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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

    and so it begins
  2. stylelover

    hnnnng hnnnnng excited. so much. first single was great.
  3. stylelover

    Well selling music digitally is still a big problem in japan, not only for visual kei artists. It keeps getting better and better, but still many major artist dont even have one release at itunes. Thats all because theres this law that protects cd prices, so its good for companies if people buy the overpriced cds and not the "cheap" digital downloads. But yea it gets better.. but i dont think it will ever be as good as in other countries with itunes/amazon etc.
  4. stylelover

  5. stylelover

    Yea its bigger than SA. not sure how much bigger, but the map is really really big. I always walked around GTA games, so this is actually my first GTA game, so i cant really say anything about improvments or differences, but i agree with Original Saku. Its one of the best games in this generation, the story telling is really really good. Im currently at ~20 hours playing time , but thats mostly random stuff. My Save game says 20% finished.
  6. stylelover

    aw fuck. will be impossible to get again, as their other two live cds from this year
  7. fuck you itunes. FUCK YOU. and fuck you too iOS7 . y so slow

    1. Seimeisen


      Because not being slow would be convenient for the users... and that simply cannot be.

    2. sai


      It's because it's the first edition and the first editions always suck.

  8. stylelover

    big bang comeback at the end of october~ 2ne1 and bigbang in same month? sounds kinda stupid
  9. stylelover

    3360? thats expensive
  10. stylelover

    soooo. did anyone already buy it? or whos going to buy it? i got it today and played like ~7 hours so far. great game and i really really forced me to stop now, i didnt play much storywise so far, just driving around town doing random stuff etc. the world is sooooooo big.
  11. stylelover

    one of the vocals sounds female? kinda interested. sadly not the reeper vo
  12. stylelover

  13. stylelover

    new single leaked~
  14. stylelover

    not sure if theres even a site with general downloading. but i myself just use the baka updates website. if you have a list there you always see when new chapters get released and you can go to the scanlaters website and download it.
  15. stylelover

    they are available at online stores. closet child and brand x for example
  16. stylelover

    recent CL interview: Q: So tell me about the music you’re working on? CL: Right now, I’m working on 2NE1's next album. It’s dropping next month, so yeah, last minute work. Read more at Omona They Didnt: http://omonatheydidnt.livejournal.com/11803266.html#ixzz2ersPzQep
  17. i cant really agree with that. you can always see that tickets sell really good, as long as there are some good bands coming. Ace sold good, gazette had no problem in selling out, etc etc. its not because of lack of interest, its because so many noname bands toured europe in the last 2-3 years. now some organizers like b7klan get that they need to bring a little bit more famous bands to get people to concerts. EAT YOU ALIVE will be a good tour too, im sure of it. But bands like guild, adams , orochi (orochi in cologone had like 30 people attending), etc etc. its normal that only a few people go there . either the die hard fans or the minority that goes to every live just because its pretty japanese people.
  18. stylelover

    live sold -.- will be hard to get
  19. stylelover

    rarely. if you could choose to go BACK in time, where would you go?
  20. stylelover

    sooooo... september single anyone? inb4 they wont say anything about any singles ever again. (at least they released one more than last time lulz)
  21. stylelover

    ANUBIS forever (maybe new project name is duke nukem)
  22. stylelover

    but.. but...everything is obviously gazettes fault ..
  23. stylelover

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