 3LAU HAUS #17 (Back to School) 03 Silent Siren - LOST.W 04 F-VE DOLLS - 짝 1 호 (Original) 05 AKLO - HEAT OVER HERE 06 Aural Vampire - NO-SEE-UM 07 Casper - Unzerbrechlich 08 Ellie Goulding - I Know You Care 09 2NE1 - 멘붕 (CL SOLO) 10 Good Charlotte - Broken Hearts Parade Some pretty good stuff, but i would probably go with the Silent Siren song. not my favourite of theirs , but its probably my favourite band out of the things.
  9. thats the mbok account inartistic mentioned > http://www.mbok.jp/_l?u=8116489
  10. the account doesnt exist anymore, so kinda useless but it was various things., although "he" seems to have an mbok account now. -multiple (unopened) copies of more or less every undercode release basically on releasedate or soon after. -live distr./sold stuff multiple times -many old undercode things -many bootleg dvds (some of them quite limited, but still sold multiple times? not too sure about that one, because im not that informed about uc stuff) so yea it was basically just that insane and sometimes quite impossible amount of uc and kisaki related stuff that made it quite obvious.
  11. stylelover

    german dates http://www.mlk.com/one_ok_rock/2088-tour_2014
  12. wtf. what is wrong with people at last.fm. this is literally the worst picture war at last.fm i ever witnessed. how can ppl be so fuckin dumb. pls die.

    1. Ikna


      What band profile?

      I know there's a funny war on Christian death's lastfm page, because the band have deleted all images and locked them so no one can upload *lol*

  13. stylelover

    Edit: picture got reported and removed lol. Edit 2: lol now they are upvoting random other pictures. dumb people mh army pls upvote http://www.last.fm/music/Winner/+images/100432771 thanks :
  14. i dont even use the messenger app so whatever.
  15. stylelover

    aldnoah ost 10/10 sadly the show itself is not THAT good, but still enjoyable
  16. stylelover

    some shopping services write emails too.
  17. stylelover

    same XD as soon as i woke up and saw this it was time to use LINE and whatsapp to cry with my friends XD
  18. stylelover

    "Digimon Adventure 03" was announced today (im just going to call it that because.) much excite.
  19. I didnt bother to read the article , so my comment is without reading it, but i read zess´ comment. regarding 1: i dont follow them closely, but theres at least a few graduated AKB48 members that release solo stuff now and/or even act afaik. so everyone going to sex trade is certainly not true and doesnt really motivate me to read this. also about 3: you already quoted everything important but they are basically the most famous group in japan, so i call bs on "love-starved males with glasses and bad skin". their fandom probably includes these people, but thats it.
  20. new eluveitie sounds good so far.

    1. Ito


      Worth checking it out? I kinda stopped caring about them after Everything Remains as it Never Was.

    2. stylelover


      I didnt listen to the whole album, because i wait for the release, but they offer a stream atm if you want to listen in

    3. stylelover
  21. stylelover

    ^You are not a mangareader? Thought so the whole time lol. Also i dont like how they call Nanika "something" in the subtitles. Ofc its "correct", but it just sounds weird. And yea nice Leorio scene
  22. stylelover

    first single was really good so looking forward to this. but two SE´s _.-
  23. stylelover

    Never thought that would be the case, but Barakamon easily became my favourite of this season.
  24. Both sides are kinda right. Its just a genre matter. While Nyasagi and Kles are by no means wrong, its just the visual kei comminuty thats like that. I can probably count the actual japanese people that openly uploaded vk music with both hands. I dont think thats because they dont know how to upload though (for some that might be a reason too). Its more about the general mindset of vk fans. they just dont want to share stuff and thats totally fine (especially "rarez"). While on the other hand filesharing is still a thing in japan (jpop etc), although im pretty sure that it declined a bit with the new laws, but i cant remembere where i read that.
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