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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. tbh they always looked like a band that would've ended up exactly like this
  2. can we have a dedicated thread for Sucksucky onegai


    I couldn't find one, maybe my search broke or something?..

    1. nekkichi


      no, the upcoming European R'n'B sensation and an otherwordly lunar cherub chanteuse of visual key

    2. Zeus




      yeah idk where that thread went lemme find it for you

    3. Zeus


      ACTUALLY we don't have a satsuki artist thread...

    4. Show next comments  234 more
  3. nekkichi

    come through queen, bops only!!!! lemme grab my wig, it flew all the way to Cumchatka more of this henny rap it sang iT Japan must be jealous a.f. at not getting any
  4. yes!! you better hurry up before it's sold out on itunes!
  5. nekkichi

    cat heaving sounds are technically better than LOOПA too, we stan
  6. me, tired of anime user icon bois: I wish anime user icon boys already went straight to hell!!!


    anime user icon bois: not until u seen THIS




    1. xriko


      not bad, in a way...

    2. Lestat
  7. nekkichi

    less a9 more diawolf tbh, I really dig the electronics in this, but the song itself sounds like a weird l'arc en ciel b-side from 1995 remixed twenty years later. PV is very beautiful.
  8. nekkichi

    taboo self-cover teas, which is slightly better than ha two recent singles I guess. I'm not even supposed to care about it with new schwarz stein coming ltr this year lmao. oh yes two bitchy queens with non-existent music careers will def. bop to this!
  9. nekkichi

    it's foundation makeup and a strong light source, sis
  10. nekkichi

    I lowkey dig that Aoi is already hyping up their next single after this that doesn't even have a name yet. I wonder if they gave up on the idea of releasing a cohesive album and have went straight to writing filler tracks after announcing the pushed release date.
  11. nekkichi

    her new haircut is not the T I hoped her airbnbs for this tour included shower and hair dry amenities, alas
  12. another L from the werewolf chanteuse and her crew! this also sounds partially ~inspired by recent miyavi style choices, as if anyone ever benefited from copying her known bad taste in music.
  13. nekkichi

    weed is bad y'all children, stick to pcp
  14. downgraded sibile bashir/mucc crossover teas omg disappointed, but surprisedT
  15. someone really needs their music fix judging by the artist section shitpost spree


    at least space it up a lil bit good cyst, there are so much more different forum sections anticipating your two word long opinions

  16. I wonder who broke the contract, the band or Tomomi the sweet gazette royalties are still coming in, come on
  17. nekkichi

    "pops a molly once" realness tbh
  18. nekkichi

    it's very similar to DERACINE tempo/composition-wise, different intro and sampling aside.
  19. nekkichi

    very inconsistent album so far tbh, but emigre and sang II sound smashinG I dig i wish she stopped with the engwish tho, gothic reliquiae's lisp and miniscule vocab are annoying
  20. nekkichi

    they were distributed by free-will (like quite a lot of undercode, or starwave releases), yes. they were managed/produced by yukari up to sphire croid*, wither was self-produced, and protoplasm and onwards was a FWD deal, which coincided with the decline in their popularity. * nvm, I double-checked and it already lists d. tommy as exec producer, this makes Keinの棺 and Astreの絲 their last co-efforts; yukari works with resistar/FWD these days, so I guess angelic chanteuse and her 200 european fans aren't profitable enough to bother with anyway.
  21. nekkichi

    they only started flopping after signing with FWD, every release before that was selling progressively better all the way up to style change that came with protoplasm.
  22. nekkichi

    yep that would be most welcome! it would be good content for the thread as well, while the band is keeping it low profile with new material announcements
  23. nekkichi

    we stan a skinny legend
  24. nekkichi

    I wonder if we are ever witnessing any tea on why this tired queen rihfuses to work with Yukari again, is the free-will trauma running so deep for her? surely going back to her only selling era as an imitation-baiser frontwomyn would've been a better choice than releasing EU-only remaster albums of late RES knock offs????
  25. that sub-title orz — ☩ ✞ ◇ ✡ ☥ 𝕶 𝔢 𝔢 𝔭 𝔦 𝕿 ☥ ✡ ✞ ☩ —
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