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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. hard to tell. fireflop had no single tracks and was half demo live material, half new songs. they seem to go with the frequent small release route instead of sitting down and finishing an LP, I'm not sure how it's going to help them at all (saving money on CD printing aside.)
  2. nekkichi

    #unbothered as long as we have yumeleep doing this sound right they can unform
  3. nekkichi

    left heffa's chin tbh
  4. thinking of u, x



    1. The Moon
    2. Aferni


      You forgot the trashcan deary <3 ily

  5. nekkichi

    come through math rock-kei queens, just get a better vocalist instead of this oversinging goat pleaasssssssssse
  6. nekkichi

    Lycaon ended them both
  7. nekkichi

    well that explains why good sis Aoi been looking so busted ever since they signed with sony, extra drinking money is not the T. for young alcoholics
  8. it looks recycled from their past outfits and lacks something tbh
  9. nekkichi

    rich sugarmommaz
  10. nekkichi

    unless they keep making anime intro/outro songs, their CD sales will be stuck within same fanbase that seemingly loses interest over time as well/prefers the itunes purchases to a boxed copy (I think they're releasing several editions for ninth to counteract this trend too.) their fans also have odd taste, dogma doesn't have anything like TOMORROW NEVER DIES which is a fan favorite, but for me it's one of their worst songs ever.
  11. bless wendyz for ending the trap fad



  12. nekkichi

    welcum back
  13. well the fans have voted with their moneys
  14. nekkichi

    fun fact: someone got tired of triggered mouthbreathers and made not one but TWO urban dictionary entires https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sixth Guns it's literally not different from Katy Kats, Little Monsters, or bebe rexhars, except that other fandoms don't seem to trigger u in the same way.
  15. nekkichi

    don't care for enka, but can't wait to see this look stolen by visual key king yohïo!!
  16. nekkichi

    deaf ppl
  17. mamaw this is cancer someone lied to her several times that female mumble-talk in ex-VK acts was the hot shit, it's the old maiden shit, and she shoulda get refunded for it 0/10 pucci noT dripping
  18. nekkichi

    well it will outlive their sound for sure. he was tweeting about a new song that is AwEsOmE, but won't make it on the album - so, technically, next single (unless they drop a surprise EP.)

    I also stumbled upon a LSA post that addressed the ego-comforting social culture (from a different POV) too, and between two of those I have so much food for thot I'm not sure one pussial brain would be enough 2 process all of it!!!

    1. CAT5


      Looks to me that she's struggling with the notion that she might just possibly be a fake bitch :lol:

    2. nekkichi


      I suspect that might be the case, she should've hollered "beta XY-cucks NOT WELCOME to speak here" as soon as he surfaced.

  20. hunk channel movie with that jacked queen from アンド when?
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