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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    not that I care with a yuuki solo project already announcedT and disbanding lesser bands, but I hope hzk doesn't go back to writing same-sounding self cover albums w/o the pressure of morally corrupt drug fiend tainting their reputation! gr8 news for their fans too, supposedly
  2. nekkichi

    yikes @ that hair omg @ that face moisturize iT, bish I'm lowkey excited for a trip-hop vk unti, but the yt sample sounds like shit so far :/
  3. they def look like they get high on turp on the reg tbh, what a surprisingly fitting band name!
  4. nekkichi

    is tsuzuku that bitch from vanessa with a split tongue? their management probs wants someone more mainstream-appealing for more than average (albeit creatively dead) musicians, therefore they groomed them a lil bit bit modeling gigs and shit
  5. nekkichi

    omg I love the band picture for this, masonic vibez!!!
  6. nekkichi

    thank u santa 🧙🏻‍♀️😏
  7. he has more stage presence than the entire sug combined, and he's just standing still with a guitar, what kind of budding Gackt successor we've got there
  8. nekkichi

    I can't believe i used to stan naito yomi's current vocalz are the kiss of death for a fun poprock album that some of this is shaping into, and I thought it was ruka or sakito's self-repetition dragging them down all these years tbh had to drop after 3 minutes, ojisan chanteuse's singing is like a chinese water torture!
  9. talent always wins! love that he didn't go full normie with post-band look.
  10. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/12/25/national/crime-legal/parents-dead-woman-western-japan-reportedly-admit-confining-15-years/


    which visual kei band do you think will capitalize on this horrific soulless murder first?


    my first thoughts are either DIMLIM or Gazette, however, seeing this referred on the next Dir en grey album is also a believable expectation!

    1. Tokage


      r-15 are the edgiest fucks in vk at the moment so i wouldnt put it past them

    2. Mamo


      Yeah I could see R-shitei jumping all over this.

    3. nekkichi
    4. Show next comments  252 more
  11. nekkichi

    I love how WTD lands a rolling stone japan top-100 rock albums feature, but u step into a Dir en grey thread and suddenly the Koons is western fan opinions
  12. nekkichi

  13. SPEIK AND SPEIK!!! I'm not hating fukai, v. clever of them to leave obligatory kyopera nonsense out of the teaser; iiid empire is on the final level of re-rec, shitty take no one asked for that doesn't improve on the original at all tbh #leave_vulgar_alone beautiful dirt is going to sound like a mess live if they plan on including it in tha following tours (which I suppose they do???) that look reminds me why I've been mostly exponentially hating on this band over the recent ten years or so, tho.
  14. nekkichi

    can't wait for gazette to come up with their own rip-offs auditory interpretations of so sad and piece of a broken heart!!! coming as soon as next springu!!! #hypedT
  15. mamaw bringing much needed nails for kanon wakeshima's career coffing, sleigh!! only wish tha video was shot with something better than an iphone 5s tbh 🧙🏻‍♀️
  16. nekkichi

    *cries in insectian*
  17. nekkichi

    merry christmas, darlings
  18. nekkichi

    toshiya is almost never wearing blonde hair (and not since ~2002, or so, other than the filth PV look), while shinya never wore blue hair, and is blonde more often than not, especially in the recent years. also, the latter is behind the drum set, the other is not.
  19. nekkichi

    henny let's honestly NOT, 21 olds don't look like poster children for laser lip treatments
  20. nekkichi

    interesting how according to my eyes, they went with a k-pop style with a lame attempt at improvised choreo because they have no money for a dance instructor, and according to my ears, they should at least have hired tetsu69 out of all l'are-has-been members to produce their shit ken is such an embarrassing talentless hack, riding on the laruku's former fame afterglow.
  21. nekkichi

    time 2 retire @ decays, glay, MUCC, XJapan
  22. nekkichi

    isn't it in fact the most fitting for BYE FELICIA —the visual kei band—????????
  23. nekkichi

    finally, some great news for ryohei fans, what a wonderful Christmas present (rat-looking photo aside)! we can finally anticipate a megamasso reunion by the next x-mas!
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