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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

    20-11 Releases 20. GAMEOVER-ガメオベラ- - START Song 18. ルリイロ - 1st demo Preview 16. それでも尚、未来に媚びる - E.P.逃影 18. ZON - Heads up! PV 15. DIA - 제자리 Song 14. Proxyon - 続・ルル 13. MALISEND - Reincarnation
  2. stylelover

    some of my favourites this year. seperated into top 30 releases (including singles) and top 30 songs. 30-21 Releases (Honorable Mentions to FINLANDS and 眩暈SIREN, probably my two AOTY, but i sadly didnt get my copies yet...) 30. LONE - 核命灯 PV 28. 시아준수 - 꽃 (Feat. 타블로 Of 에픽하이) 25. R指定 - 焔-homura- 23. 레드벨벳 - Ice Cream Cake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKE1UMWIwfM' title="External link">Spot
  3. WHERE IS THE GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE? i refuse to vote for anything else.
  4. thats pretty much it. theres application tickets with each cd and if you have all of them you can get the 13th cd. maybe one can send them in as well.
  5. tried to change my last.fm "about me", was suddenly logged in as someone else. now he has my about me section gg last.fm

  6. stylelover

    will probably be there for once : x
  7. stylelover

    @plastic rainbow AL - NEO FEMINIST Cuartet - 花咲かせ行進曲 DIALUCK - でんせつの1st DEMO DIALUCK - まぼろしの1.5th DEMO Lilly - 雪上ノ破片 Lips - RED menoz - 時空パビリオン meteroid - 束縛 rimcat - カオティック/エレクトロニカ SAKURA - 桜の涙 swimbrights - how to live? should be everything.
  8. stylelover

    glad to see suits back. anyone watched mr robot? i generally enjoy usa network shows , but they are always rather lightly and nothing really special (covert affairs, white collar for example) mr robot surprised me. its really well done and i hope it keeps the quality.
  9. stylelover

    also suits
  10. anyone any idea what this could be? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59729890/2015-06-25 00.11.19.mov screen just goes black, i also randomly have flickering and image intereferences when i watch videos. same thing happened while opening mediafire earlier? no problems at all with normal sites etc.

    1. stylelover


      checked usual stuff. everything plugged in correctly. drivers are up to date~

    2. inartistic


      Is it Chrome only? Try disabling hardware acceleration maybe?

  11. good old videogame times

    1. Keiyuu


      David Wise is a genius <3

    2. plastic_rainbow
  12. stylelover

    Thanks for the meaningful input. and i dont really have a preference i guess.
  13. stylelover

    People are hyping this song way too hard. Its ok, but nothing more
  14. life goes on~~ and then its over.

  15. stylelover

    Sounds reasonable : >
  16. stylelover

    life is srsly going the wrong way atm. straight into the abyss.
  17. #freethestallion

  18. stylelover

    Theres like 20 different codes or so for various mobile apps. i need the one for a One Piece game. ONE PIECE トレジャークルーズ
  19. stylelover

    It was released today. https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/20201_10153274363357412_7443492169761123347_n.jpg?oh=3fcc86a4e48241ee276e06d2a0b8d5b7&oe=55C4CB3F
  20. stylelover

    well the point is that i just want a thin bit of paper inside the magazine so i dont really want to order it anywhere online and even ship the magazine to me. useless costs. if i would want that i could use fromjapan too.
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