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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    fellas is it gay to stan sashimi slipknot
  2. I'm glad they arent pushing out their own 『 from depression to mode of . . . 𝛟𝛜𝛈𝛐𝛍𝛆𝛈𝛐𝛈』concert collections but tbh I feel like they released like 10 live dvds over past 2 albums and only the halloween ones were at least creative conceptually give us some new music ffs
  3. nekkichi

    are we even worthy this absolute slay m(_ _)m
  4. nekkichi

    can u imagine the UPGRADE??????????????
  5. >vocalist 翼 (Tsubasa) is optimistic that he will come back we stan a claircognizant queen!
  6. nekkichi

    I'm listening to the world of mercy rn and tbh it would slay as an opening TIW track (and they optionally could've scrapped the first two or three shit songs or idk release them as singles later, ending the album with ranunculus and everything would have been better that way) but I'm p sure they didn't have enough rejected ideas ready to get rearranged at the time album was produced. I'm trimming it to 6:20 for my playlist lol idc papa kaoru's composing genius up his ass again nnnnn @ takumi's shitty new synth jumping out again I hate it sfm I literally can't, another reason to end this thing early -- does anyone else think the way they recorded the kyopera around 09:00 sounds p similar to studio fuckery that yomi from nightmare and hayato from duel jewel were resorting to shortly before announcing their hiatuses/semi-retirement? thots?..
  7. nekkichi

    nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn them dropping that tryhard art-kei attempt so fast
  8. nekkichi

    withering to death gave y'all dead tree it literally never been more obvious their current pedestrian stans don't understand ART
  9. nekkichi

    yeah I'm worried too, every vk queennie who did the tragic azn beard thing looked like an incel like literally no exceptions here, I hope we'll see the fake her soon like lashes wig a bit of extensions here and there maybe a fishnet too what else
  10. are you cold?..



    1. psychonnect_rozen


      Squishy UwU

    2. nekkichi


      good hunTy did you get the reference

    3. Elazmus


      I did! I meant to check this status yesterday thinking "Good Hunter" XD

  11. nekkichi

    almost makes me assume that maybe playing with r34l brvvtvl bvndz in japan isn't a very good idea if physical sales are a target 🤔 I'll have to preorder their next public release tho just to rain on issei's debut indie oricon parade tbh I can't stand nazare and I'm rill petty rn
  12. nekkichi

    does it tho
  13. nekkichi

    let's just say if they lose the fans they have rn and disband over their decision to leave VK with its quirks (i.e. cheki beer money) and relatively affluent stans, it's their choice. relying on western fans as a revenue source generally doesn't either, see - d'espairs ray (or unsraw, the closest thing to those guys in their current form.)
  14. nekkichi

    this is such a wild statement to make regarding a scene that has a plenty of - bands that dropped putting in any resemblance of effort a single into a sell-out major contract (I'll use fucking an cafe for this to avoid the elitism punch) - bands that relied on outside producing help from people who left the music biz/passed away which let to an immediate drop in quality (see - pierrot/ex-pierrot) - which on top of that regularly happens in literally every other music scene out there; - bands/members that understandably lose enthusiasm for creating anything at all in a scene sandwiched by tangible and narrow walls and piss off to grow organic lettuce; - bands that never were anything in the first place but the gya got the HottS - and this is where bar for "elitism" drops to "minimally developed taste" - why "2010"
  15. nekkichi

    well I hope we're seeing new wig and beat once they secure that lynch. replacement major contract or something, but they must be pretty low on income right now for a band with this level of net hype.
  16. I don't understand what is going on here but this image summarizes my impression of kp*p fandom succinctly:



  17. I hope it's a concept album dedicated to a story of a fictional indie VK drummer accidentally getting hit by a bus.
  18. nekkichi

  19. imagine being 50 and still setting your release titles as DaRk SkY hEaVeN the cringe
  20. video I watched approximately 2000 times over this week and will watch 2x of that:



  21. still probably the most puzzling thing about VK for me to this day is that we've seen at least 2 or 3 lasting gazette copycat bands (I'm not counting the 2 single + a cancelled live-only mini album darlings which I'm p. sure were even more plentiful), but no one ever made a credible imitation miyavi thing


    myv got a major deal a year ahead of gazette, which ultimately ruined him as a creative, but financially I'm pretty sure good sister was set after that.


    japan wtf

    1. saishuu


      i'd actually never thought about this? myv is probably the exception to the rule when it comes to having waves of copycats. he was very much a product of his time image and sound-wise. i guess the fact that he completely cut all ties with the vk scene helps too

    2. nekkichi


      he just did a hide cover, he's never severing ties with this scene again lol

    3. saishuu


      well oop


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  22. nekkichi

    ahhhhhhh fuck, I hoped they were working on an album already come back soon queens x
  23. nekkichi

    it isn't x
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