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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    die//may died so diepast could live! yas!
  2. first ten seconds are giving me sonic the hedgehog OST teas other two tracks in this campaign are so bad so this is almost lead single material in comparison. looking back I highkey wish they released 「the end」 as a camera obscura closing track and disbanded for real.
  3. we did it kids, suburban moms now "throw" "shade" at tha blacks omg


    "bio-fish tea SNATCHED" is the new "fluent in sarcasm"

  4. nekkichi

    "dirty ratling" is superior †
  5. aiming for that Japanese ~CialiS~ CM theme contract I see
  6. nekkichi

    cursed videos x
  7. nekkichi

    oh dear, I hope u can do better next x
  8. nekkichi

    send them here x
  9. yass gazette outsold!!!! flop rat band, retire now so releasing it in three types didn't really help them with that # 1 oricon spot, I wonder why?
  10. nekkichi

    speculation: I'm still unsure how many wigs I'm gonna need for the new album, so far ningen… has snatched one, but utafumi barely tugged at my fringe.
  11. nekkichi

    they seemingly scrapped every song from that year-long youtube campaign, interesting. black pig was an abortion so I hope this one is at least on par with their first CD 😷
  12. as if the jacked one that drops his voice in the making of videos does ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ o m g
  13. I like how her hair lowkey indicates a blossoming mid-life crisis that no one else aside from the closest bandmates and tokyo steamroom trade are aware of x
  14. nekkichi

    Has Retouching Gone Too Far? These Four Artists Look Like Their Own Traced Fanart From Deviantart!
  15. they're gonna be recording their future sangs on an iphone mic once the legacy japanese stans get tired of same sounding albums that come out 2x per decade, and remakes that largely butcher the originals, let's just embrace this as their swan song era inventors of undine-kei, fathers of aquatic growls, when will your faves* x * very soon if you stan the 13teen my heart is with ppl who still pay money to see this band live, the 0:43 —> part of ash is gonna be extra something considering the reality of height-lacking chanteuse's vocal decline.
  16. ohhh I can not wait for the XIIIteen to steal the kyopera/underwater filter/rapping mix from 0:47 —>, withering to death vibez! ash preview sounds as basic and awful as anticipated I don't recall any of artists listed having good production, but katy perry and kyo have a similar studio/live vocal disparity so they probably were looking for this sort of experience precisely
  17. I just hope they don't re:fuck_this_up this time, 4 songs sounds neat tho if they are all new.
  18. yasss puppy play we stan yaoi fur legends x
  19. I don't know who that KERWIN person is but this is the flattest, most talentless vocals devoid of literally anything listening-worthy that I have heard in VK to date, good job
  20. sounds like a【the 13teen】 b-side! (I can't stop cackling at both radio hosts talking in vocal fry at the beginning lmao)
  21. Kaoru serving "strangers have the best candy in their vans" looks/voice
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