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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

    ^ http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1110653
  2. stylelover

    ^same. the actual announcment was about a real life game, dont think theres any remake? at least this > http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/03/02-1/death-note-to-collaborate-with-real-escape-game-in-early-summer is the last i heard about the 10th anniversary but then again i dont even want a remake.
  3. stylelover

    ugh. that sucks
  4. stylelover

    playing ff X X-2 HD and waiting for my J-star (jump star) victory vs copy to arrive
  5. stylelover

    sounds good enough so far.
  6. ponpon way-way-way

    1. allisapp


      welcome to MH ^.-

  7. some interesting bands. looking forward to it, if its new songs
  8. thats obviously a good thing for the band and although i understand when people have doubts about it, it still doesnt matter what people think. just because you probably wont like them from now on, doesnt make this a bad thing. its still going to be a good deal for the band.
  9. going to answer all of them with only one band in mind~ I buy all types. No chekis , but i have some other merchandise. i check their ameblo, but i dont follow them with an account. lol no no? No. already visited and no to moving No. No. No. well that was boring~
  10. stylelover

    like every season i planned to watch like 422413514 animes and ended up following almost nothing Kuroko no Basuke (not from this season) is a mustwatch ofc. watched every episode. Also watching Nisekoi, but im a little bit behind on it. Dropped Pupa, waiting for the BR version. Planned to watch Noragami, Sakura Trick & Wizard Barristers. Lets see if i will ever start them~ New season looks promising too (sadly)
  11. stylelover

    what jig said is true. also for a band there would be no difference between choosing brand x or and cdjapan if they WOULD choose a site to make it avaiable for overseas customers. i get it , one would probably now say "BUT cdjapan has more than one shipping option so we can choose" thats true yes , but how would a band know about that. even if they would care they would just check if a store has overseas shipping and thats a yes for brand x. for everything else you would actually need to try to order a cd and look for the shipping options and even then they would probably dont understand the differences. no one in their right mind would go that far lol.
  12. stylelover

    yea sounds ok
  13. stylelover

    theres a copy of Cee here, if anyones interested. no international shipping
  14. stylelover

    aschaffenbug? so weird
  15. stylelover

    yea my love from another star is great. episode 4 was nice
  16. stylelover

    http://heartyensemble.com/2013/12/07/translation-aces-messages-to-fans-regarding-their-disbandment/ member translations
  17. stylelover

    added everyone from last few days. please readd~ (friendcode on first post)
  18. well its sids 10 year anniversary, thats why its being released at almost the same time. but no idea why its always the same song
  19. planet child could be something good. interested
  20. stylelover

    sounds really nice.
  21. stylelover

    you are going to destroy it saku. (the second gym) im not at second gym myself, but someone else told me the level of the second gym leader , because i was curious. anyway i guess it depends on how you play the games. i try to catch as many pokemon as possible, so i am walking around every route for a long time. so ofcourse im way too overpowered. BUT i kinda like the item itself, because now i can acually use more than 6 pokemon without losing any time, because you level up so fast. currently im just changing my pokemon whenever they reach ~30 and gametime 22:30
  22. stylelover

    sadly the ep-sharer is way too op now. im not even at second gym and i have around 12-15 pokemon ~lvl30
  23. stylelover

    well you can choose your first gen pokemon. and i think thats worldwide. at least its avaiable in germany finland and france too
  24. stylelover

    so anyone up for friendcode sharing? style : 1822-0207-1861
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