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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    wouldn't it be unexpected and original if they capped themselves at 13 releases before disbanding
  2. mamaw can't catch a break this year
  3. sukekiyo shooketh, this is the shameless cash-grab VK scene needed tbh hope their new music is fun again.
  4. nekkichi

  5. nekkichi

    wait did they re-record the growling/burping parts of this masterpiece?
  6. I miss rando-ass VK tribute albums tbh


    can u imagine a V-kEi RocKsSsS: Mothra theme song covered by 13 various indie bands (featuring Deviloof and DIMLIM!) compilation 

    1. nekkichi


      (((note 2 self: make an effort to make future deviloof reads more obvious)))

    2. IGM_Oficial
    3. Axius


      I want the disney ones back too. A good portion of the V.A cover stuff is amazing

    4. Show next comments  240 more
  7. we're at end of February already, and there is still no set Western release date for dragon quest XI,



    is this life even worth living???

    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      i feel u sis


      i'm replaying dq4 rn & checking for updates everyday :(

  8. who the fuck are dalle

    1. Mamo


      He's also in KEEL and HOLOGRAM all of which I love btw.

    2. nekkichi


      lowkey envious of all that creative energy, hope we don't lose ha to a burnout.

    3. Tokage



    4. Show next comments  240 more
  9. nekkichi

    this is pure cancer delete this disband notice now u don't touch the classics with those assbreath vocals
  10. nekkichi

    what kind of a throwback look on it
  11. I don't like the cognitive dissonance that hearing remade songs with kyo's butchered new vocals is giving me :`( I'll probably crawl in the corner and spend a day crieing when itz out orz
  12. I'm still fuming over that Deg single annoumcement, I don't even like Ash


    tha fuck


    am I too tired of their unnecessary self-covers idk

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I guess....you just don't...like metal...

    2. nekkichi


      dRaAaaAwG mEeEeE maAaAmaAaaAaAwwWWww

  13. I literally can imagine how it's going to sound (shitty acoustic guitar wank fading into 3 seconds of silence + mumbled spoken sentence or two —> brrruugghgghghMEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW —> ASH!!!! - gurrrrgurrrgurrrgurrrgurrhuguhurrggurr-chug-chug-chug-chug-chug-chug-squeal-dun-dun-dun-dun)
  14. D I S B A N D, N O W
  15. nekkichi

    this is very unnecessary, but he's not the worst vocalist in vk so why not, lowkey curious what kind of sound he's going for with the solo thing.
  16. @Senedjemand his raunchy nudes have gone viral on twitter while you've been busy hating on furries, fellas!



    1. Senedjem


      what did i ever do to u 

    2. nekkichi


      sowwee! :`( I don't know how to stop myself from making harmless jokes on your behalf when I see furry content on the internet orz

    3. Senedjem


      its piss funny tbh 

  17. fucking Kiwi, I hope they won't disband anytime soon
  18. nekkichi

    what a breathtaking homage I'm glad this band still has real fans left that invest their time into re-creating iconic art instead of arguing in rudimentary music theory terms with bored internet strangers, x instagram has finally reached the myspace levels of unwell with their gorgeous piece
  19. nekkichi

    @Yukimoto good for him!
  20. accidentally found ish*ki's twitter account… (;_____;)



  21. nekkichi

    zomg the production & PV budget on this a9 never had a chance if odd a.f. ex-VK members still can get this much money invested into them tbh
  22. nekkichi

    we got it lycaonettes you are so not disbanding this spring/summer (?), maybe grab some inspiration before you start recording this1 tho
  23. nekkichi

    it's their NoNsEnSe MaRkEt album if you only type down capitalized letters out of its title.

    highkey mood r.n.

    1. CAT5


      Sis, perhaps there's something you'd like to talk about? No judgment or anything -  we're all here for you!  0qAcQoI.png?1 





    2. nekkichi


      nnnnn lmao it's all ratcidental!!!!

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