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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

  2. stylelover

    oh only your cats. now im disappointed xD thank you everyone
  3. stylelover

    im just going to do that now , before i forget it. starting at monday i will be at summer vacation for ~2 weeks. see you in august.
  4. stylelover

    I am normally one of the people who cant stand one sentence reviews, etc. and i really tried to write a decent review for this album, but i just cant help it i am sorry. most of the tracks are just sooo boring and bad. bad to the degree that i cant even properly write a review about these songs. they are just plain boring. im not really a fan of SCREW anymore ,as i didnt like the recent albums and basically everything since vegas, venom, gather roses , etc. , but the singles from this album (xanadu and teardrop) got my hope a little bit up, because they were both rather good compared to other recent songs of SCREW. i also liked red thread when the pv was first released, but sadly everything else on the album is so bad. kinda enjoyed enduring memories. its a fun song, could be cool to listen to that at a live, but the other songs? so many things went wrong with them. all these weird "heavy" songs are just so bad. sorry cant say anything more about this. this doesnt desever more and thats just for the single tracks. without them i would rate it 0,5 or smth.
  5. stylelover

    going to arrive at monday.
  6. stylelover

    from new season: blood lad, gandannronpa, kitakubu, monogatari, love lab
  7. stylelover

    familiar with everything except mika and dionysos. never heard of dionysos before. 01 Breakdown of Sanity - Story Of A Stranger 02 Crystal Castles - I Am Made of Chalk 03 ARUSTOROMERIA - Berry's Pistol 04 Eptic - Like a Boss 05 摩天楼オペラ - GLORIA 06 SHINee - Last Christmas 07 Robyn - Love Kills 08 소녀시대 - Dancing Queen 09 AvelCain - 懺悔、寡黙ナル君ニ。 10 KISAKI PROJECT feat.砂月 - 想 mostly stuff i never listen too. had to choose between Robyn and Girls Generation, but i guess Love Kills is my favourite
  8. stylelover

    boring as hell
  9. stylelover

    highly recommended imo. great story and great actors. i love all these independent ryan gosling movies.
  10. stylelover

    thats some weird reasoning. why does it make zero goddamn sense? i think it makes perfectly sense. i still dont get why i should buy them, even if i dont like them. the band disbands then? well thats my loss i guess. if they dont have enough money, then they dont have enough money. easy as that. i have no problem in supporting the bands i like, but im not going to do it for nothing. and yes its still for nothing even if my actions would result into new music. it doesnt matter if you support them with it, if chekis have no value for you at all, it would be the same if you would just throw your money at the stage, because either way you wont get anything in return. and yes i would rather see a band disband , instead of giving them money for nothing. and also:"But to say the only thing you care about is the music so you're not going to buy merch makes zero goddamn sense". he never mentioned merch in general , did he? this discussion is about chekis after all. i would never buy chekis, but i dont mind other merchandise , if its cool. i bought quite a few things at different lives in japan. and i dont see how he spread that across the entire scene. theres nothing wrong with chekis and if people like them its perfectly fine. slsr obviously stated his own opinion. its not like he wants to forbid other people to buy them.
  11. stylelover

    again one day before i arrive. all good bands hate me XD
  12. oh i guess i could go to that live. not that much good lives while im in japan. sucks that every other band at this live probably sucks (or rather never heard of them before)
  13. stylelover

    so what are you people interested in for summer season? as it starts next week. http://anichart.net/summer < here is a list. i actually wait for the fall season, especially for kuroko no basuke season . theres nothing i really anticipated for a long time in summer season, but im going to try: Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku , Free!, Love Lab, Danganronpa - The Animation, Monogatari Series: Second Season, Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi, Blood Lad. and maybe Gatchman Crowds
  14. stylelover

    Jetzt sollte das zweite auch gehen. War ein falscher Link anscheinend. xD Ich wünsche, meine Katzen würden sich auch lieben. Aber wenigstens akzeptieren sie sich die meiste Zeit ;_:
  15. stylelover

    So gehts wohl den meisten Katzen. Meine Katzen liegen auch nur irwo rum. Der "kleine" bewegt sich eigentlich so gut wie gar nicht. Und Fotos lass ich dann auch mal da 1 2 mit gestapelt kann ich leider nicht dienen. meine katzen sind nicht unbedingt unglaublich ineinander verliebt
  16. Not too sure about that one. Someone from MS already said after this announcement, that they are still satisfied in the pricing. judging from amazon bestseller rankings and game forums quite many people preordered it now and/or again, so a price reduction is probably not really necessary.
  17. stylelover

    I think theres a shopping service thread somewhere, but idk. and this should better be in the same section the "do you buy batches" thread is in. I dont really have anything to add on this. people still use celga? Thought everyone is using fromjapan by now.
  18. what do you mean with "connect"? and well the camera is optional now , but its still in the package. personall i dont mind it, but i will never use it. i hate kinect
  19. http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update official.
  20. this sounds so great. never heard of them before .
  21. stylelover

    Die mit den zwei Augenfarben ist soooo süß ;O; Und ich erwähn jetzt mal nicht das C-Wort C-C-C-C-Combo breaker
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