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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

    "defeats stylelover, but throws HER.." thanks!
  2. stylelover

    thats not what i meant with it. meant it more like that its maybe a bit heavier, but they are from an idol band, so i still consider it jpop xd
  3. stylelover

  4. stylelover

    always lurking prets. kinda nice song im seeing myself drifting more and more into jpop recently. really into this atm: maybe not really "jpop", but they are from an idol band. also best idol band > Chu-Z
  5. stylelover

    need the studio version.
  6. ice cream cake ♥

    1. zombiesatemycereal


      gimme that gimme that gimme that gimme that gimme that gimme that

  7. stylelover

    well dont like comedy theme personally so im ofc for international
  8. stylelover

    theme pls or no theme?
  9. stylelover

    Wow finally a teaser? Didnt expect the album to ever be released
  10. stylelover

    was kinda into post hardcore in the past, but never really listened to senses fail. some good stuff on that list tho. 1. yazzmad - ラクエン 2. THE MADCAP LAUGHS - intention of clouds 3. AINSI SOIT JE... - My Ideal 4. 보이프렌드 - 너란 여자 5. Bella - Twins(2wins) (feat. JuYun) 6. MBLAQ - 우리 사이 7. Genetikk - Alles Möglich 8. Lady Gaga - Swine 9. Double K - Fake Drama (Feat. Rado) 10. THE HAKKIN - ニウ神経衰弱 Some nice bands , but weirdly nothing really outstanding regarding the songs itself. :/ Went with Mblaq as i kinda like that song
  11. stylelover

    bye bye tv performances
  12. stylelover

    current order (still waiting on it) ALVION - RELEVATION @NNIVERSARY - TREASURE E.T. - The View from my Eyes GAGA- 恍惚の花-コウコツノハナ- Glowlamp - ナナイロJukeBox lyrical school - SPOT Menoz - 僕らのナツ。 StellaNova - Eternal Heart/Extreme V.A. - NoSide
  13. YANAKIKU album is sooo good. huge suprise

    1. stylelover


      its certainly not like your usual recent idol jpop imo. they have a few pvs if you didnt check them out.

  14. stylelover

    personally dont really like the comedy one so im rooting for international
  15. artist i like didnt release anything since nov 2013, yesterday i thought about wanting a comeback so much and today she posts #comeback at facebook, lol.

    1. stylelover


      wish that would always work

    2. Shmilly


      +11111 to that

  16. stylelover

    anyone up for a small ffa session at around the usual time today? o: so bored
  17. stylelover

    this season is really awful yea, but high hopes for the new one.
  18. stylelover

    updated mine a bit http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/30711-the-general-wtb-thread/?p=360214 ~
  19. stylelover

    pretty sure oomori has chill songs. yesss
  20. stylelover

    no idea about other programs, but i use itunes and i just put the romaji in the "sort artist as" column. everything in my library has the correct names and i can still search for the romaji because its in the sorting options.
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